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Tryak437's picture

Are there any here who speak portuguese? I feel I have a purpose with one or more souls from this language community. I hope this message reaches some of you. Please know I speak only English and some French.




Request for a friend

LightofZen's picture

I have a friend who is a wonderful soul who is one if the kindest people I have ever met. Be it animals, people, nature his kindness flows to all. Recently he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and given the ‘I’m sorry, just go home’ diagnosis. Now, I don’t know what his life plan is, but the only thing I hope for is that if he must leave this realm that he doesn’t have to suffer in the process. I’m making a small request to the Lightworkers and the healers out there to just send your Light and Love to this wonderful soul and maybe he can get that spark back. I am doing what I can so we will just take it one day at a time.

Love and Light,

Light of Zen


2012 Olympic Opening Ceremony - UFO seen on Sky and BBC News

JohnI's picture

Check out the UFO-like object sightings - on both Sky and BBC News (I just posted my BBC recordings DropBox link exclusively on this site.) Anyone suggest where we can publicise this - there must have been millions of others who saw this. Have BBC / Sky commented / explained 'away' the images? Cheers John PS. Anyone know how to port a Virgin Media Tivo recording to an external Mpeg or summat, pls?


Worldwide Visualization for a Breakthrough~~Join Us!

WayShower2013's picture

I just wanted to pass this down to everybody, if your not familiar with Sheldon Nidel and Colleen.
Unbelievable light workers! If you never participated in one of his webinars then you my want to do so. I received the most investable email from them on Visualization and manifestation. The strategy is to have all of us doing this so we can move forward and remove the cabal faster. This way we can start our Golden Age. Please join in and help to save everything we care about. I'm posting this email for all light worker out there.

Worldwide Visualization for a Breakthrough - Please Join Us!

Dear Reader,
We live on a beautiful planet. There is so much love and beauty. But the powers that rule it, the governments and the elite, just don't seem to want to do what's right. Mother Earth produces enough to let at least 10 billion people live in peace and abundance, but all our rulers can think of is how to keep their power, create conflics and war, and make us pay more and more. Through dark brotherhoods and secret operations they ignore the will of the people. They try to keep us in a state of dependence and fear through the media that they control.
Isn't it time to change that? Isn't it time that WE decide how our planet is run? It's easier than you think. Yes, really. There's a law of physics that maybe you've already heard about, which is perfect for breaking this old and worn out paradigm where the rich few control the rest of us. This law is called the "Law of Attraction". It says that whatever you focus on that you want, and truly feel in your heart, you attract to yourself. Just look it up on the web or in the library (read "The Secret" for instance), there are many, many stories of people who changed their lives successfully this way.
The way to use it, is through visualization. When you visualize something that you want, and you feel the joy AS IF IT HAD ALREADY HAPPENED, it will manifest itself.


the numbers 1010, 1111 and 1212

d'tewa's picture

Greetings Love Ones!

     Today, in order of succession this morning, I've witnessed the numbers 1010am, 1111am and 1212.  This never happens to me.  I have on occasion viewed these numbers once in awhile but never in succession like that.  I've even looked up what the numbers signify, but nothing tells me about seeing them in order like this.  Is there anyone here that can tell me why I'm viewing these numbers in order today?  Thank you.  I Am grateful.

Love, d'tewa


Sacred New Earth

Anonymous's picture

The focus here at Sacred New Earth is being anchored in the here and now Consciously co-creating a world were no darkness can exist. Creating a world were mutual respect, consideration, love and honour of each others light is all that exists. In order to create a world such as this we must actively embody that which we wish to see. The universe is one great divine mirror and to change the world around us we must first change ourselves from within.


There shall be no censorship here at Sacred New Earth. Any and all content posted which states untruth or distortions of the truth will be commented on with clear information stating the error. All information in response to content will be ether channelled or written with inspired thought from the most appropriate higher being for the job.


All fear based theories and fear based responses to truth posted by members here will be dealt with in private with the focus being personal growth and the overcoming of all which is holding you back.



My Interview with Cobra from July 3, 2012

Guardian2012's picture


By Alexandra Meadors

July 3, 20121

After listening to Cobra's very first interview on June 13th, something within me clicked.  I knew somehow someway I was "triggered" by some of the information Cobra had shared and the sincerity in which it was expressed in assisting to bring freedom to Planet Earth.  After all, this has been my mission as well, for years, burning holes in my shoes wherever I have gone.  I can still remember the days when all I wanted to do was build people's awareness about what has been going on behind the scenes and its malevolent impact on the people and planet.  I have since then learned that my overzealousness could scare others when sharing the realities of our  government's agenda, as well as the whole World Order.  It was time to hold the space for those who were seeking and allow them to seek me out.



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