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Love, Relationships and more

World-Bridger's picture

Greetings all,


Been a while since I last posted. I have been dealing with a break up in my marriage to a very unconscious person whom I have kids with, own land and a house with etc. etc.

I consciously allowed myself to be affected by this, I consciously dropped out and have not been active in my work here on the press and my spiritual self. I did this not because I don't know what is real and what really matters. I have been dealing with many telling me I am delusional and all the things having to do with that. But I did not do it because I have doubt, I did it because part of me felt I should be mourning this, I allowed myself to bend to her level in some ways and was effected by her negativity. I went out east to make money and had to deal with unconscious persons doing this. I became depressed in many ways, played a silly game to pass time...I had some issues I needed to deal within my own consciousness obviousy, which lead me to turn my back on that which makes me trully happy. It has not been fun, I do not recomend it. I ask for your forgiveness and understanding and ask the same from my true self, my creators and the Source of all Life. I know forgiveness is not nessasary from the latter for I am Loved and Love no matter.


As I am writing this I have a rib out of place and it is very uncomortable and impossible to take a deep breath, it is very painful and difficult to fully connect. I have been running around doing what I can to get things in order that I may remove myself from this sorrow and having to deal with this negativity from someone I care about but do not like and can hardly stand being around. I have no hate, even with all the seeming mistakes I have been making, I am full of Love.



Message from our Beloved Divine Mother: RE: Balance and Abundance...through Nasrin Safai

Doreen Smith's picture

Message from our Beloved Divine Mother: RE: Balance and Abundance...
"My Children of Light, I am your Divine Mother, I come to you with great joy. Since you anchored the
energy to the 5th Dimensional Octave and opened the Portals of Light, much has changed. Always in
the world of Duality, you balance the Light and Dark, the good and bad, the pleasure and pain. The
measure of how much you were able to achieve in the past few months can be felt with all the events
that have transpired. It requires a Net of Light as some have called it. It requires the coming together of
all of you . . . Whether you call yourself, “New Agers, Old Path Followers, Spiritual Seekers or students
of the Mystery Schools, as long as you are embodying the Light, as long as you carry upon your
shoulders the awareness of what is happening on Earth and the responsibility of leading the multitudes
and masses to the Light, you have been called!
This gift that I have prepared is for you . . . Metatron Requests a Dispensation! Recently Metatron of the
Cosmic Council came before the Tribunal, at my Throne, and requested a dispensation for those of you
who are Overlighted by the Energies of the Masters of Wisdom . . . He asked that a dispensation be
issued for those of you who are understanding of the nature of this Reality and care to continue Life on
Earth in its pure and pristine state, and work to that end with all of your might and power . . . When He
came He brought with Him the Hierarchies of the Masters of Light and Wisdom, every one of the
Chohan, every one of the Celestial Guardians, every one of the Elohim, every one of the Masters that
you work with and every one of the living Masters; they all agreed to come with him.
He specifically asked for two things:
Health and Wholeness - The dispensation that He requested was that those of you who are promoting


Solar rays of LOVE

lightsinger's picture
Submitted by lightsinger on Sat, 06/09/2012 - 12:23.

I originaly posted this as a comment, but no response. Really wanting to know if thios is a common event to others.


      I usually walk into the woods here @Mom's in NC to meditate in the mid afternoon. I have been sungazing for a few seconds @ a time. Wed, tho, it was incredibly different.
As I looked at the sun, I could clearly see wavy rays eminating from the sun & radiating out all the way almost to earth. They were varied colors, I remember blue most prominently, with reds & purples also. Was exhilerating& I found I could keep looking without having to blink. I felt electric currents of energy running thru
my body & a joyful ectasy took me over. I still feel it now as I write.
Am on my way now, hoping to see that again. It was cloudy Thursday & I was too late Friday, the sun was too low.
Wonder of anyone else has experienced this, it was so healing & I felt that each ray was giving me big packets of love & joy.
>3. Jeanie




Sheldon Christensen's picture

This is the real deal. Voting ends on Tuesday, Weather you believe this can happen or not please participate for we need to make a stand on where we want the future our planet to go. While the unconscious masses are busy and focused on the presidential elections and voting for another puppet president of the cabal we will make the vote that really counts and will actually determine how things will play out. We have the REAL power to determine how things play out. Remember, we live in all possibility, lets make it happen!





Practical harmony

onenessofall's picture

In the spirit of Master Kathumi's recent message and The Galactic Federation of Lights' message of6/5/12 'Self Awareness & Advancement" (via Greg Giles) 
How exactly would it work in our new heavenly world, where everyone, whilst growing their own wishes, interacts  with others in such a harmonious way that no conflict arises? Here are some thoughts offered to start the "ball rolling":
Consider the art of consultation. Like a communal cooking pot, where each person puts in their own ingredient, each releases any idea of ownership and offers their ingredient with a spirit of constructivness. In this way the group (whether it be 2 or many) is able to stir the pot, and see what they feel at that time would be the best combination. When joint consideration is allowed, it can lead to the development of ideas, and release creative energies.  Specifically, it is the sharing and interaction of thoughts and feelings in a spirit of love and harmony. 
This is all fine and good if decisions reached in this manner will only effect a few. But what about when decisions are needed on a larger scale? Well that's a whole other topic! 
Let's discuss! lets search for harmony!
Unity is necessary to existence


Art of Love and Light

jaketaylor7's picture

Hey! Here's an idea, let's post art that either we or other people have made in relation to the Love and Light!


I'll start:


I make music with a punk band called "Amygdala" and we are currently finishing an album titled, "Galactic Heart". We have a demo for this album posted online for free. I also do acoustic music for those that enjoy my style and song writing but would like something a little quieter. Take a listen if you'd like!



Here is a video that I'd really like to share. It's very informative.


Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before We're Born?

RobertSchwartz's picture

     When difficult or traumatic experiences occur in our lives, we naturally wonder, “Why did this happen? What does it mean?” Often, such experiences may appear not to have any particular meaning; they may seem to be nothing more than purposeless suffering. Yet, in my years as a spiritual author and teacher, I have found that not only are our greatest challenges rich with meaning and purpose, but also that very often we ourselves planned those experiences before we were born. I explored this premise in detail in my first book, Your Soul’s Plan, and I do so again in my new book, Your Soul’s Gift: The Healing Power of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born. In this article I would like to share with you some of the healing and empowering insights in my new book.


     First, a word about my methodology. In both books I interviewed people who had experienced common life challenges like physical illness, the death of a loved one, addiction, or mental illness. Those individuals then had sessions with gifted mediums and channels in which I asked Spirit, “Was this experience planned before birth, and if so, why?” In my books I present all the wisdom that then came forward. My intentions are to help people see the deeper meaning of their life challenges and, in so doing, heal from them. It’s important to understand here that painful experiences can catalyze profound healing for our souls if we, the incarnate personalities, respond to those challenges with love (including self-love) and an open heart, and if we learn the lessons offered by these experiences.



Sananda and St. Germain

E Dawn's picture

Two articles I found...good stuff!  :)

I also find it entertaining that there was a post by Sananda on Saturday on the News feed.  I just got home and read it, but synchronicity at it's best...Sat night twice my friends smart phone was giving us weather updates 4 Galilee.  :)



by 2012

An introduction to the new Mission of

Sananda/Esu Immanuel


It was foretold two millennia ago that the Man of Galilee, known by some as Esu Immanuel and other names, would return and that he would have a new name.

Neither of these prophecies seem to have gone down well with the Church in general. And I do not think that they relish this happening in their own lifetime! A bad conscience, perhaps?



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