Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday September 13, 2017

Please understand you continue to be on the receiving end of unprecedented energies. It is a complex process as your body integrates these energies. It is a far easier process if you create the ideal conditions for you to do so. This means making time to be still, to rest, to align, to give your body what it is asking for, to trust in your own wisdom to navigate this all seamlessly, and to know the universe is assisting you in all of it.

You have had so much practice releasing and integrating energies over the past few years, you have become very adept at it, which is allowing you to take on more and more. Your ability to move with the process will serve you well, as it is a skill that you will be able to apply to other areas of your life, as well.

So for now, be the expert on you. You are your own energetic master. You know intuitively what you need to create the perfect environment for your shifting to occur with the greatest grace and ease possible. These are intense times for you, Dear Ones, but the intensity is showing just you how much assistance you are getting from a universe that only wants to serve you and see you succeed in your heart's desire - being an ascending human being on an ascending planet. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday September 12, 2017

Dear Ones, what if you just let yourselves BE for a moment? So often you are very aware of your need for something and then talk yourselves out of it, or make yourselves wrong for what you feel or wish to experience. Many human beings have an inner dialogue that never lets up, usually focused on what is unwanted. It is like living with someone who nags you relentlessly or talks incessantly through the amazing movie of your life.

Many of you listen to that voice because you donâ't want to be wrong. But the part of you that is truly qualified to guide you is the quiet, aligned part of your soul.

Why not turn down the volume on your inner naysayer and connect to the innate wisdom of your soul? Once you do and find your true guidance, why not support it by starting to honour and listen to your inner encourager? Why not understand there are many points of view available to you and start to be as energetically selective about the chatter you expose yourself to internally as you've grown to be about the energies you expose yourself to externally?

It's time to create a wonderful safe, calm, supportive environment within to allow yourselves to shine as the empowered and masterful beings you truly are. We would suggest if you would not dare to say it to a friend or a beloved child, you have no business saying it to yourself. Love and nurture yourselves, Dear Ones, for it is the sustenance that allows you to bloom into all you can be and more. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday September 10, 2017

If you woke up every single day and surrendered to having the best day possible, it would take any second guessing out of your lives. You would know that everything that happened was divinely perfect, and it would allow you to experience acceptance in your life like never before. As acceptance is the by-product of faith and trust, and the anti-dote to resistance, you would experience far more comfort and peace on a daily basis than ever before.

Why not give it a try? Why not commit to surrendering into your highest life expression every day for the next 21 days and see how things change? Make it a grand surrender experiment and see what happens.

We are talking about surrendering every day into your highest good and making a conscious effort to stay surrendered to the flow, following the signs and synchronicities and the path of least resistance. We are willing to bet that you will quickly see that this new practice brings much more grace and ease to your lives. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Friday September 8, 2017

Dear Ones, there are energetic shifts that occur that may affect you in different ways. Some are energizing, and make sleeping difficult. Some energies require you to be very still but awake in order to integrate. Some require you to be in a deep sleep so you are most out of your own way in order to receive it. But all of the energies you receive are for your growth and expansion.

There are some things you can do to assist you in the process. The first is listen to your body. It has an innate intelligence that always knows exactly what you need. If you feel like you need rest, give it to yourself. If you crave certain foods, understand your body is looking for those nutrients and fuel it with what it is asking for. Drinking ample water is always recommended, as dehydration is common.

Acceptance is key! If you feel energetic intensity, rather than resisting, embrace it. Intend to accept the incoming energy whole-heartedly and with appreciation. A simple yet effective affirmation is, “I am shifting gratefully with grace and ease.” The fact that you are receiving these energies speaks to your own growth and readiness and is something to be celebrated.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday September 7, 2017

So many human beings are living lives that are a fraction of what is available to them. There are several reasons for this.

As children, most of you were conditioned to be careful, to not be reckless, to play it safe, to settle in and be satisfied with what was known. You were taught the pervasive belief your parents had, which was the known was safe, where the unknown was unsafe.

This is exactly how limiting belief systems occur - they are passed on from generation to generation until pioneering souls push the boundaries and new possibilities are discovered and accepted.

Many of you are in a phase where your soul wants more. It wishes to move beyond what you have known into the realm of endless possibility. That is because so many of you are pioneers, driving the shift of consciousness on your planet.

Don't be afraid to think beyond! Beyond what you have already experienced, beyond what you have known, beyond what you think is possible! You are creators - powerful, mindful, beautiful creators who are integral in the creation of the new earth.

Cast your net wide! Co-create with your guides and helpers by setting an intention to have your next grandest experience and leaving room for the universe to respond with potentials you couldn't have imagined.

Dear Ones, it is time to release the fear of success and the fear of failure and start to embrace the value of experience - all experience! You are ready to expand and self express like never before and you are well prepared for it, so go forth and SHINE! ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday September 6, 2017

During times of energetic intensity, it can get overwhelming particularly if you are caught up in the unknowns of the future. When times get chaotic it is time to strip things down to basics. Simply take things one now moment at a time. Breathe. Trust. Align. Connect with your core truths and remember what you know. And rest assured that you are absolutely capable of navigating through it all, for these are the exact times your soul couldn't wait to experience. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday September 5, 2017

So many of you have completed one phase of your journey and are anxious for the next phase to begin. You are yearning for new experiences and potentials, new timelines, if you will.

So how do you shift into the new timelines? By surrender, faith, flow, trust, and intention. If you are using those navigational tools, you are poised and ready to move as soon as the elements have come together behind the scenes.

It takes all of the guess work out of things, you see, when you practice surrender, faith, flow, and trust, along with your intention. You know you are primed and ready to move the second the energies support it. You can then simply stay present and engaged in the Now moment until then, following the signs and synchronicities, giving your feedback through gratitude, and doing whatever brings you comfort and joy with your day.

Do you see? Your intention is how you co-create. Your surrender, faith, flow, and trust is your willingness to experience the new. Together they are the operating system of the fully empowered human being. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday September 3, 2017

Dear Ones, there is an infinite stream of unconditional love available to you at all times. Love is a constant. The variable is how much you are in acceptance and allowance of it.

We ask you to pay attention. Do you tend to give and not receive? Do you find it easy to serve but find it difficult to allow others to serve you? How many times do you turn down assistance or kindness from others? How often do you still yourself to connect with and feel the love and support of Source? How easy is it for you to accept compliments with grace and appreciation? Or do you shrug all of these things off when they try to come to you?

All of the above are indicators of how much you are allowing yourself the joy of truly experiencing the love that is always, always there for you. It is an endless resource that is there for the sole (soul) purpose of nurturing, sustaining, and cherishing you as a beloved part of that whole. All you have to do is agree to receive it. ~Archangel Gabriel


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