I don't remember how I came accross this meditation but I thought it should be shared here.
Oh, living light of love.
Oh, great and Holy Divine Mother
That IS the sweetness of life itself,
Come, come, come
Into the Earth plane as never before.
Come, O dear Cosmic Mother!
Enfold us all.
Take us all into your wondrous embrace.
Comfort us and give us the strength
And the bravery to be who we truly are -
Beings of Love, Forgiveness, Joy, and Laughter.
And, O Divine Mother,
Bring your broom and sweep clean the earth
Of all those who do not respect thee,
Of all those misguided children,
For they are your children as well,
Who have foolishly taken the Dark Path
Of domination, oppression, and the
Unbalanced manifestations of masculine energy.
Let the Feminine Ray arise!
Let the Feminine Ray be glorified.
Let the Feminine Ray come into ultimate power.
And may there be, now,
A very powerful Karmic readjustment on this planet,
On earth as it is in Heaven.
That all those who want to dominate others
Who want to oppress others,
Who want to punish others,
Who tend towards cruelty, malice, torture,
And all forms of such evil-doing,
Let these know the just judgment
Of the Lord God and his Minions of Light.
Let the Great Archangel Michael
Now swoop onto the earth
Bringing his numberless legions of angels
And wipe clean the earth
Of those who will not stop in their fighting
In their terrorism of others
And in their lies toward their brethren.