Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Saturday March 25, 2017

Dear Ones, so many of you see being trusting as being foolish but in reality trust is what opens the door to love, to healing, to creation, and expansion. Trust is heart-centred movement, which is at the core of your enlightenment process and how to move with and harness the higher vibrating energies you are now experiencing. It is safe to trust a universe that only loves and supports you, and it is safe to trust yourself to start to navigate your life through the divine intelligence of your heart. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Friday March 24, 2017

Human beings will be enlightening faster than ever before. There is much potential for true and profound change on your planet. This is due to the combination of higher vibrational energies flooding your planet, as well as the efforts of those who have gone first, who have tamped down and widened the path for others to follow. This acceleration is more proof that the shift is indeed happening, and that the potentials and possibilities for your planet, and her inhabitants, are vast. Allow yourselves to continue to grow and expand, Dear Ones, holding your heart-centred space of love and encouragement for all, and know that your consistent choices and acts of service are paying off in ways that will only become more obvious and profound moving forward. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday March 23, 2017

The Divine Combination of faith, surrender, flow, and trust, can be viewed as a progression of a person's awakening process. Let us explain what we mean by that.

The first step in the enlightenment process, is faith - the belief in something more than yourself. The next step of that process is starting to work with that something larger through the aspects of surrender and flow and a willingness to be led.

But the final, most important aspect to fall into place in a human's awakening process really is trust, for it completes the model of the Divine Combination. All of the aspects must be employed together in order for the magic of enlightenment to occur.

It is the aspect of trust that most enlightening human beings are now realizing the importance of, as they start moving forward in the new cycle of creation you are entering on your planet at this time.

Trust is vital because it completes the combination which opens the doorway to enlightenment. It completes the circle, if you will, which perpetuates forward empowered movement with the full support of Source because your are in willing recognition and acceptance of that support.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday March 22, 2017

So many enlightening human beings have regret or shame over choices they made pre-awakening. We love you for your tender hearts and accountability! But what if your darkest days were simply the starting point and you have come so far simply to experience and demonstrate the evolution humans are capable of? What if you were assisting in the creation of new templates of possibility and vibrational range? What if every single time you choose love, light, forgiveness, acceptance, authenticity, and peace you continue to show what is possible for those who are in their darkest days? What if that starting place was necessary for you to fully experience the beauty and joy of discovering your own divinity and to energetically support the potential for others to do the same as well? ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday March 21, 2017

Dear Ones, never underestimate the positive impact of your own evolution and expansion on the whole! Every single time you choose light, love, acceptance, new belief systems, to be healed, to expand, to embrace your own divinity, to BE, you support new potentials and possibilities, through both teaching by example and anchoring higher vibrational energies. Each individual awakening supports the awakening of the whole, making your enlightenment process service to yourself, humanity, your planet, and beyond. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Monday March 20, 2017

Have you given yourself over to the full amount of help that is available to you, or have you given yourself over to the amount of help that you think is available to you? We'd like you to consider that the difference between the two may be vast, Dear Ones. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday March 18, 2017

It is your complete trust and faith that allows you to continue to move forward, even in situations you may not understand. There is always a plan in place that your soul is well aware of, that you are willingly participating in, that is serving you and all that you wish to integrate into your soul's experiential repertoire. There is also a team of helpers at your disposal at all times to assist you in all of your experiences.

So trust, Dear Ones. Ask for our help if you need it, and stay open to accepting that help, even if you don't know where it will lead you. Know that the universe only loves and supports you in your desire for expansion and growth, and that you are absolutely adored and encouraged through it all. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Friday March 17, 2017

Why not start your own surrender experiment? Simply surrender into have the most wonderful day possible and see how it goes. What will happen is sooner or later you will forget to do that, and you will quickly see how much smoother surrender days go. Treating it like an experiment also gets your ego self out of the way and into a state of cooperation.

Have fun and play with the tools of surrender and flow! What happens when you surrender into being of your highest service? When you surrender into love? When you surrender into your greatest good? Which feels best to you? You can have one grand act of surrender, or several little acts throughout the day.

Working with the next navigational tools of surrender and flow, faith and trust, doesn't have to be complicated. See what works for you and what feels most supportive. Watch for the signs and synchronicities that lead the way and follow that supported path of least resistance.

You will find very quickly that surrender will become your preferred method of navigating life, because it is what the energies are supporting right now and how the universe delivers to you exactly what you need at any given time. Not only is it safe to surrender, it is where the magic is. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday March 16, 2017

When you hold encouragement for others, you become the bridge between seeing their wonderful potential and them discovering it for themselves. You become a facilitator of expansion with your love, support, and positive reinforcement.

While you may see what you think is the highest outcome for another, a true encourager holds the space for others to discover that for themselves in whatever ways suit them best. This supports freedom of self expression and expanding into their truest matches without the fear of disappointing others.

So encourage without attachment to outcome, allowing others to find their own path and timing with their own unique style, and you will be a wonderful catalyst for others to explore and discover their own gifts and highest possibilities. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday March 15, 2017

In order to move into better feeling interactions with others, we would suggest that if you are asked to do something, you take a moment to feel into that activity to see how you really feel about it, and if it is something you truly wish to do.

If it is, give your agreement, and you will enter into that activity with open-heartedness and flow.  If you check in with yourself and you feel it is not something you wish to do, you can gently decline, knowing that it is far better to give a mindful no than it is to do something resentfully.

Where it starts to affect your relationships is when you say yes to something you really do not wish to do. This approach frequently ends up creating resentment towards others. Resentment is an emotion that is filled with resistance, which will always create discomfort and separation. You cannot resent and love another at the same time.

Dear Ones, if you say yes to something that you do not wish to do, please understand that is a choice. It is a choice that you have made, not something that someone made you do. You are always a sovereign being, and in charge of your own decisions.

When you assume responsibility for giving a yes when you really meant no, you become more aware of your choices and resulting emotions. It allows you to let other people off the hook for how you feel. This also creates an opportunity to make different choices next time, which will only improve your relationships in the long run.


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