The Creator Writings

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The Light Outside The Darkness

On occasion dark moments will enter your life.  That darkness will feel and seem all encompassing, never-ending and may engulf everything.  Like a flashlight beam in reverse, you sometimes forget that outside that darkness, the light continues to shine.  If you are in one of those moments, The Universe is there to remind you that the light has, and always will be, there.  It all depends on where you choose to put your focus. ~ Creator

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In…Or In Your Own Way

You can continue to move along your current path, taking whatever ‘hits’ come your way…or…you can change that path.  You may decide that staying where you are energetically is less challenging.  You can also make the decision to move forward.  Please remember; you are in…. or in your own way.  All it takes is one thought, one decision, one action to change everything! ~ Creator

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Make Love!

Of all the things you make every day, how often does that include love? This is not just the intimate love shared between humans, but a way to view the world. If you start each of your creations with love, it will grow and become something so much bigger than you ever imagined. Make love the basis of all you do! ~ Creator

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Self Love First

Guess what?!  I have a surprise for you; you do not have to tolerate or condone negative behavior.  Yes, it can be a positive thing to look at the other person’s perspective, however, you need not put up with name calling, mental, emotional or physical attacks.
As always you have a choice.  You can choose to stay in an ‘attempt’ to change a person, but that will most likely never happen.  Be it from a lover, friend or acquaintance; change starts from within and you may never be that catalyst.  Be loving to yourself first and the rest will follow. ~ Creator


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