Wes Annac

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The Higher Realms Are Calling… Will We Answer?

Vision of the Light by Alex Polanco

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

This world is as beautiful and heavenly as we let it be, but it’s worth noting that there are higher dimensions beyond our surface perception that, if we raise our vibration high enough, we’ll find are even more blissful.

There are realms beyond the physical earth that boast spiritually advanced entities who want to help us refine our consciousness and ascend, and like we’ve learned, life is a constant progression back into the Source of existence; our creator, who we separated from when we decided to explore these lower realms.

Most conscious people strive to tap into these realms from earth, thereby making the world a better, more heavenly place. Our goal is to use our spirituality and creativity to turn this world into the utopia it’s always been meant to be, and this is why you see so much spiritual material these days – articles, books, music, seminars – the list goes on.

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You Have the Power – Use It!

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

Life takes on a whole new flavor when we empower ourselves and accept responsibility for our actions.

When we learn to make our own choices and face the consequences of those choices, good or bad, we stop looking to others as caretakers or authority figures. We see that regardless of what another person says or does, we really are responsible for what we do.

It’s easy to blame other people for our behavior, and when you think about it, it’s almost preferable. Why take responsibility when we have someone we can blame our behavior or our attitude on? It makes everything easier for us, but it makes things a lot harder for the people we blame.

This is why making our own choices and dealing with the fallout ourselves is so important.

Most of us feel like we’re here to raise the collective vibration (thereby awakening the world) by living in love and embracing our creativity...

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Desire: What Do We Really Want?

Credit: Quotespedia.info

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

“With what love and desire for union (with God) one is seized — what wondering delight!” – Plotinus

It’s been said that every form of desire is ultimately a desire to know our creator (and to know ourselves as our creator). All of the longing we experience, which we convince ourselves is for material things, loving relationships, etc. is really a longing for a greater perception; a communion with our creator, who expresses infinite love to all of its children.

Everything we long for here on earth is a mask that hides our true desire; our true longing, which, little do we know, is for a higher state of consciousness where we understand the blissful, spiritual nature of our existence.

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Staying Active helps us Stay Centered

Credit: Mojofeet.com

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

It’s very important to keep our fire lit right now, and the alternative could be the unrelenting sadness that vies for our attention. It doesn’t take much to inspire ourselves, and all we need to do is look around at our world’s current situation to be motivated enough to want to contribute.

There’s so much we can do, but we’re the only ones who can make ourselves do it all. If we’re motivated enough, we can accomplish a lot of revolutionary things in our short time on earth. Or, we can wallow in the pits of despair, depression or general laziness.

If we do, we’ll find in the end that we didn’t properly utilize our time here and we might wish we could go back and do it all again.

Those of us who’ve had trouble feeling uplifted can find our centeredness in the form of the work we do to bring humanity into the light...

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Living in Peace and Holding No Resistance

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

The goal of enlightenment, beyond reaching a higher state of consciousness, is to be able to live in peace and hold no resistance to any person or idea. Enlightenment isn’t easy by any means, but by the end of the process, we’ll have refined our consciousness and taught ourselves how to flow with life with no restrictions.

Plenty of teachers have told us that enlightenment will result in an experience of bliss that’s unlike anything we’ve yet felt, but the process can be difficult because it urges us to look at everything about ourselves that’s out of alignment with the personal changes we strive to make.

Most people would love to feel the bliss that comes with enlightenment, but doing the work to get there isn’t so desirable. It’s understandable that we wouldn’t want to shine our light on everything about ourselves, including the darkest aspects of our consciousness that need exposed and healed, but this is what’s required if we want to find enlightenment.

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Cannabis: Time to End the Social Conditioning

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

Even though it’s becoming clear that the ongoing legalization of cannabis benefits the same interests who’ve profited from its illegality, it’s a step in the right direction.

I think it’s legalization is important to the creation of a new paradigm, and its demonization has benefitted the people in power for nearly a century – the same people who, again, now profit from its legalization but fought tooth and nail to convince us it was bad (successfully in most cases).

It’s unfortunate yet unsurprising that the usual suspects are rushing in and making money from freshly legalized cannabis when they once fought it, but it’s great to see our society opening up to it and considering its potential.

It’s been unfairly demonized for too long, and its demonization has unfortunately worked its way into the minds of most people, who mean well when they speak out against it but don’t realize they’re against something that could heal the world.

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The Path to Heaven: Freeing Ourselves from Beliefs

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

I’m reaching a point where I no longer want to pour my faith into any specific belief. Every belief contains its truths and untruths, and like a lot of people have realized, we can take what works for us from each belief and let the rest fall away.

I’ve been writing about open-mindedness lately, and like I said in a recent article, an important part of being open-minded is being diligent enough not to put all our energy and attention into a certain belief just because it’s more appealing than the distorted religions we’ve grown out of.

It’s obvious that contemporary religion’s been distorted to keep us from genuinely understanding spirituality, but we don’t really help ourselves by embracing other philosophies that are more appealing.

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The Path of Intuitive Communication

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

What I like about The Voice Within is that it doesn’t have to have a specific label or identity. If you look around the new age/channeling community, you’ll see message after message that comes from angels, archangels, extraterrestrials and plenty of other sources, and the number of sources and channelers increases by the day.

I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with this; it just isn’t for me. There are a few channeled sources I enthusiastically follow, but for the most part, I’ve turned my focus on other aspects of our spiritual evolution that I feel are equally worth our attention.

I don’t have anything against the plentiful channeled sources out there, and if we’ve learned anything, it’s that cultivating resistance to any concept will keep us too internally divided to find inner peace. I’ve simply taken a different turn, and like we’ve been encouraged to do, I take what resonates with me and let the rest be.

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Enlightenment and Making an Effort

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

Effort is always required for the seeker who wants to attain enlightenment, but things get easier after we work hard for so long. If we want to achieve anything, we have to show some incentive and refuse to give up when things don’t seem to go our way, and as long as we stay dedicated, we’ll be rewarded for our dedication.

Our reward will come in the form of a greater perception, which we’ll have justly earned by the time we receive it. As we’ll learn here, some effort is necessary in the beginning of our quest for enlightenment, and the harder we work (and the more dedicated we are) the easier things will get over time.

Some of us try our best and make as much of an effort as we can, and yet, we still don’t seem to experience the fruits of our work. When this happens, the best thing we can do is detach, perhaps meditate, and evaluate where we’re at along the enlightenment path.

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The Secret’s Out: Awareness and Spiritual Revolution

Credit: channelcast.tv

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

The secret’s out, and everyone’s waking up. Steadily but surely, people all around the world are becoming aware that there are higher realities beyond our conscious perception, which we can tap into with focused, dedicated inner work and practice.

People are becoming aware that our reality and every reality beyond is innately spiritual, and we’re learning that the aspects of our mainstream culture that seem designed to keep us from living any kind of positive or wholesome life have, in fact, been orchestrated to hold us back.

We’re becoming aware of the corruption of the people in power who’ve long stopped representing the people, and we’re taking a stand against them as we ready ourselves to create something better. And we’re being assisted with all of this by what some have called our ‘higher self’ and our spiritual guides, who, in my opinion, we can communicate with if we make an effort.


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