Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Saturday January 21, 2017

Dear Ones, we urge you to stop and take a look at your life with fresh eyes today. It is easy to, by habit, fall into a sense of complacency and to continue things that don't necessarily match who you have evolved into. What do you accept in your life that isn't in line with who you really are? What could be changed or improved that you have stopped noticing because that's how it has been for a long time? What shifts could you make that would create more flow and ease?

Again we remind you, change doesn't need to be grandiose. Little adjustments allow your actions to match your intentions, and can create a completely different, more supportive energy flow. Cleaning up all the little leftovers of your less empowered past allows you to become more congruent, and to emanate a far more pure energetic intent, which the universe can then respond to even more precisely. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday January 19, 2017

Acceptance is the essential element that keeps you in non-resistance, supports your flow, receives assistance from the universe, creates connection, is the core of unconditional love, and anchors the energy of peace. We cannot think of a more important energy for the enlightening human being to embrace, moving forward in a brand new cycle of creation. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday January 18, 2017

The way to thrive during these energetically intense times is to use your wisdom to move with whatever the energies are supporting. There are times that support action and times that support stillness and integration.

Trying to swim against the tide of either will only result in frustration and little to show for your effort. If you wait and choose to navigate your day according to what the energies are naturally in harmony with, you will find yourself being far more efficient, in less time and far more joyfully, than ever before.

This means if you see that something is not coming together with ease, giving yourself permission to return to it another day and then choose whatever is being supported, even if what is supported is doing very little at all!

Rest assured, there is never a time when nothing is going on. There are simply times of tangible movement, and times of progress being done behind the scenes. Both are equally important and essential parts of forward movement.

So trust, Dear Ones, and embrace your innate ability to read the energies accurately for you, and act accordingly. Waiting for the wave the supports what you are trying to accomplish is using your wisdom and mastery, which can only ultimately serve you and the whole. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Monday January 16, 2017

When you are in the process of shifting a lot of energy in your body, sometimes you will create the experience of giving yourself a good knock to get any stagnant energy moving again. Your body is always looking to do things in the most efficient way possible, and there are times when the best way to get energy dislodged and on the move again is by experiencing a sudden fall or a minor accident. Not only will the impact serve the purpose of addressing any energetic density, it also serves the purpose of slowing you down to practice some self care and greater awareness, if that is something you require more of. As always, you are being guided in all ways, and what you might consider to be a bit of bad luck is actually the universe continuing to serve and assist you in your enlightenment process. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday January 15, 2017

Dear Ones, during times when people seem so divided, we urge you to look to the common denominators that link you to each other. Every single person who voted in the US election thought they were making the right choice for positive change. Feel into that. You all want change for the better!

All human beings want to be heard, want to continue to improve their lives, want to be safe, to be honoured, to be loved and acknowledged, and to know they matter. How they perceive the best way to get there will differ, but the underlying desire is the same.

When you start to see that you all, at your core, wish for improvement, you can stop pushing against each other. You can see each other as being tender and hopeful human beings on your own individual paths of seeking improvement, and from your collective experiences, you will learn much about what moves you closer, or farther away from those desires. And then through the wisdom gained from those experiences, you will choose again, and again.

As you choose to see and acknowledge the many ways you all wish for the same things, you will learn to accept and honour each other much more, and that is exactly what will anchor far greater connection and peace than ever before. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday January 14, 2017

Dear Ones, if you have had trouble with healthy boundaries in the past and are wishing to learn the art of speaking up for yourself, making a plan ahead of time can be very helpful. If you are wishing to move into healthier relationships with others who have not been respectful, it is likely that you are well aware of the pattern that you are in that you would like to shift out of. Planning ahead can be a wonderful first step.

Often when someone treats you in a way that you are not comfortable, it can make you feel small, frustrated, and disempowered. From that space it can be difficult to insist upon being treated in a more respectful fashion. This is why we strongly suggest making a plan ahead of time.

When you plan ahead, you are not caught off guard by someone's behaviour. Because you feel secure in new responses you can give, you can simply state your new truth or boundary from a calm and centred space. You will not be reactive, but rather, fully in your power. You will be anchoring the energy of respect, which will be recognized and honoured much faster because others will sense and respond to the energetic change.


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