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Violet Flame

Rain's picture

Dear Friends, I was just meditating and a bunch of stuff happened but at one point, a brilliant blue neon light came from the right side of my head. Then it kept coming to the center of my internal field of view and turned into a violet flame that just got bigger and bigger until it was all that I could see. I also felt like it was touching my entire body at once. It was amazing.

What does this mean? i know the violet flame is important... thanks.


Change in Perspective- Thoughts

E Dawn's picture

I have a concept that I want to throw out there after writing my piece on Change in Perspective. How many of you have heard of The White Dragon Society? They are a group from China that some FUNDS shall be coming from. Is it not groups such as these that some of us may term "Illuminati" for they are ancient Secret Societies that have kept truth and riches "in the dark" until the mass population were ready to receive them fully. So in this perspective may these groups we call Dark really be the ones whom shall assist us with change...change of OUR perspective and change on this Planet. 


There are some that know themselves to be the ancient "Gods" of the past, and some that have not realized it yet. Yet look what occurred...we were worshiped we had slaves ect ect. These societies were built up upon this understanding and knowledge of what was and what was to come. Prophecies HAD to play themselves out...all part of manifestation and the "Game" of Awakening. If this is the case then it would only make sense that today we have come back to express our equality...our love for humanity and serve as the Light to show them the truth and assist in their awakening process. Sometimes Truth is stranger then Fiction.




tired of waiting

starryriver's picture

Hi, I've read about the Earth changes, our evolution/awakening.  Now everytime I see something about it, I feel frustrated and am thinking that maybe it is some sort of false hope.


I am tired of the ways of humanity and their greed and wars, etc.  I don't know.  What do you think?


Merging Private and Public Forums

will's picture

We've been talking about merging the private and public forms and we wanted to give people a chance to discuss this before we go ahead with it.


The creation of the private forum was something we were a little hesitant to do in the first place, as a special forum that's only for people who have paid us does not represent a higher vision of Love and Equality. On the other hand, we wanted to give something back to the people who have donated and we were trying out different ideas. The private forum seemed to be something that people wanted.


Since its creation, it has never been very popular, and has only gotten a few posts per month since it began. As such, I'm not sure if anybody will miss it, and we'll still have the public forum running so people will be able to post there. I did want to give all our members a say in this, and if anybody has a compelling reason why we should keep the public and private forums I'll hold off with merging the forums.





Invocation Against Dark Forces

Noeticka's picture

I don't remember how I came accross this meditation but I thought it should be shared here.


Oh, living light of love.
Oh, great and Holy Divine Mother
That IS the sweetness of life itself,
Come, come, come
Into the Earth plane as never before.

Come, O dear Cosmic Mother!
Enfold us all.
Take us all into your wondrous embrace.
Comfort us and give us the strength
And the bravery to be who we truly are -
Beings of Love, Forgiveness, Joy, and Laughter.

And, O Divine Mother,
Bring your broom and sweep clean the earth
Of all those who do not respect thee,
Of all those misguided children,
For they are your children as well,
Who have foolishly taken the Dark Path
Of domination, oppression, and the
Unbalanced manifestations of masculine energy.

Let the Feminine Ray arise!
Let the Feminine Ray be glorified.
Let the Feminine Ray come into ultimate power.
And may there be, now,
A very powerful Karmic readjustment on this planet,
On earth as it is in Heaven.

That all those who want to dominate others
Who want to oppress others,
Who want to punish others,
Who tend towards cruelty, malice, torture,
And all forms of such evil-doing,
Let these know the just judgment
Of the Lord God and his Minions of Light.

Let the Great Archangel Michael
Now swoop onto the earth
Bringing his numberless legions of angels
And wipe clean the earth
Of those who will not stop in their fighting
In their terrorism of others
And in their lies toward their brethren.


Introduction site/video/medium

Hippo2626's picture

After starting to share this information with my peers, those that didn't think I was crazy and were open to this information asked me about it. Even with personal explanation, it is quite a difficult task to do.

After the explanation, they asked me if there was anywhere they could read up on this more and I realised that there is no good site or video to show them that would clearly explain this whole transition process clearly and simply to anyone (at least to my knowledge). I haven't searched the internet as much as I like to find a source like this so I'm wondering if anyone knows a good place to show newly awakened souls?


Why should we trust Obama?

Yojoe1010's picture

Why should we trust Obama?
This is a real question, I do not have an overly zealous opinion of the man, I can only go on his speaches ( all TelePrompTer) , who has put him in office( the Cabal) and the actions he has taken office, such and the NDAA act, soapa pipa, and numourus other disagreeable actions that really make me unsetteld with this man. The posts on the main page seem to make him out to be a savior of sorts, and as far as I am concerned he can go out the door with the rest of the illusionist deceivers.
I am just wondering of anyone feels the same that I do, or can show me any good reason to trust in him or leadership, because all I have seen is the same puppeteering going on as the previous presidents.


Terminology/Explainations in depth

Jazz's picture

I think also a few points if i may:


Im seeing a bit of mixed information on a few matters of importance here.


Can we clarify a bit on the terminology here? Im hearing references to Indigo Children and now StarSeeds...are the two the same? Why the labels as a friend of mine asks?


Are there differing groups here, whether from different Organizations, as it were?


On the subject matter of the GFL, is there a update on information that needs to occur? Some of the info seems dated. I would think the humans here would like to know there are other inhabited systems other than just the lead council ones. Is there a reasoning in this or is this just something that got neglected and needs to be updated? I understand some of us are rather young as it were in comparison to the elder races in this.


I will explain this as Scott Bakula does in the latest ENTERPRISE TV series:

"Sure we have and will make mistakes. We are new at this, we need time, we will bumble and fall and really screw things up sometimes.But the important things here is that we move forwards and pick ourselves back up, get on that horse and try again until we get things right."


So, I understand why contact may be desired to be limited to the master races here, but by no means should it be limited to such. In the time the America has had to settle itself and peacefully assemble and operate, other worlds have come together, even so much as to be a part of the GFL. So its not as if this world isnt capable, it just for some reason hasnt gotten to the point yet of where it realizes its potential. I think interaction may help here.


Now onto the matter of communication for that to occur.



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