Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Monday December 12, 2016

The enlightenment process really is a process of coming Home to yourself. It is about acknowledging your own divinity, your own innate wisdom, your own beingness, your own belonging as an incredibly valuable and beloved part of the greater whole. As you are peeling back the layers of self denial through your releasing process, you are discovering this more and more, and the entire universe is assisting you in this process.

There is no one who can be a better expert on you than you. There is no one who can make better decisions, or guide you, or navigate your path better than you. No one else can feel exactly what you feel, or follow the urgings of your soul, other than you. It is the acceptance of that fact that will allow you to take your power back and to truly start to live authentically and begin to live a life that honours who you really are and what you are on the planet to experience.

When you step into living your life to honour your truth is when you start to be of your greatest purpose. That is when you find the perfect matches, the joyful service, and the bliss that comes from embracing your beingness. That is when you will shine, truly shine, in the ways that will lead you to your greatest adventures and grandest potentials, and that, Dear Ones, is our greatest desire for you. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday December 11, 2016

So many of you feel you lose the magic of the holidays as you get older. Let's explore why that is.

As a child, you were filled with wonder. You were fully present and open to possibilities, with eyes that could see the magic of an individual snowflake, and a playful heart that followed the path of joy. You were open, with all of your senses, to fully experience.

Dear Ones, you can decide right now to bring that wonder back into your holidays. Allow yourself to feel. Take a moment to stop and be present. Bask in the influx of the golden Christed energies or whatever higher dimensional energies feel good to you. Choose connection. Sing. Create. Love. Give thanks. Believe in magic and miracles.

The difference between child you and adult you is simply that you got too busy and distracted to feel your full presence and all the delight it brings. The good news is if it is a skill you had once, it is a skill you still have. You can move back into presence whenever you like. It just may feel so wonderful that you decide to carry those energies with you well beyond the holidays, into the New Year and beyond. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday December 10, 2016

We were recently asked, “Why does my ex keep coming back?” We would like to address this topic today.

Sometimes it is as simple as there is still growth that can be achieved through your connection to another that keeps them looping around into your awareness. If you are feeling like you are ready to step out of that dance with them, we recommend quietly taking a moment and feeling into your connection with that person. Ask, “What am I missing?” “What do I need to do to clear this once and for all?” “What last bit of growth or understanding do I need to achieve to move on?” If you don’t get the answers immediately, trust that they will come. You can also ask for assistance from your guides, angels, and masters to help you heal and release this relationship for the highest good of all.

But more often than not, if you feel like you are done with a relationship yet it seems to persist energetically, it is due to soul fragments – little piece of yourself that you gave away to the other during your time together. Call back any pieces of self and see them being brought up into the light and being cleansed and returned, whole, healed, and shining beautifully and integrated back into your energy body. You may then wish to cut any energetic cords that still connect you and release the person with light and love.

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Daily Message ~ Friday December 9, 2016

If you could look at each other and love each other with the same patience, love, and acceptance as you give small children, you would honour everyone for exactly who they are and where they are on their life journey, and you would become so much easier with each other. Who ever decided love, patience and acceptance was only for the young? At what point did you decide others didn't deserve that and replaced it with judgment? How powerfully would all of your relationships shift it you decided to move back into acceptance and love for others? How powerfully would you shift if you decided to move back into acceptance and love for yourself? ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday December 8, 2016

Many of you deny your feelings and needs for so long that you become completely out of balance and that causes you to become reactive. As you start to honour yourself and your own needs as being as valid as everyone else's, you create a space of greater comfort for yourself.

Because you have become accustomed to becoming reactive as a precursor to change, many of you feel that a strong energetic response is necessary to be heard or to create change. But the true change comes from the moment you have decided that you energetically no longer wish to play in certain energies. Simply put, anger may be a catalyst, but all change is a choice.

You can just as effectively move into change, firmly and mindfully, because all change comes from the decision that there is something preferable. And it is from that calm and empowered new declaration of self that you will create the peace you seek within yourselves, which can only spread out from there. ~Archangel Gabriel

To those who have already donated, THANK YOU and good luck!

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday December 7, 2016

As you look forward to a new year, you are going to be creating in unprecedented energies. The question to ask yourself now is what will bring me joy?

Many of you have been done a great disservice in your life. You have been taught that to follow your joy is somehow wrong or frivolous. In truth, the things that bring you joy - your innate passions and interests - are present within you for the purpose of guiding your life expression and helping you find your highest path and service. You chose those specific interests and skills to add to the beautiful mosaic of the whole in your own unique way. To be taught that is somehow wrong has conditioned you to deny your soul calling and the very things that bring you deep satisfaction.

Many of you have denied what brings you joy for so long, you don't even know what that is anymore. We have some tips to help you with that. First, think back to your childhood. You are least resistant and most plugged into who you really are when you are children. There are clues there for you. Did you love animals? Art? The earth? Story telling? Acting out plays? Singing? Moving your body? What did you gravitate to naturally?

If you still require more clarity, we suggest you spend an afternoon at a book store or a library. Take your time and browse up and down every aisle. Where you linger longest is a good clue of where to start. This allows you to expose yourself to many different potentials without having to make a big investment of your time or money.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday December 6, 2016

Dear Ones, so many of you worry that you aren't good enough. You are an individuated aspect of Source energy. How could that not be enough? Not only are you more than enough, there has never been a moment during your entire incarnation that you weren't enough.

You are love in human form, an active participant in the great Shift of humanity, a member of the ground crew of an ascending planet. From the moment you have taken your first breath you have been of service.

Please understand that the enlightenment process has never been about becoming good enough to come Home to us. It has always been about discovering your innate goodness so you could come Home to yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Monday December 5, 2016

Dear Ones, it is safe to love and be loved. In fact, the energy of love is the safest, most healing, restorative energy there is. It is your birthright, your true essence, and as natural and necessary to you as breathing.

What has happened is somewhere along the way, someone tried to sell something to you as love that wasn't love at all. Deep in your being you know what love really is, and what it isn't. What you are trying to avoid is the absence of love because that is what causes you pain.

Choosing not to love to avoid the absence of love, is only perpetuating separation and the continuation of the denial of self. Do you see? Blaming and avoiding love is faulty thinking and holding yourself outside of the very thing that will bring you the relief, healing, connection, and joy you seek.

Love. Trust your ability to give and receive real love. It has been there all along. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday December 4, 2016

It is true that sometimes difficult people will show up in your life to mirror to you what you need to work on. But they can also show up momentarily in your life to help you see how far you've come. How would you ever know how much you had grown if you never had a means to measure it by? As you continue to evolve you will always be getting opportunities to see how you can view and handle things differently based on your newest level of mastery.

From this viewpoint you will be able to see that everything serves you, even the challenging situations. As you continue on your enlightenment journey you will get better and better at handling those situations and they will become more sporadic. Do not put untoward pressure on yourself or make yourself wrong for having an experience. You are all growing and evolving in the speed and ways that are perfect for you. Rest assured you will eventually be able to see it all through the lens of love, for love is always the base you will return to. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday December 3, 2016

Being of service allows you to experience your highest expression of self, which will always, always bring you joy. Your service does not need to be grandiose to make a difference. It can be powerfully expressed in the simplest ways, by intending to be of service however those opportunities may present themselves to you, and also allowing others the joy of serving you. If you understand that it brings you joy to give, receiving from another is also an act of service, for it allows them to experience their highest expression of self, as well. Do you see? By embracing the flow of give and take, serve and be served, love and be loved, you are offering the experience of joyful service for all. ~Archangel Gabriel


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