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The Most Important SCIENTIFIC Message of “ENLIGHTENMENT” and “ONENESS”

Gagan Polanki's picture


Hello Friends,


Blessings to you. Kindly watch The Most Important SCIENTIFIC Message of “ENLIGHTENMENT” and “ONENESS” that can Heal our World and Solve All Human Problems and Conflicts.


Latest Scientific facts that change the perception of our world. Please give your valuable feedback on this humble attempt (video) of mine.


If you think the message deserves to be known by all then kindly share it.


Thanking you. GOD BLESS YOU.


Gagan Polanki


If I missed my chance to shift, will I get another?

d'tewa's picture

     On Aug. 24th a Friday, I received a prophetic dream from either my higher self or spirit guide saying that on "Saturday", I was going to shift to the 5th.  The dream was where myself and many others whom I know and don't know were on a bus and taken to a fenced in secure place where I was told I was taking them with me when I shifted.  I didn't know which Saturday she was referring to.  Regardless, I missed it.  I'm thinking it was because I still remain in an unloving home.  

     For those of you who have already shifted, I was wondering if I'll get another chance, providing I leave this unloving home I reside in soon.  The reason I'm asking is because I had another prophetic dream this morning.  I was laying in a bed, maybe even a hospital bed (I'm not sure), and no one came to see me except one person.  I was dying.  I don't know the specifics as to why I was dying, and I don't even know if the dream meant I was actually dying or it was a metaphor for leaving 3d and is shifting to a 5d existence where I meet this person whose only name I remember and that she lives in the same city I live in now. 

     I realize that there are upcoming portals to shift, like 10-10, 11-11, etc., but this dream makes me wonder if I'll make it to those dates.   Does anyone in this forum have any insight or answers for me regarding this?  I am very grateful.

Love and Blessings,


 (P.S.  The reason I'm saying these were prophetic dreams is because they were so vivid and rememberable.  The dreams I usually have are not.  Also, as far as I know, I'm perfectly healthy right now.)  Thank you.


WHAT TIME (central/texaslol) is the global synched meditation tonight?!

LightBiscuit86's picture

my friend and i are going to contribute to this event in the woods somewhere near by (we are in houston tho so its going to be kinda tough to get away from antennas and towers =\ ) and we dont have many friends like we used to anymore lol but we are using what we have and really wanna do this right... i understand the last time something like this happening was like 25 years ago?! 

thanks and i am sorry if this is a forum waste post but i dont know how else to get a quick answer =X forgive me! 

in love and light and with ammo tonight! 



GIFTS: Do You Have One, And Do You Admit To It?

d'tewa's picture

     It seems that the subject of "Gifts" is not widely discussed, and I thought I would find out why.  After all, this topic is fascinating, don't you think? 

     We pretty much know that the reason we have these gifts is because when our frequency rises and the energy increases, ever so slowly, and sometimes even without  notice, we were granted the ability to do miraculous and unbelievably amazing feats that would make any jaw drop.  Isn't that so cool?  I mean, I don't know about ya'll, but I find this topic very interesting.  And also we know that we've had these gifts all of our lives but either didn't know it and/or our frequency wasn't high enough to put them into action. 

     So poses the questions, now that we KNOW that we have them, do we use them?  And, how and when should we use them?  But more importantly, if it's a gift that many can see, should we use it or keep it silent until the last of the dark energies are relinquished or banished? Or, should we be outright bold, bald-faced, "here it is!" for all to see?  To me, all good questions.  You could probably use your own good judgement, but when you do, we must make absolutely sure that it be for the "Betterment of ALL", always.  Always.


MY MEDITATION DRAWING: is this any type of ascended master?

LightBiscuit86's picture

HELLO AGAIN FRIENDS =D im watching a video with my dad and saw some pictures of gods and light beings and ascended master/archangels etc etc.  i told him help me look for anybody with a spiral above their head like my drawing back when i first explored meditating to certain frequencies. 


im not the greatest artest i admit this proudly lol! but this was a picture i drew after meditating for a brief ten or fifteen minutes to the frequency of 528hz for my heart chakra, which i connect easiest to. none of these things i drew made sense at the time, but i was very excited to see how long it takes to understand my own vision!


i wish you to look at the top right of the picture, where i drew the back of a head looking down on us with a spiral above his head, as if its his halo or whatever =) 
please tell me if anything in here resonate with you and you feel you are able to explain your understandings to me! im mostly interested in that being with the spiral above his head tho, for some reason, i know its masculine, and i feel its a god or some higher power like that, i also feel i am connected somehow or being protected by this being. can anyone elaborate? would it happen to relate to the heart chakra? i love you all! THANK YOU IN ADVANCE! =)
in love and light!!!!


WGS funds for Humanitarian projects?

Cherie's picture

Does anyone know how to apply for humanitarian funding for community projects? I work with individuals who have mental illness or were abused and ended up in the criminal justice system instead of getting help. They are very awake and giving people which I suspect is why they were targeted. I believe they would be great ambassadors to those people who are not awake and could help them by giving their understanding. I have talked to them and they want to do this. It seems like the best way is to teach them to run their own program but it has to start with basic things for them like housing, food, medications, training on communications skills. It would be a one stop shop so instead of them trying to go all over the city to get documents or jump thru hoops they could learn a skill or run a group or organize the community. We could bring in familys, teach people how to build clean energy devices, meditation, Yoga, etc. There are a number of lightworkers here in KC that would love to be involved as we all see how badly the system is set up and how people are not getting their needs met at basic levels. The best thing would be how they could be the people helping those who thought they knew what was going on as they will be the most stunned. These folks want to give back. Any ideas? I know there has been mention of this on some sites but I can't find a specific place to go?



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