The Creator Writings

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The Release In Dying

For some of you it may feel like a little part of you is dying.  Those last heavy sighs from what needs to be released are causing ripples throughout your body.  It is important to remember that this is not permanent…but a temporary transition time.  Notice, honor and send Love to that part of you that will be moving along soon.  It deserves no less than the greatest honor for protecting and keeping you safe. ~ Creator

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Freedom Of Choice

Just about the time you feel like giving up; that is the time to keep going.
Just about the time you want to stop completely; that is the time to keep moving.
Just about the time you wish to sleep; that is the time to stay awake.
I know these recent changes have been very trying for some of you and I am truly amazed and in awe of the tenacity you show every moment of your day!  Changing can be challenging…remaining static even more so.  My beautiful child, you have always the freedom to choose a better tomorrow.  Use it! ~ Creator

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Your Dreams

When you were younger, you had dreams about who/what you wanted to be when you grew.  In the growing process, those dreams changed.  Some were let go because of a specific direction you chose, other because you felt they were ‘unrealistic’.  Now that you are where you are, what do you think?!  How do you feel about those earlier ideas?  Are they still unreasonable or unattainable?  Today take some time, revisit them and remember, there is always time to embrace your dreams! ~ Creator

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Changing The Past

There may be times where past experiences and scenarios color your world in not-so-positive ways.  When you see/feel this happening, it is time to take a step back and reassess what is really going on.  Is your emotional reaction ‘in the now’ or ‘in the past’?  Is it necessary to respond the same exact way or do you feel you can change it without compromising your boundaries?  If you look closely enough, you will be guided to what is in your highest and best now.  And, lastly, always envelope each situation with Unconditional Love.  Even the most negative situation will have no choice but the change.  (Smiling) ~ Creator

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The Key

Some of you have flowed with the new changes wonderfully, others…not so much.  Rest assured that both are perfectly OK.  Each human has their own pace, ways of adaptation and it is necessary to be respectful.  It may not be part of your paradigm, but theirs.  Unconditionally love one another in whatever space you choose to show up.  It is the key to saving humanity. ~ Creator


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