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Jazz's picture

I would rather seperate some topics of discussion here to simplify ongoing discussions.


Now the info here is limited, and growing by the day on this topic, the ANNUNAKI.

It appears, and some have debunked the information as false and misleading, that Z.Stitchin has translated some of the anicient text left behind for us.


Unfortunately most of this 'translation effort' has mostly gone unpublished. Now, the info we have ends with the ANNUNAKI leaving Earth because humans are mimick-ing them and trying to play GOD as it were. Those from before are very upset about this and find it wisest to leave than to destroy the human race as they have created it.


What is mentioned, however, also is the proliferation and delivery of "Weapons of Mass Destruction" in the far east(Sumer and similar areas) and the use of such.They brought them here, along with the WAR MACHINE. It was the ANNUNAKI attitudes which tore apart  the human race, like thier own, brother against brother. Ideas against ideas. ...or so the text says.


I have a copy if anyone cares to read it.


There is a lot left unsaid, however. If they are here to help, shouldnt they be involved down here at the 3d dimensional level to fix these problems in person? They started this mess, and it appears the human race doesnt want to change it anytime soon.


Humans now are not so caught in the middle, it is us, the Star People who are caught in the middle and the humans which are playing around with these weapons, not the ANNUNAKI.


I welcome comments on this matter.





Meditation techniques

andrew meeks's picture


     I must admit I dont meditate as much as I should, I have been told my techniques are quite advanced even though im quite a novice, I would like to share it never the less.


1/ Sit in a comfortable position with arms, legs relaxed and back supported.


2/ Close your eyes and focus on your breathing... in through your nose.... out through your mouth...


3/ Find your rythem... in...out...


4/ Keep it consistant and paced like clockwork.


5/ The first half a dozen breaths are forced, meaning you breath in untill you cant get any more breath, hold it as if you are pushing to go to the toilet (A number 2), "this expands your lungs opening them up fully"...., then release it out of your mouth, imagine your breath like a water fall flowing over your toungue and over your bottom lip, running down your chin onto your lap below, breath out untill you cant breath out anymore, push all the air out untill you have extinguished every ounce of breath..., hold it...., then breath in as if you are drawing the water back up your chest and into your mouth, feel it rush over your bottom lip and down your throat..., then repeat the process.


6/ After several breaths you will feel you have built up a rythem and now for the complicated part.


7/ Your breathing is automatic now, flowing in.... and a river, now is time to concentrate on your heart beat, listen to your heart beat, feel each beat, you nolonger concentrate on your breathing as your mind has taken over, feel each beat in your mind, when you have each beat correct, imagin it beats just a fraction of a second slower..., after a few seconds your heart beat will slow, breath in..., breath out..., water flows in..., water flows out.



Extra-terrestrials are not our friends!

ellideb's picture

 Why do you believe that the ET's have our best interests at heart? They abduct us, conduct experiments on us, examin us intimately, tinker with our genetic codes, traumatise us, hurt us physiologically and psychologically and do this all covertly. If they really wanted to help humanity they would share with us their technologies. Why do they not abduct the people in power, or the intelligent among us like Stephen Hawkin, who could actually make a difference? They have alterior motives that are not to the advantage of humanity. I think you all on here are misguided and living in cuckoo land unless this website is one big joke.


Christ consciousness within: Message from jesus.

isness's picture

“It takes a true motivating thought, focused on a central absorbing point or ideal to bring forth or accomplish and you, as well as all mankind, can become that motivating center. Not one thing comes forth unless man first expresses the ideal.
“At one time man was fully conscious that he was this motivating center and lived fully conscious of his inheritance and dominion. He lived consciously in a condition that you term heaven. All but a few have let go of this divine gift and today the great majority are absolutely unconscious of this divine quality which is mankind’s true inheritance.
“What man has done once, he can accomplish again. This is the principle back of the endless array of life and manifestation that you see all around you and includes your own life, together with that of every existing thing, as every existing thing has life. Ere long science will give you ample grounds for saying that things are not material, as science will soon see that all things can be reduced to one primal element containing innumerable particles universally distributed, responding to vibratory influences, and all in perfect and absolute equilibrium or balance.
“Hence, it follows on mathematical grounds alone that it took some definite movement, some initial action, to draw together the infinite particles of this all-pervading universal natural substance, in order to bring them into form as selective objects.
“This power did not originate wholly within a particle, but is a power greater, yet at one with the particle and you, through your thought and definite action, co-operating with the vibration, give selectivity to these particles. Thus will physical science be compelled to understand through necessary deductions, so that scientists will recognize the presence of a power, which, at this time, is not understood because it is inactive; and which is inactive only because it is not recognized.


MEDITATION FROM SANAT KUMARA --------- NOW "Transmuting the Mass Consciousness"

JTariah's picture

Project: Eagle Triad Seeking YOU -- to join our daily meditations -- for Ascending the Planet

Begin Your Mission Now
contact janisel (at)

===   ---   ***   ===   ~~~   ***   ^^^
"Transmuting the Mass Consciousness"

Sanat Kumara
Channeled through Janisel

Greetings Beloveds, We have a special request to ask of all of you, but first we will preface our request with some information which is of the utmost importance at this time.

As you know, there is what has been referred to as a "Universal Unconsciousness". This is a vast storehouse of information which is available to ALL of you. You may tap into it at any time and receive the information you require to continue on your Ascension Path.
In a sense, it is like channeling information from all of the Masters, Angels and Light Beings at the same time.

Now, you also have what is referred to as the "Mass Consciousness". Each planet, star system and "Group Consciousness" has its unique "Mass Consciousness". This is the accumulation of ALL energies projected within the 'group'. In your case, it is the accumulation of ALL energies created and projected by all Life Forms on your planet.
This "Mass Consciousness" not only stores, but projects the energies 'back' into the planet and all Life Forms are surrounded by this energy.


THe Work That We do While We "Wait" Changes Timelines

Best HBCU's picture

I was just thinking about how many timelines of destruction we have changed by spreading light and love energy. No longer are we on a path of planet-wide destruction as predicted by ancient prophecies. No longer do we have to evacuate the surface of the planet during her shift.


Here we are now "waiting" again. What timeline are we shifting? Will there be a much more flowing transition with the evacuation of the cabal? Will there be more grace and ease than predicted? Will there be more cooporation and less judgment?


Perhaps this is why we are given the time to "wait". This waiting forces us to remain centered and focused, constantly reiterating what we want to see. Sending out light and love is the best that I can do right now so I am truly grateful for all of the messages of encouragement.


I'm sending out light and love to all, now.



enzo's picture

So I woke up early this morning a few hours before an exam to study, got it done then went back to my dorm exhausted. I took a nap, but the wierd thing that happened is I had lucid dreams that I think were my brain previewing 5d. I remember at least twice I "woke up" in my dorm, and then looked at my hand to check if I was dreaming and sure enough my hand was all deformed which meant I was dreaming.


I look out the window and I see the coolest thing ever... instead of seeing the usual campus outside, I see that I'm on some kind of island floating in space, stars are everywhere and it looked so detailed vivid and real. I was mindblown that my own dreams created such an awesome setting. Then for some reason again I "wake up" in my dream, in the dorm again too. Look out the window again and this time i see a beach outside, but it wasn't a regular beach it had a ridiculously intricate divine pattern on the shoreline. I felt so in love with what I saw, I knew either I just shifted to 5d or my brain was previewing it. I tried to manifest a few things and people and actually got most of them to appear, I imagine in pure 5d it will be easier.


Lastly one thing I thought was awesome is that I CONCIOUSLY FELT the trigger that sends you into 5d/dream world. Before each time I "woke up" in 5d, I heard that buzzing/humming vibration noise that you hear when it's quiet.It beacame really loud at the peak and I literally felt my pineal gland "pop". I say pop for lack of a better term, but really I felt a trigger at my pineal gland and then boom I'm in 5d. For anyone who might know, is the shift to 5d going to happen like my pineal gland trigger happened?



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