Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 1, 2017

You all have your own spiritual connection, your own innate knowingness, that can lead you to the right decision for you one Now moment at a time. Never doubt your ability to navigate your own life journey, for your heart and your soul are always beckoning you to your next grand expression of self. Give yourself permission to acknowledge and listen to your own mastery and step forward as your own empowered leader, and you will seamlessly lead yourself to every last thing you need to experience and wish to create. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday January 31, 2017

Dear Ones, in order to be loving it does not mean you need to throw out your personal boundaries. Far from it! Unconditional love honours everyone. It is not loving to yourself to accept abuse, nor is it loving to the abuser to allow them to continue in behaviour that does not honour them, either. If someone cannot treat you with love and respect it is healthy and loving to all involved to move them to a safe distance until new behaviours and patterns can be established. As your own loving parent, guide, and best friend, it is perfectly appropriate to insist upon safe, loving connections in your inner circle. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday January 29, 2017

The enlightenment process, really, is about shifting beyond the old systems of control, or false power, into the freedom of your own divinity, or authentic power. It is a shift that is profound as it requires the dismantling of years and lifetimes of old conditioning.

Those who are not yet feeling ready to assume that responsibility for self will seek out people who are strongly authoritative to lead them, for that is what will perpetuate what they have always known. But your soul always seeks freedom and expansion, and will ultimately wish to evolve beyond that old paradigm.

People make the move from false power into authentic power in many different ways. Some are able to listen to the inner yearnings of their soul and start to shift strictly through that internal process. Many others will need to find their way to authentic power by first exploring what it is not, in order to get clarity on what it really is, to allow them to honour their soul agendas and develop new, much more evolved beliefs about power.

Dear Ones, hear us when we say that whatever way you find your way to a deeper understanding of power, it is all ultimately forward movement. It is good that power is at the forefront of your consciousness, for it shows that the masses are no longer lulled into complacency. This shows great change and evolution has begun.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday January 28, 2017

Think of a time in your life when things worked out beautifully – so seamlessly that it felt like magic. That is the feel of the universe serving you for your highest good while you are in a space of complete acceptance of that supportive flow. It may have felt like having the day where everything fell into place in the most wonderful ways, or something more specific where the universe aligned perfectly to intersect you with your next great love, or some other perfect match.

Dear Ones, if you had that experience once you can have it again! As you ponder how on earth things could possibly come together to create your next big dream, remember that from the expanded viewpoint of the universe it is easy to bring together elements that you are not even aware of. The most important elements are your trust and non-resistance, which allow you to be moved with ease into the right time/right place scenarios your soul yearns for. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Friday January 27, 2017

There is always a part of you that is calm, settled, whole, and empowered. The idea that there is not, or that you cannot reach it, is illusion. If you simply stop and intend to connect back to that divine you, you will always, always, find your way back Home to yourself, and that, Dear Ones, is exactly how you will anchor the energies of heaven on earth and heal the illusion of separation once and for all. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday January 26, 2017

Dear Ones, you simply cannot create positive change by pushing against what is unwanted. Creation is an exercise of inclusion. Once you understand that, you will come to see why the practice of gratitude is one of the most empowering things you can do. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday January 25, 2017

Dear Ones, many of you will be pleasantly surprised by sudden developments in your lives this year that seemingly come out of the blue, but are absolutely perfect matches you couldn't have imagined. The reason for this is your truest desires are starting to come together due to your willingness to flow into fresh possibilities and potentials in an energetic cycle that supports new experiences. Simply put, this is co-creation at its finest. The secondary theme for 2017, we would say, is expect the unexpected, in new and wonderful ways. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday January 24, 2017

If you are trying to draw a line from one point to another, it is very easy if you keep your eyes focused on the point you wish to end at. If you turn your head and look at anything else, it makes the task quite difficult, indeed. The same it is with your creations, Dear Ones. Keep your focus on what you would like to create and all the necessary systems will automatically activate and cooperate to help you arrive there. ~Archangel Gabriel


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