GFP Newsletter - 4/21/2017

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the real teaching defies words but it cannot defy the heart. If there were a language of the heart, it could be said through it. But the heart has no language, silence is the only language of the heart.

When the heart is silent, it says something; when the mind is silent, it says nothing. Words are the vehicle of the mind. No words, silence, is the vehicle of the heart. Silence is a language without words, but one has to learn it. Just as one has to learn the languages of the mind, one has to learn the language of the heart: how to be silent, how to be wordless, how to be without a mind, how to be a no-mind.

When the mind stops functioning, immediately the whole energy moves towards the heart. When the mind is not functioning the heart functions; when the heart functions, only then can something be taught to you. The real teaching can be taught through the heart. You MUST be near the heart.

The nearer you are, the more capable you become of understanding the silence.


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Shining Oneness

God said:

In England, you can hear a common expression: “Don’t get your knickers in a twist.” This is My advice to you, My Darlings.

Frankly, you do get upset. You tend to aggravate over situations and over possible incoming situations, aggravate over what might be, not in a sense of what lovely happenings might occur, but rather in the sense of all the direness that could.

A common expression in the U.S. is: “Don’t yell until you are hit.”

In every country in the world, there is an expression that addresses the practical point: “Don’t borrow trouble ahead of time.”

The world does happen to include some good solid advice for My children to listen to.

Of course, the world also holds advice that is contrary.

What I say is: Refrain from culturing worry. This is incumbent upon you.

Only in the world is there this and is there that. As I speak to you of the world, I talk of this view and that view as well. This is the case so that We may communicate our worlds to each other as best We can and come to shine Our Oneness.

In Truth, behold, there is the Richness of Oneness. In Truth, Oneness exists. Oneness exists beyond words. Oneness is not a matter of words. Oneness is a matter of Being, not a manner of Being. Ah, just plain Being being Beingness. There is One Beingness.

Being doesn’t count noses. Being is an intransitive verb. This means that Being doesn’t go anywhere. Being doesn’t tell stories. It simply is.

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New Leaks Show NSA Hacked Crucial Infrastructure Of Middle East Banking System

by Whitney Webb, True Activist

A new release from the hacking collective known as the “Shadow Brokers” has revealed that the National Security Agency infiltrated essential infrastructure of the Middle East’s banking system, affecting several financial firms based in nations supposedly allied with the U.S.

After Trump took unilateral military action against the Syrian government, many of those who had voted for him lashed out, accusing the President of bowing to pressure from the Military-Industrial complex and other pro-war interest groups that – overtly and covertly – direct U.S. government policy.

Among those criticizing the President were the hacking group known as the “Shadow Brokers,” who emerged last year after claiming to have stolen extensive amounts of information from the National Security Agency’s (NSA) cyber-espionage division, known as the Equation Group.

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Daily Message ~ Friday April 21, 2017

Dear Ones, many of you find it difficult to connect with others, particularly loved ones, who are residing in a different energetic space. As you have grown along your ascension journey, perhaps you have found an energetic divide between you and them that is difficult to bridge.

The first thing we want you to understand is that this is completely normal. In most partnerships there is a soul agreement that you will go first, so to speak, clearing the way for them to follow, if and when the timing is right for them to do so.

So it is common for one to take a big step forward energetically, shift into comfort in that new energy, and then the other to move along with those energies however that presents for themselves. Please remember you are anchoring that energy for them to utilize for their own forward movement, whenever that may be appropriate for them and their own soul agenda.

Most couples will stay within a certain vibrational range, where one will step forward, and the other will follow in their own time. So it is very common when there has been an influx of energy to feel a momentary disconnect. It is a cycle that you can be aware of, and start to see as normal and predictable and simply the way the energies work within your own partnership.

Does that mean there is nothing you can do to connect with others in the meantime? Absolutely not. It is not that you can’t connect, it is that you must find a new energetic middle ground to do it from.

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Meditation & The Psychedelic Drug Ayahuasca Appear To Change The Brain In Similar Ways

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Ailments — physical, emotional, mental, spiritual — are often cured in the modern day world with outside help. Big Pharma’s stranglehold on our health, along with the restrictions on field experts, can hinder us, as individuals, from seeking within to heal from the inside out.

That is not to say that some modern medical practices and experts do not have a place in this world, but our world has nevertheless created a dangerous disconnect between self and health.

Mind-altering substances, such as ayahuasca, have long been thought to help people re-connect with themselves.

In the Peruvian Amazon, indigenous healers called Onanya teach visitors the way of the psychedelic drug as a therapeutic hallucinogenic brew. It’s been used for thousands of years by locals, but has become a hot topic in modern times due to a global shift in consciousness to break from this idea that we should cover our wounds with synthetic medicine rather than heal them fully from within.

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Stay Heart Centered

It can be very challenging to remain heart-centered with all the chaos in the world, but it can be done.  It can be mind-boggling to understand how The Universe can condone such negative activity…but for the free will of man.  You will have your own personal belief on the why’s/how’s of any given situation but, remember this, you also have the ability to change that belief and, in the changing, you are indeed changing your world. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 4/20/2017

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Through words, only a situation can be created in which Truth may be possible. But that too one can never be definite about. It is unpredictable. No cause can be produced for it to happen - it happens when it happens. The only thing that can be done is to become available to it. Your doors should be open. When it knocks at your door, you should be present there. If you are present, available, receptive, it can happen. But remember, through scriptures, through the words of the Enlightened Ones, you cannot attain it.

So the first thing is that it cannot be said. And every Master has to create an indirect situation, has to push you towards the Unknown. All that he is saying is just pushing you towards that which cannot be said.


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For One Moment in Eternity

God said:

Look, hearing Me is a natural thing. You hear your own voice blabbing much of the time. You can tune into My station easily. No need to wrench yourself over to My station. You can’t make a loud noise over My Voice. You don’t have to work at getting My attention. Simply invite Me to come where I always am. It is not that you have to ask Me for something. Just come sit down with Me. Here, let Me pull up a chair for you.

If you want, simply tell Me about you! Tell Me what makes you tick. Tell me what moves your heart. Tell Me what you would like to be and what you would like your Life to look like.

We don’t have to be on a foray. There is no need to plan what you’re going to tell me. Find out for yourself what your heart wants to say. Never mind about showing off your intellect. You don’t have to impress me. I already love your Being. I already love Being with you. We can even sit in Silence. That’s fine with Me. There are no preparations to make.

You are not here to perform before Me. Be as simple as you like. Just sit beside Me. Beside Me is fine. You don’t have to sit at My feet or make any kind of formal introduction.

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Ex US General & VP Of Military Contractor With Ties To Child Sex Trafficking Charged With Rape Of A Child

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

High-level rape and pedophilia have been severe issues in the government and the U.S. army for many years. Governments and international organizations have been caught on numerous occasions trying to hide their involvement with sex rings, rape, and pedophilia, but despite their efforts, the public is starting to wake up to this type of high-level corruption.

It’s not just pimps and escaped convicts involved like the media wants you to think; oftentimes, it’s the people you’d least expect, or even respect the most: the politicians, the elite, the wealthy businessmen, and in some cases, even your friends and family.

Retired Army General James Grazioplene, who worked in the Pentagon and as the Vice President of DynCorp, is currently facing six rape charges. If the name DynCorp rings a bell, it’s could be because we’ve reported on the private military contractor’s international child sex scandals before.

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This Guy Invented A Homemade Beehive To Save The Bees, And It’s Going Viral - TruthTheory

By Jess Murray Truth Theory

Bees have been in the media spotlight recently due to their declining populations and the huge implication that their dwindling numbers are having on food produce. Due to this, reports have claimed that beehives are now disappearing at an alarmingly rapid rate, which is largely due to pesticides and mites, as well as climate change.

As people are recognising the seriousness of the issue, many are trying their best to help by keeping their own beehives, which is a surprisingly simple, but very effective, task to carry out. Not only will it help declining bee populations, it will also mean that you can produce your own organic honey for your personal consumption.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday April 20, 2017

Dear Ones, have you ever noticed that the second someone tries to control you, you resist? That is because you are beings of freedom, on the planet to expand and express yourselves through a vast array of experiences.

So if you rail against someone constraining you, why do you attempt to do the same to others? Why do you do the same to yourselves?

Your soul is free. You are free. You expand your soul and the universe through your glorious expressions of freedom. As your world evolves you will cherish and honour both your own freedom, and the freedom of others to experience and self express with far greater acceptance than ever before.

The many ways you attempt to control both yourselves and others will drop away into a greater honouring of your individual divine expressions, which will open the door for great discoveries both personally and on your planet. That is, after all, exactly what pioneers do moving forward in a cycle of creation. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Why Doctors Are Urging People To Stop Using Plastic Food Wrap

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

There’s a lot of controversy happening in your kitchen. While we tend to focus on how the foods we eat can work for or against our health, it’s truly so much more than that. How we cook our foods and how we store our foods has a lot of weight on our well-being as well. Plastic wrap, for instance, rose to fame in the 1950s, sold in rolls and used primarily for wrapping food. It’s since become a staple in many people’s kitchens.

For decades there’s been controversy surrounding plastic wrap, but now research is supporting the concerns. For instance, the phthalate chemicals used in the product, were found in a study of nearly 3,000 children in The Journal of Pediatrics to raise levels of blood pressure in children between the ages of six and 19.

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The New Wave

Does it feel as if you are not moving or have slowed to a crawl?  The work you are doing on yourself and others feels as if it is not progressing, everything seems as if it is frozen in time.  Fear not, my dear one!  All the changes you have been through from the beginning of the year until now has put a strain on your whole self…this is your resting time.  Allow it!  Soon enough (very soon), there will be another huge leap of growth and learning.  Take your time, take your rest and resist the urge to push…the ‘new wave’ will be here all in good time. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 4/19/2017

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The real teaching cannot be taught, but still it is called a teaching. It cannot be taught, but it can be shown, indicated. There is no way to say it directly, but there are millions of ways to indicate it indirectly.

Lao Tzu says that the Truth cannot be said, and the moment you say it, you have already falsified it. The words, the language, the mind, are utterly incapable. Truth defies reason; it defies the head- oriented personality; it defies the ego. It cannot be manipulated. It is utterly impossible for reason to encounter it.

This is the first thing to be understood, and the more deeply you understand it, the more possibility will be available to me to indicate towards it. Whatsoever I am saying is not the Truth. It cannot be.


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God would NEVER hide Himself from any of you!

All is One, there is only One, all of creation is eternally connected to Itself.  All that exists is lovingly and joyfully held within the infinite vastness that is God, the Source of Supreme Intelligence and infinitely loving Wisdom, and the best word that you have for this state, this condition – which is Reality – is LOVE!

Focus on Love because there is nothing else.  What you experience that is not Love is unreal and has no presence, no consciousness, and no power, so focus on Reality and find It within yourselves – the brilliant Light that embraces and supports you in every moment – and delight in the peace, the comfort, and the contentment It offers you ceaselessly.  God’s Will for you is that you be aware of His Love for you, of your inseparable Oneness with Him, and that you in turn share the wonder of that with all consciousness by constantly holding the intent to do so.

You are all, every human without exception, inseparable from the infinite Wisdom that lovingly guides creation in every moment and are in fact extensions of It.  You have hidden this from yourselves – God would NEVER hide Himself from any of you! – and temporarily forgotten Who You are.  Now is the moment to remember your true nature and remind all with whom you interact that it is also their true nature.


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