Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday January 11, 2017

If an emotion comes up into your awareness, the first thing to do is honour its presence. It is there to serve you in some way. Once you have acknowledged it, you can then start to explore it. Ask, “Is this mine?” You may be feeling energy from the collective, in which case you can simply observe it as release and send it on its way.

If it is yours ask, “Is it relevant to a certain situation?” Your feelings might be giving you additional feedback to something you are considering in your life. For example, if you are thinking about accepting a certain job and your entire being is responding with anxiety, your body is letting you know it is not a good energetic match to you. Thank your body for the warning and consider how to proceed in a way that fits well with you energetically.

Another helpful question to ask when an emotion comes up is, “Is this pertinent to this lifetime?” Many old wounds, beliefs, and conditioning are coming up for release. This question will allow you to recognize if it is old stuff on its way out, in which case you can be thankful to see you are continuing beautifully on your enlightenment process.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday January 10, 2017

Many human beings have an all or nothing attitude. They feel that if they can’t make the leap into a huge success, there is no point in trying. While you hear stories about the overnight success, or those who win the lottery or experience some other monumental change of circumstance, the reality is most people are not energetically aligned to make such major changes.

But this does not for one second mean that you cannot have the changes you dream about. Far from it! It simply means that you must change your approach and start to honour the process of unfoldment.

Unfoldment is the journey of positive change, one Now moment at a time. It is moving towards your goals in increments, and celebrating each step with your use of gratitude. It is a path of faith and focus and flow.

Dear Ones, your success wishes to unfold for you right now! Do you desire healing? Do one small thing today that will support your wellness. Do you desire more money? Find a monetary amount that you feel comfortable and confident in creating and start from there. Do you wish to experience more love in your life? Find a way to experience the feeling of love, even if it is fleeting, today.

We cannot stress how quickly small consistent changes add up to big successes because with each effort, no matter how small, you are starting to embody what is desired and taking tangible action to match your intentions, and that, Dear Ones, is being the change. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday January 8, 2017

When you have taken the time to really listen to who you are and what your preferences are, you are prepared to create in earnest when the energies support forward movement. You have clarity, and can then use your energy towards staying in the flow and having appreciation for each Now moment, adjusting as you go. But you cannot create the perfect matches for yourself if you do not know what brings you joy. That is the gift of the lull. It allows you to get very clear about your preferences in order to be ready for the next action phase. An action phase is about to make itself known to you. Enjoy the ride, Dear Ones, it is what you have been preparing for. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday January 7, 2017

There is a pervasive belief that ease is somehow bad, that it makes you lazy or somehow undeserving. This is old conditioning, Dear Ones! When you are willingly harnessing the energies that come from the natural rhythm of ebb and flow by accepting yourself as a beloved and integral part of the whole, ease must naturally follow.

We ask you to identify one thing you could do today to allow more ease in your life and then love yourself enough to accept that you are worthy and deserving of the receiving of that flow. They days of efforting are done. It is time to master the skill of flow and unfoldment just as a sailor harnesses the energy of the wind to reach the desired destination. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday January 5, 2017

We were recently asked, "How do I fill myself up with love?" We would like to answer that question today.

It is important to understand that the unconditional love that is Source energy is always available to you. You may be in different degrees of acceptance or denial of that love, but you always have the ability to direct yourself back into that alignment through choice.

So the first step of filling yourself up with love is opening yourself up into the receiving of it. This does not need to be a complicated practice. Simply take a moment to still yourself, and with your inner voice simply ask to receive love and then make the conscious decision to allow yourself to accept and feel it. You can ask for an infusion of love from any higher vibrational being you have an affinity for, or you can keep it more general by simply intending to feel Source energy, or universal energy.

The next step to filling yourself up with love is to consciously make the decision to take your love and apply to self. You can imagine stepping outside of yourself and beaming love to your being from your heart centre. Another wonderful technique is to imagine your inner child and gather that little you up onto your lap and snuggle and nurture yourself in that manner. If you wish to do something more tangible, looking at yourself in the mirror with an intention to see and honour your own innate goodness, and sending yourself love in that manner is effective, as well.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday January 4, 2017

Dear Ones, a very simple way to start to live in a way that matches who you are and what you desire, is to consciously choose your preferred energy and act from there. You wish for more peace? Find the energy of peace within yourself and then proceed. You wish to experience more love? Fill yourself up with love and then go about your day. Want to experience more kindness? Align with the energies of kindness within yourself and then allow that to lead the way.

Aligning into the energy you desire more of is choosing a destination for your personal navigation system. You have the intention first, then by choosing to shift into that energy you have taken action. Rather than talking about what you would like to do in the future, it is far more efficient to embody whatever elements of that future you possibly can now. That immediately puts the energy of your dreams into your present, and then sets the wheels of creation in motion. We simply cannot stress enough the power your beingness has on your future experiences. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday January 3, 2016

Dear Ones, the times you are in, right now, are the exact times you have been preparing for. It is time to remember what you know, to dip into the vast pool of knowledge you have gained from experience, and put the wisdom you have attained into practice.

You are ready! You have been devoted to your learning and evolution. It is time to honour the work that you have done and allow your own divinity and innate wisdom to be your navigation system. We often speak of trust as being an essential element to move forward in your enlightenment process. It is recommended that you now put that trust in yourself and know that you are ready to allow your truth and love to lead the way.

You do not need to be perfect to begin. You will continue to grow and expand, learn and evolve, as always, through your experiences. But your soul is ready to begin to navigate in new and empowered ways, to create and connect, and shine brightly in the truth of your beingness. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Monday January 2, 2016

Acceptance is an integral aspect of moving into a higher vibrating life experience. You simply cannot connect in a profound way with others, or with yourselves, without it.

It is through acceptance that you recognize the divine perfection in all. It is the tool that moves you beyond resistance. Resistance creates barriers between you and others, and also, between you and your own beingness. It also keeps you in perpetual engagement with what is unwanted or feared. Acceptance is the healing key to all of your challenges because it shifts you into an energetic space that holds all solutions.

Dear Ones, the greatest joy that comes from reunion with Source is the pure acceptance that comes with it. That acceptance is at the core of unconditional love, unity consciousness, and enlightenment. Acceptance is the pathway to peace. It is what will heal the pain of separation once and for all.

As you look forward in this year of creation, please know that acceptance is one of the most important elements, both personally and globally, for it supports the energies all souls at their core yearn for – unconditional love, authenticity, and connection. ~Archangel Gabriel


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