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A Question For You All

d'tewa's picture

     This morning after coming back from my walk I noticed on the front yard grass this yellow substance.  At first glance, it looked liked those little yellow marshmellow "peeps" at Easter time.  It looked very "spongy"  or "foamy", and was just laying there on top of the grass.  I took my walking stick and stuck it inside the stuff to see what it looked like inside, and it looked nasty, like something spoiled.  I then stuck my finger into it to feel the consistency and it felt like foam.  The color yellow of it was like that of mustard. 

     Has anyone else seen this stuff , and if so, you got any idea what it is?  I'm very interested to know.

Blessings to you all.



The Science of Healing (You can Heal any Disease)

Gagan Polanki's picture


Dear Friends,

Kindly watch The Science of Healing (You can Heal any Disease). 


Startling Scientific discoveries about the Power of Thoughts, Intentions and Beliefs..!!!

This is the Most Inspiring and Uplifting video for Cancer patients. 


As Louise Hay, New York Times Bestseller says "If we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed."


Kindly share and help everyone.




Gagan Polanki


HELP by giving your Valuable opinion on my video 'Science for Global Peace and Happiness'

Gagan Polanki's picture


Hello Friends,


Kindly watch Science for Global Peace and Happiness. The only Solution to All Human Problems & Conflicts.


Latest Scientific facts that change the perception of our world. Please give your valuable feedback. If you think the message deserves to be known by all then kindly share it.


Thanking you. GOD BLESS YOU.



The Unrevealed Sentinals's picture

Unrevealed Sentinels - Our Mission on Urantia - Jun 30, 2012 - Everett, WA
Everett, Washington
The Unrevealed Sentinels
Subject: We Are Here!
T/R: Felix Caro
June 30, 2012

[Editor’s Note: The URANTIA Book reveals the Assigned Sentinels, but these personalities, the unrevealed Sentinels, are of a different Order (unrevealed) and they are specialized in the healing of a planet with regard to fixing the opposition to Father’s will. They are a Paradise creation. They are used when things need correcting beyond the capacity to directly intervene without the Father working in tandem with the local universe Creator Son.

Normally, the unrevealed Sentinels do not have the power to arrest rebel personnel on a sphere, but on Urantia this unrevealed Order has been authorized to do so, and fully, by October, 2012. As a comparison, the Assigned Sentinels are revealed (See the Urantia Book: Paper 24 Section 5) and are directly responsible to the Ancients of Days. The Assigned Sentinels may be coercive and arrest or detain time personalities, and they report to the Most Highs or other high Personalities of the Infinite Spirit. The Unrevealed Sentinels; however, are directly responsible to the Paradise Father but will first report directly to the Ancients of Days in person. The Father already knows the facts of their investigations and actions. Their functions can add to, or sometimes overlap, the duties of the Assigned Sentinels.].



Greetings! We belong to an unrevealed order in service of the Universal Father in each superuniverse.

In the case of this superuniverse, we are dispatched from Uversa to any place that we are required to perform special duties.



The ABC Summaries's picture

We all have that truth that we hold on to, whether it be the Holy Bible, Q'uran, Emerald Tablets, The Urantia Book ect....For myself it is the latter, The Urantia Book in my opinion is at the top of all of these, even the messages received by the channelers and scribes on amazing sites such as this one.  The trouble has been for me however, "How do I relate this "Blue Book" or "Alien Bible" (The Uranta Book - to this day in age considering it was published in 1955?  Well over the last few years I met some intresting people who were dedicated to this search.  Since then I have been recieving Messages from the "United Midwayer Corps" or the "11:11 Midwayers".  It wasn't until today in fact that I found something huge which will, if you are familiar with this Book; vastly expediate the answering of your questions and concerns.  The following link is what seems to me, what I have been searching for.  God Bless!,_A-F_and_Index


There is also a document H and I.  They both relate to the Grid and what your mission as you so elequently have shown me as I am rather new on this sight, has been.  Whether you agree, disagree, or simply dont care to even look into this...You are a part of it.


We Have Each Other - Spiritual Fiction Book - FREE preview copy of chapters 1 - 11

jm94's picture

Hello everyone, blessings to all! I have been subscribed to the GFP newsletter for sometime but have made an account and wish to have a more active role on here. 


I wrote a book in 2011, which I have not had time to advertise much. It is a book that tells the story of three teenagers and their friend who are living in northern england after a solar storm has devistated it, forcing the residents down south. They are living up north for the piece and quiet, three of them are brothers, one is their friend who is living with his mother in a block of flats not far from the hotel where the brothers are staying.

They begin to have spiritual visions and out of body experiences, telling them that humans have maltreated their planet, and that they must go down south and warn humanity that they need to change their ways to prepare for a shift in human perception and awareness, or the shift will be much harder for them, so they have to go down south, but will they manage the very difficult task set to them by the council of elders?


This is a story that not only tells of how the planet has been maltreated over time and how natures balance is being restored, it is a story of friendship, love, and trust between the characters, no matter how tough the times are. They meet up with other characters along the way who help them in their task.


The first 87 out of 197 pages are available as a preview PDF file, so you can read reasonably far to decide weather you like the story. please note this does not have all the correct line spacing of chapters, and as such does not represent the quality of the final product. Information on the books main characters, purchase information and the likes can be found at:, can be purchased for as little as 50 pence if you like the sample!


For the FREE long sample of the book (chapters 1 thru 11):




Pathina's picture

Hello to all. Blessings, Love and Light.


I have just joined and have been following developements every day. Thank you to everyones input. It has been an enjoyable experience so far. I am a little confused about some things though. It is good to connect with others of the same mind. I have a question and hope that someone can help me find an answer? I have been experiencing a very strong vibrational force this week. It happens at night while I am in bed. My body vibrates very strongly and there is a powerful noise. I am not afraid of this as I have experience this before through my life and different times... BUT it has happened twice just last week...Can anyone explain to me what this is exactly???


I hope someone can help?


Love and light and blessedness.





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