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so i went to church alone today... (im not a church goer)

LightBiscuit86's picture

after reading yesterday of the transformed energies of the churches, i just felt a need to go to a church alone and say a prayer, originally thats all i had intended. i had NO IDEA what was about to happen to me.. and to the church itself. please forgive me if i mis-represented any of the beings of light, their names or anything, i only said what came thru me, and i was very nervous and distraught. im fairly new to these experiences, my awakening has been trucking strong since 2007 and as of that "I AM" experience day, i havent been the same sense. things like this are happening to me, here is my church story experience:


The True Name of the Sphinx

Dan Antonson's picture

On Dec. 16th of 2011 I was wondering what the true Name of the Sphinx was . I live in Fairbanks Alaska and I was out Shoveling Snow on my 200 FT. Driveway it was -20 out not bad for around here in winter and the Name King Leo poped into my head 3 times over 2 hours of shoveling am I the ONLY one ?


my drawing of my GOD/GODDESS I AM experience, and perfect color to resemble

LightBiscuit86's picture

the story behind this crystal is, well when i was 7 years old, my parents, my little brother and i went to a hot springs place somewhere in north arkansas or something, they told me to pick out one rock i wanted out of like TONNNNNNS of the most random "junk" pieces thrown into boxes to choose. YOURS FOR 4.99 (lol) and i was completely sure i wanted this one, it was the best color i thought, even tho my fav at the time was more blue lol... but there qwas white and blue layers in this of WHAT? i dunno! but check out the similarities n my vision i had along with the experience i posted below this one on the board:


I drew how those swirling lights looked the best i can lol. Its pretty accurate tho. They moved in perfect harmony around a perfect circle but the tails narrowed and they were just two lines or rods i noticed when they sloooowwed down befor


whoa. anyone else just feel some surge of energy? i gotta explain this!

LightBiscuit86's picture

woww... man i just felt this overwhelming... but brief and gentle control of my body. im watching this documentary and something was said that hit me good somewhere, then like i take a deep breath, and during that big inhale, i lost control of my body but it was like i welcomed that to happen, i closed my eyes and observed that breath, it felt like i was breathing surrounding energy into my body, and then WHOA an ocean of goosebumps ripple across my body it was almost a feeling of high anxiety but, i had no worries i was feeling really good and "comforted" like i was being taken care of or something, then i exhaled... i closed my eyes and did something i never do, but i like magnets, my hands just came together, like i was about to pray. as soon as i connected my forehead to my hands, i was in this instant but short lived meditation state.. where i saw what i think was two swirling lights but kinda darkened blue color, a turquoise kinda, but they swirled in revolution like a spiral like... OMG LIKE A BLUE YIN-YANG! YEA perfect ill explain it like that imagine how the yin yang would look in motion where the white is spiraling in unison at an even distance from eachother but, making a spiral appear anyways. =D but like i said, this was all brief and short lived, i brought myself out of it by focusing too much on that visual, and it was so clear, i had wondered maybe my eyes werent closed all the way and maybe some light was slipping in but i couldnt convince myself anyway, and eventually the spiraling slowwed down and just disappeared as my focus was shifting back to reality. then i open my eyes and realize i had them completely shut for sure, and im just left here braindead about what had just happened. wtf like... you know?! the fucuuuck?! does anybody know what this could mean?


ever been SCARED into meditating? when it has to be done...

LightBiscuit86's picture

it shall be done. 

enjoy the read! dont be frightened? =p


......"i grabbed my phone and cigarettes, lmao thats all that was important to me in that moment of fight or flight! i was in "GET-THA-FUCK-OUT-OF-THIS-TRANSFORMED-HELL-HOLE-OF-NEGATIVE-ENERGY-BEFORE-I-GET-HURT mode, aka flight! mode! LOL!"......


Crystal Reading 20th - 26th August 2012

sarah shepherd's picture

I wanted to share with you all my Weekly Reading - 20th to 26th August 2012 as my guides asked me to share with as many people as possible.  I can't seem to upload the picture, but you can see this at:!/photo.php?fbid=387250574662915&set=a.381005568620749.93121.380943205293652&type=1&theater


This week I am using The Crystal Ally Cards By Naisha Ahsian.

Mon - Wed is 'Balance' linking to the crystal 'Tiger Eye'

We all strive for balance in our lives and being able to find balance is the trademark of a true spiritual warrior as it enables us to walk our true path.  Finding our balance is a necessary step for growth.  Mon - Wed review what is out of balance in your life and take steps to change this, it could be you are working too hard and not having enough play time or that you need to look carefully at both sides of a situation instead of judging what is right or wrong.  Maintain balance & neutrality until you have considered both sides of the issue.  This will give you an insight on how to proceed.  Tiger Eye carries a balance of the Solar & Earth energies and helps to enhance our ability to understand and see both sides of an issue.

AFFIRMATION: I walk in balance on the path of truth.


Thurs - Fri is 'Dreams' linking to the crystal 'Sugilite'


The Most Important SCIENTIFIC Video of “ENLIGHTENMENT” and “ONENESS”

Gagan Polanki's picture


Hello Friends,


Blessings to you. Kindly watch The Most Important SCIENTIFIC Message of “ENLIGHTENMENT” and “ONENESS” that can Heal our World and Solve All Human Problems and Conflicts.


Latest Scientific facts that change the perception of our world. Please give your valuable feedback on this humble attempt (video) of mine.


If you think the message deserves to be known by all then kindly share it.


Thanking you. GOD BLESS YOU.


dying brings awakening. (my personal awakening story)

LightBiscuit86's picture

hey yall, my name is steve and im new here, just signed up today, for one single write out my experiences of awakening that was triggered thru a near death experience, followed by a couple more. i wrote this blog for any and everybody to enjoy, i apologize if this isnt posted in the proper place, i tried finding my way around to make sure i wouldnt be bashed over posting something totally irrelevant, but this is quite detailed to say the least, so it could probly fit into any category =p i wish to share my experiences with yall who have been there done that, or who may be thinking you are going thru it now. hope yall enjoy it! here ya go :)

peace, love and light for all! I LOVE YOU!




Are They Running Scared?

d'tewa's picture

     There is what we call "F.L.E.T.C." here in Georgia, and it stands for "Federal Law Enforcement Training Center". 

     While sitting on my front porch swing, I can see the airplanes taking off and landing.  On the norm, you hardly see an airplane take off or land, perhaps less than 5 a day.  Today, and I'm talking in a matter of maybe 15minutes while sitting on my swing, I'm seeing at least 5 large jets taking off, and not seeing many landings.  This is highly unusual, because I basically see small airplanes taking off and landing.  These that are taking off are really large private jets.

     Kinda makes you wonder what's going on, don't it?  Are the big wigs at FLETC running scared? 

Love and Light




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