
How Often Are You in the Presence of Love? - Not Just A Blonde

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How often are you truly present with another? Eyes locked, listening, focusing on the words said without consideration of what you want to say in response?

How often do you sit attentively with another? How often do you gaze upon another’s visage, studying their features and facial expressions? How often do you choose to be silent and without words being said take note of another’s posturing and body language?

How often are you… present… here, now? How often do you ignore all distractions or create an atmosphere of intimacy? How often do you focus on another living breathing human being when it is convenient for them, even if not for you?

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The Soul - Knowing Whispers

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The soul does not condemn us.  It is not the God of our fathers.

Soul is the essence of existence and it is free and limitless. It gives all things the freedom to be, to grow, and eventually to know. It is not a judge, but a passive observer of all things.

The soul is the feeling of life, without the judgment and separation of the mind and ego. It has no commandments for us to follow, other than to live, learn, and grow in awareness of ourselves and life by experience.

When we accept ourselves as we are and the events of our life, we are following the soul of existence. We are given opportunities to learn, grow, and know our natural self, without judgment.

When we follow the god of the ego, we must judge our actions and our life. The soul is not a judge of life.

The soul allows us to fail in following its love and wisdom, without condemnation.

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Musings on Earth's Heavenly Nature - Wes Annac

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Written by Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm

I’ve said before that I think this existence is already perfect, and beyond working to repair this planet and surface/heal our inner demons, there’s little we can do to match this already vibrant reality with the pure states of consciousness we want to reenter.

We have so much joy; so much love and beauty to feel and remember, and for the most part, we’ve been rooted too deeply in the mind to really feel them. No more, I say. Let all of humanity root themselves unflinchingly in the open heart space, because when we do, we’ll realize that this planet offers far more beauty than most of us give it credit for.

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Daily Message ~ Monday May 19, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics

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So many humans identify themselves through their old wounds and traumas. Even your society has labels for you based on your old stories – divorced, abused, cancer survivor, to name a few. We are not for a second saying you should deny your experiences. But we do encourage you to have the experience and once it has served its purpose, let it go and create yourselves anew.

How many of you are allowing your old painful experiences to colour the blank canvas of your Now? What if, instead of waving the flag of woundedness, you started waving the flag of wellness? Of wholeness? Of divinity? How different your Now moments would start to feel and how beautifully you would pave the way for your tomorrows!

Don’t hang onto those old wounds out of habit, Dear Ones. They are not you, so do not give them the power to dull your brilliance, your beauty, your wellness, your divinity. ~Archangel Gabriel

Dead-ends Open Us to Divine Direction - Not Just A Blonde

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When we find ourselves at the end of the road… or the end of our rope, this is where we often give up. When we find ourselves in a position where all our plans have failed and we have lost the strength to go on, we finally let go. When we are done trying to do it on our own, we realize we need help. Once we accept the fact that we need help… then we are ready to ask for it.

Asking for help is an act of bravery and submission to someone or something other than oneself. Why do we resist doing this until exhausted and depleted? Asking for directions, or insight is not weakness! It is better to ask for help in forging a new path than to waste away in a dead-end life.

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Blind Leading the Blind - Knowing Whispers

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We need more explorers in consciousness and less followers of beliefs, isms, and credos.

Religions and spiritual leaders influence millions by pushing their beliefs.  They believe in the Bible, the Koran, and the Gita, but do not personally ‘know’ the essence within them.

Too many believe in beliefs and are not who they profess to be, nor any closer to the truth than the totally unaware.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday May 18, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics

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We often encourage you to be true to yourself, to allow your own unique and special light to shine in order to have an authentic experience. But did you know this is also so you can be of the highest service possible?

Dear Ones, let us suppose that you love music, but you were always discouraged by your loved ones to pursue that path because it was, in their opinion, too hard, too competitive, too difficult to make enough money to live. That opinion would be exactly right for them and their own unique life expression. But what if your divine service was to share your music with the world? What if that was your sacred gift, your purpose? By denying it, you would find yourself never quite feeling comfortable or satisfied because you would always feel like something was missing, or that you could have done more.

Being you – brightly shining you – is the greatest gift you can give the world. Know that you – only you – are the expert of your own life expression. Let your beauty, your interests, your passions lead the way. It is being of the greatest service to others, and yourself, to do so. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Saturday May 17, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics

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There is never a missed opportunity to give yourself healing or experiences you feel you didn’t get. Waiting for someone to change, to behave differently, to make things up to you, or to have some kind of epiphany is only stalling your own growth and expansion. Such a strategy is making you dependant on another for your wellness, which is giving your power away.

Moving on from your old stories is embracing your freedom and wellness. It is a wonderful act of self love, to step out of the role of wounded victim. To do so doesn’t mean you condone what happened to you in any way. It simply means that you are ready to detach from it energetically, once and for all. Take whatever wisdom you can find from your experiences and let the rest go!

You can be your own hero! Give yourself the love, the understanding, the loyalty, the caring, the nurturing, and the protection you feel you didn’t get in that old situation. Pledge to always make good, loving decisions for yourself, from this new place of wisdom and wholeness. From there you can move forward, shining brightly and authentically, to new, brighter vistas. Remember, the only one who can keep you chained to the past is you. ~Archangel Gabriel

Like Me! - The Creator Writings

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It is not your ‘job’ to get people to like you. If they do not, the failing, issue or problem is not yours and there is no need to take ownership of it. If you continue to be your glorious self and move through your existence as The Universe intended, it will not make a difference. Be who you are and the right people will be drawn. ~ Creator


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