Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Monday April 3, 2017

Dear Ones, as your theology evolves, so naturally does your relationship with others. As you move beyond the belief in a judgmental, punishing God, into connection with a loving, accepting, and encouraging Source, and more than that, seeing yourself as an integral and beloved aspect of that divine whole, you lay the foundation to move beyond separation into unity consciousness.

You make the profound shift from conditional love to unconditional love, which paves the way for far deeper and meaningful interactions with others. That is exactly what will allow higher vibrational relationships to start to come together, creating new divine templates that hold and express the higher aspects of love your soul has been yearning to experience. It truly is the dawn of a new day for your relationships with Source, yourselves, and each other. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday April 2, 2017

Dear Ones, what if you knew without a doubt that you are exactly where you are meant to be, that you have handled every single thing perfectly for your growth and expansion? Would that help you be easier on yourself? Would that allow you to finally move into self acceptance and BE?

The fact that you are an enlightening human being on an ascending planet is the answer to that question. The shift simply wouldn't be happening if you weren't succeeding in every last thing you have experienced thus far. Can you finally allow yourself to see? You are doing a spectacular job. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday April 1, 2017

Dear Ones, you always have a choice. You can choose to connect, or you can choose to separate. You can choose to love, or you can choose to shun. You can choose to accept, or you can choose to judge.

We send you this message today, not because we are trying to tell you how to act. We bring you this message because we want you to feel the comfort, joy and satisfaction that comes from making choices that are in line with your soul.

If you choose something and in retrospect wish you would have chosen differently, you are experiencing growth and expansion and will make a choice that better honours you and your truth next time. Be easy on yourself and grateful for a fresh perspective that you can put into action as a new approach in the future.

So in closing, we wish for you to love, to connect, to accept, not to please us or get something back from another, but simply because it feels wonderful to express yourself as the love that you are. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Friday March 31, 2017

Dear Ones, you cannot judge and love at the same time. Acceptance is what opens the door to true connection, while judgment only perpetuates separation. It is the pain of separation you are all seeking to heal beyond, whether it be the illusion of separation from Source, keeping yourself separate from others, or denying your own divinity through self judgment. Isn't it time to open the floodgates of love and allow it to flow, boldly and beautifully, in all areas of your life? For that is the healing balm you seek, and that is how you will finally experience the joy of expressing yourself in your truth and divinity. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday March 30, 2017

The alignment you seek is not an external place, but rather an internal space of beingness. It is connecting with your core, your divine presence, that has always existed within you. You get the idea that it is outside of you because you may use tools to get there – meditation, yoga, etc – but those tools only help you move back into your own truth within.

When you truly start understand that it all begins within, you will find that the frustration that comes from being externally focused and dependant upon the behaviour of others for your happiness disappears, and you suddenly become far more peaceful and accepting than ever before.

From that place of peace, acceptance, self responsibility, authentic power, and knowing the love that you are, you will build the foundation that all of your wildest dreams can be built upon. And that, Dear Ones, is exactly what we wish for each and every one of you. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Monday March 27, 2017

When something comes up to be cleared it is a wonderful sign that you are ready to hold more light, to shine more light, to BE the light that you are. Coming into the light means there is an opportunity for healing and wholeness. It is always cause for celebration for it indicates evolution and energetic refinement. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday March 26, 2017

Dear Ones, it is your surrender, trust, and faith that keeps you in your most abundant state of flow, as well as in a state of open acceptance and allowing. They are the vital keys to all that you wish to experience and create. Simply put, if you choose not to stay in your surrendered faith and flow with your trust, you are choosing to keep yourself separate from the stream of endless support and love that is available to you. Trust is both the anchor and the activator that allows the potentials you never knew were available to make themselves known to you and expand your life in the most miraculous ways. ~Archangel Gabriel


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