Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Saturday September 23, 2017

Dear Ones, your souls are most happy when you are allowing expansion to occur. This is why resistance creates so much discomfort. Your soul is not meant to stay in a state of constriction or stagnation. It wishes to experience flow, growth, and freedom.

So what can you do today that supports your expansion? Try something new. Meditate. Drive a different route to work. Take a trip. Learn a new skill. Stop and ask your inner self what they would like to do today and try that. When you open yourself to making small changes you get into a flow. You start cooperating with where your soul wants to lead you.

One of the reasons small children tend to be happy is because they are present and constantly learning, growing, and expanding their worlds. There is a soul deep satisfaction that comes from doing exactly what you are meant to be doing. You can replicate that as an adult by adopting those traits that once came so naturally to you again, as you were born with the innate ability to navigate yourselves with far greater skill than you've ever fully realized. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Friday September 22, 2017

Dear Ones, there are times for movement, and times for rest. These ebbs and flows are part of the heartbeat of the universe, and are designed to give you every last thing you need. If you were all one or the other, you would quickly find yourself out of balance.

There is great predictability in this! Know that after a time of great activity there will be a time for rest. After a period of inactivity change will come. Both are integral aspects of supported forward movement.

Your times of action give you the tangible results of what you are creating. Your ebb times are when the action is happening behind the scenes, where your manifestations are taking form. You are always, always creating, growing, and evolving.

So trust. Trust that the rhythm of the universe will always serve you. Enjoy the gifts of whatever phase you are in, and celebrate how profoundly connected you are to it all. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday September 21, 2017

One of the greatest gifts you can give is creating a safe space for growth and connection that contains acceptance, nurturing, and encouragement. Many of you are aware of this and are diligently working on providing that for others, as well as your planet. Are you remembering to lovingly and patiently give those same supports to yourself? ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday September 19, 2017

Dear Ones, if you try something and it is not satisfying to you, it is still a success. You have gathered more information to help direct you on your journey moving forward.

If your experience was a disappointment, there is no need to bemoan the fact that you did not enjoy it. That would only serve to keep you tethered to the energy of what is unwanted. Bless the experience for giving you greater clarity, understand it may be a perfect match for others, and go on your merry way knowing you are one step closer to what it is you need or desire.

It is not about good or bad, right or wrong, wanted or unwanted, success or failure. It is simply a furthering of knowing what is, or is not a match for you, which allows you to adjust your focus and flow. There is value for you, always, in experience. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Monday September 18, 2017

If you are feeling particularly stuck in one area of your life, we encourage you to find one thing that you can do differently about the situation.

What can you commit to for your own wellness and satisfaction? Can you create a new affirmation that feels energetically good to you when you say it? Can you get ten minutes of sun on your skin? Can you shift into including healthier nutrients for your body?

Can you cleanse your environment to feel better to you? Can you meditate for ten minutes a day? Can you surrender and stay there in faith and trust for the day? Can you ask for help from your guides and then willingly follow the signs and synchronicities?

By making the choice to take one small step, you will, just like magic, shift yourself out of the energy of stagnation into the energy of forward movement. Your actions begin to match your intentions. You move out of wishing to be rescued into empowered action as a co-creator, which is recognizing and embracing your own authentic power.

You don't have to have all the answers, Dear Ones, but you do have to be a willing participant in the change. Get into some kind of forward movement, however small, for that is getting into a flow that we can assist and guide from there. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday September 17, 2017

The more surrender, faith, flow, and trust you can apply to your journey, the more satisfied you will be with where you end up, and the less battered and worn you will be when you get there. It is the foundation of grace, ease, and wondrous results. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday September 16, 2017

So many of you think you need to reach a certain level of attainment before you can be of service. Dear Ones, every single action you take that comes from a space of love is service, for it emanates that energy. Small, consistent, choices of love is exactly what is driving the shift on your planet.

So do not think that you are not assisting, or that you do not do enough! The spontaneous hug you give to someone is an emanation of love. Moving an earthworm off a sidewalk is an emanation of love. Praying for peace is an emanation of love. Being patient and kind is an emanation of love. Opening a door for another is an emanation of love. Continuing on your healing, enlightenment journey is an emanation of love.

Do you see? You are powerful in the choices of self expression you make every single day. Love is an action that requires nothing other than your decision to be its expression today. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Friday September 15, 2017

Dear Ones, the intensity of the energies are designed to help you integrate them in the fastest, most efficient way possible. When they are very strong you will pay much more attention to what you need to process them than if they are subtle. If the intensity forces you to stop and to rest, that is a good thing. If it makes you pay attention to your self care, that is a good thing. If it makes you take life one now moment at a time, that is a good thing! Do you see? Everything you experience is intricately and divinely designed to give you exactly what you need to succeed. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday September 14, 2017

If navigating your life feels somewhat different now, it is because you have moved beyond predestination to creation. Let us explain what this means.

For the first phase of your incarnation you had a great many things you wished to accomplish and experience. You might consider it to be your soul’s to-do list. You had soul contracts to honour, karma to balance, healing to be done, and ways you wished to express yourself. It was all carefully pre-planned to prepare you to move into your authentic power and discover who you really are.

That phase, for many of you, is now complete. You will still grow, expand, and evolve, but you are now doing it from a space of preference. This is why some of you are feeling frustration from not getting answers to the question, “What should I do next?” You’ve checked off the items on your list. So the answer to that question now is, do whatever you feel drawn to experience and will bring you joy.

This does not mean you are not guided or supported by Source any longer! Far from it! You are simply co-creating based how you wish to express yourself moving forward. As the magic genie says, your wish is our command. You decide through your intention and we lovingly support you in those choices because it is through your pioneering, experience, and growth, that the entire universe continues to expand.


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