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What do we understand about Karmic Patterns and Cycles

youarepowerful's picture

Just about 15 months ago or so , my world totally changed and i had a wonderful life changing experience , what was it !! I made contact with a group of Light Beings called The Imperial Beings , i was told they were 9th  dimensional and that i was supposed to work with them and work with the karmic load which is on Planet Earth.


When the moment our first spark was created and we went off onto the cycle of reincarnation we were clean , but we had a lot to learn and experience and grow from , over countless reincarnations on this planet and others and other dimensions we created a cocoon of karmic energy around us , this holding all the memories, experiences, emotions , that we experienced in the incarnations now some of these can be negative and the negative karmic energy around us , weighs us down on an energetic level , this in turn pulls our vibration down and prevents from moving as fast enough on our spiritual and personal growth paths .


I was given a tool called Karmic debris extraction which enables me with the help of the imperials and other energies of the light to free you of your negative karmic energy.

Negative karmic energy can manifest as cycles and patterns of behaviour which you are in and can also include how people can treat you and react to you.

Negative karmic cycles can manifest as deep rooted fears and anxieties , phobias that you don't know were they came from , fears about your safety , a feeling you are being watched.

Also the karmic debris that you accumulate in a life time is carried forward to the next life and is rehoused back into your cellular body at dna level and can manifest as aches and pains you can't find any explanation for , weak spots on your body and some Di-ease also.



An Idea To Bring Peace To The U.S.A. (Need Your Feedback)

d'tewa's picture

Greetings, My Beloved Family!

     A thought came to me last night and I thought I'd might like to get some opinions on it.  Whether it's implemented my me or someone else is not an issue, as I'm only interested in assisting in bringing Peace On Earth and her inhabitants.  This idea I had refers to the United States, and hopefully, if successful, will lead to other countries.  However, this idea is also directed to those who are waking up and still firmly planted in a 3d existence.  The idea:

     Create a petition in each U.S. state promoting Peace, thus, creating "A Peaceful State" then submitting it to an elected official of our state's government.  Also, make bumper stickers and give them to those who sign the petition.  The bumper sticker would say, "A Peaceful State".  In the long term the U.S.A. would be known for Peace.

     Now, my thinking of this is not only to bring "Peace" to the awareness of the population of a state such as Georgia, but for a politician to deny a peaceful action would be detrimental to his elected office, don't you think?  Therefore, he can't help but comply to the wishes of his so-called "people" in order to stay in office.  I mean, who would want an elected official who doesn't want Peace for the people who live in Georgia?

     So, if one state is successful, it would be picked up to other states promoting Peace, but putting the thought of "Peace" in the minds of those who even think about or want their own state to become a "Peaceful State" because of the bumper stickers.


Galaxies in Collisions and 2012

morningrain's picture

I have recently put some information together and came to a realization. 
1.  We are not part of the Milkyway but are the Sagitarus Galaxy.  New Scientific fact. Look it up.
2.  The Milkyway is a galaxy of a higher frequency.  Salusa confirmed this.
3.   Our part of the Sagitarus Galaxy is now intersecting with the Milkyway Galaxy.  Also, confirmed by scientist
4.  Our planet has been going in and out of the Milkyway galacy as the solar system rotates thru space.  Question. Is this the photon belt that we have been told about?
5.  Our Solar system will fully enter the Milkyway galaxy on Dec 21,2012.  We will align with the Milkyway galactic center and be activated to a higher frequency. 
6.  Those that can not take the higher frequency of the Milky way galaxy will be removed to another part of the Sagitarus galaxy.
There are some very good artist pictures of the two galaxys coming together.  On Galaxtic free Press and you can google to find them.
7.  As our solar system goes thru the Milky Way galaxy, we experience our golden age and then when we leave the Milkyway galaxy we slowly leave it.  Thus the Yugas as spoken of in Hindu beliefs. 
8.  Also, Maybe the GFL is from the Milkyway Galaxy as are so many of the other ships.  They are all of a higher frequency then from our galaxy.  The lower frequency ones are from our galaxy which is a overall lower frequecy experience.


I am looking forward to your thoughts and comments


Divine Love, Finances, and Chicken Bonz

Garin the Bear's picture

So I had plans with 3 other friends to hangout for the night and it was going to be a good night. After being picked up by one friend who also picked another up, we started to head to the drivers house. Food had been brought up for later and I mentioned I only had $1 due to multiple expenses after my last paycheck.  We got to his house and hungout for a while, our last friend was late and said he wasn't hungry and that he would meet us after we got our food. So we left for our food.

On the drive there I had a conversation with myself. It was regarding how I am usually a pretty happy person, I just dont always put out that energy and show it. I decided I need to improve on that. Very soon after, I had noticed a license plate that read "SEE ALL". This really struck me. It had the perfect timing to it. I am usually a very observant person anways, but I took that as a sign I have to simply expand my awareness more.  After that plate I had noticed another plate with the numbers 408. We drove some more and had to stop by a bank for my friend. As we were leaving I noticed another license plate that had 408 on it also. I instantly went to my phone.


Angel Numbers 101 by Doreen Virtue is a great book that I would recommend and actually found out about from this site! She goes over the meaning of numbers and for example if they occur multiple times throughout your day. I went to 408, I was quite taken back by what I read. "God and the angels are helping to answer your prayers about finances. Open your arms to receive their help, which may come in the form of intuitive thoughts, ideas, or people offering assistance." This perfectly fit into what was happening with not having enough money. A smile instantly hit my face and it remained there for a good long while. After that we met up with our last friend and played some monopoly for the rest of the night. It was a good night indeed :)



tear the veil, their lies derail, PURITY EVER WILL PREVAIL!

LightBiscuit86's picture

Trumpets sound
The shattered crown
Halos of truth now they surround
The charade comes down

i like all sorts of music but i want yall to see even metalheads are ANCHORING the LIGHT in their MUSIC! 

just want everyone to see a side they may not understand, or think of as a dark area, there are many songs in this genre with lyrics like these, however i chose to share this one in particular with yall. i feel it will shed some light on people in areas of their brains and spark some sort of connection in one way or another :) light-confidence boost? ;D music is beautiful UNIVERSALLY! no matter what genre gets created, the light finds a way to shine ;)



LightofZen's picture

So I do my best to live my life in light and love. Recently I have been having anger issues. I work in customer service where most people that call in are angry and upset. Also, the coworker next to me is in a constant state of anger. This anger all around me is seeping into my being. I do my best to calm myself but from time to time it over takes me and I fall in to that angry mode. I was wondering if anyone had any insight of dealing with this situation. I do not love my job, but I feel that I have to keep doing this to support my family for the time being. Thanks for your guidance.

Light and Love,

Light of Zen


Angel Reading for 27th Aug - 2nd Sept 2012

sarah shepherd's picture
Weekly Reading 27th to 2nd September 2012
This week I am using The Archangel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue
I am also giving away a free reading once a month on this page, but you need to like the page and then the post when you see it! x
Mon - Wed is 'You Know What to Do' Archangel Uriel
“Trust your inner knowledge, and act upon it without delay.”
The first part of 
the week is all about listening and using your intuition. We are all seeking answers and solutions to the areas in our lives that are troubling us and sometimes we forget we already know what to do! So Mon-Wed is a time to quiet your mind and just listen to what your intuition is telling you. The thing I have learnt about intuition is that if something is right for me then it feels good when I think about it. Start with something small and see what feeling you get when you think about doing it, do you feel excited and happy with a warm feeling in your stomach? If so then that’s your intuition telling you it’s the right thing to do. It’s as simple as that. Call upon Archangel Uriel to help you as he helps to illuminate your path one step at a time.

Thurs - Fri is 'Prioritise’ Archangel Metatron
“Focus on your highest priorities. I will help you get organised and motivated”


it wasnt my intent but, did i channel while just meditating??

LightBiscuit86's picture


so im meditating with headphones on and i am focusing on my voice inside, in the sounds (they are binaural beat sound waves only, no music. i was using frequencies to increase my aura if possible while i meditated) my inner voice would transform into literally another voice, at first it was a very soooothing high high pitched female voice and the things i heard were only partially clear, i went with my heart and tried to respond back but not aloud, only my thoughts felt necesary and were actually getting a response. i actually even remember the first voice i heard saying "you will be in your bedroom?" (all this of the voices come embedded in the sound waves as i hear them, its hard to explain tho lol) 


but at first when i thought i heard that, it didnt quite register because she was saying something before that too but it was blurry, hard to understand... it ALWAYS sounded echoey and fades in and out as if the voice is blowing in the wind, probly will be longer and with more clarity depending on how well im focused on it, or develop this ability if it is in fact a channel experience) then i realized it was a question and was able to make sense of it. when i responded, and the voice was patient with me while i thought about what i heard, but when i replied with "yes i will be" then that voice kinda came back, but i started hearing a couple more voices alll of which were fading in and out in the wind, however you interpret it! but now, they were "weaving" or interescting in and out of eachother so it became increasingly difficult to focus on one voice, i couldnt do it actually. and putting sentences together was hard to come by but, i didnt worry about that.




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