“Parenting is one of the most challenging, demanding, and stressful jobs on the planet. It is also one of the most important, for how it is done influences in great measure the heart and soul and consciousness of the next generation, their experience of meaning and connection, their repertoire of life skills, and their deepest feelings about themselves and their possible place in a rapidly changing world.” ~ Jon and Myla Kabat-Zinn, Everyday Blessings: The Inner Work of Mindful Parenting
What I see time and time again, in parenting magazines and articles discussing whether time-outs on the naughty step are setting healthy boundaries or entirely damaging our un-spoilt little creatures of love. Or perhaps debating over how best to deal with a tantrum – to smother them in hugs and kisses or throw the cereal off the table and join in – is a desperate grab in the dark for what the new generation, or next wave of parenting techniques will look like.
Like any other meditative advice, the best way I’ve found, (apart from living it and staying as present as possible), is to keep it simple. One or two phrases are more than enough to remember in a day full of biscuit baking and leafing through the old favourites on the book shelf, and so I’ve shrunk it down into a few simple phrases… Zen style.