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World-Bridger's picture

Greetings all,


HuRay! Here we are at the precipice of the greatest event to happen EVER! Something that as I have been shown has never happened before! Brave comment I know, but I have to be true to myself. No one know exactly whats going to happen except Source. Ascension will happen true, but we have a suprise in store. Why do you think everyone one who can be here or around to watch is here!?! This is BIG!!! Everyone wants to be a part of it in some way!


Why did I say such a thing? Only because I am being compelled to. 


In 1994 I had an experience where I was aware of being connected to this electric blue grid and I experienced being birthed into this life, all the vibrational changes I experienced up to the moment I was having this experience, which was very strange. then I went into the future, while this was going on I noticed/felt the mother awakening as if from slumber. The father was saying numerical equations which equaled a vibration, the Mother would say the sound, I would experience it as well as say the sound, this might not be totally accurate as I am trying to explain something that is difficult to put into terms. But it is honest. I realize now i was being given awakening codes. The father said an equation having to do with the number 9, which made all these equations happen within my consciousness that happened in waves and always ended in 1, the mother said I n I, there was a movement behind me as I am in the grid and I was "pulled" out of the grid by my Higherself, lol I gave myself a highfive! The Mother said "You didn't think we would forget about you" Which made streams of tears from joy. My Self said to me my "issues" and said but we know where our heart is, I said to do the Fathers will, to Love and we were one. 



Pep Talk "Can't score the goal by looking at the side line"

World-Bridger's picture

Greetings all and Happy New Year!


I have been watching whats going on with with all this information given about new economic systems, the whole time I am wondering why are we giving this so much attention? I can understand that folk want the cabal to go down and we are all tired of the sham created by the cabal, but I wonder is this not in fact splintering our focus of the goal in hand, the ascension of all life on the planet, is this not what we are here for? is it not true that all this will have little relevance once ascension happens? 


For the most part what I write is directed to "Star Seeds" Those that have joined in on the game with one purpose, the uplifting of the mass consciousness of all Humanity, our job is to do just this. We are the ones who through all the din, remain centered with our eye focused on one thing and one thing only the Light of love, we have one goal and one goal only, why do we choose to keep looking to the side lines, focusing on the effects, rather that the goal?


I understand without being told that some have other agendas, they have been set up to work on those levels, the family's they were born into, the connections they have made in their lives all set up to be able to have an impact on such things, such as bringing the cabal down an estabishing a moraly correct system of ecomomics etc. However for the most part this is not what we are here for! 


I feel any system created in this consciousness, will be a fail and should be suspect. Time to move on and uP! Time to focus on the goal! All this sqabbling over what disiformation or not, what is true or not, is this information on new systems a trap into something more hideous, does not serve us or our goal, our reason for being, the divine cause for our existence here and now. We are NOT to be focusing on the whispers and effects on the sidelines.



Embrace the Love you are!

World-Bridger's picture

Greetings all, 2011 is about over and whew what a great year it was! Sure there was hard times, but they brought the most growth, I am so grateful for what I have been through, I like many am not the same as I was a year ago. Giving thanks for all of it.


As 2012 enters the scene, the line has been drawn, it is time to choose sides, it is all or nothing, there is no more balancing the energys of the dark and light, the myth that we have to embrace our darkness has fallen to the wayside, it is time to embrace our true selves (((Love))) or the selfishness of our ego. There is no middle ground and there is no faking it.


You can't fake Source, instead of embracing our darkness, it is time "if you haven't done it already" To be totally honest and in the etrernal moment of now, take full responsibility for all of your actions, ask for forgiveness, speak to the spirit of those you have harmed, ask them for forgiveness, proclaim that in this eternal moment of now I choose Love! I would not recomend seeking out individual ego's to seek forgiveness, this is not nessesary and in many cases could cause more harm than good. The fact is you are already forgivin by them, being totally honest and accepting responsibility is the main thing. it is also important to fully forgive all those that have done harm to you. They like you have also been caught up in the drama of duality which is illusion, their ego like yours is not what you are, only playing a part in the divine dramatic comedy of God experiencing it's self as seperate from it's self. You will understand what I mean by comedy when you go through review of your lives in this drama. I guarentee it will be the most painfully hillarious experience you will ever have or have had.



Karma ran over my dogma only to be consumed by Grace!

World-Bridger's picture

For the first time in my life I am content, I have done the inner work, the clearing and cleansing and I now reside in a consciousness of Love everywhere present! I am soo happy about this! everyday it is stronger and there is no turning back now! I have absolutley no inclination to reside anywhere but in this Love, my slate has been wiped clean! The negativity has been transmuted to unconditional Love! WOOHOOO! Karma ran over my dogma only to be consumed by Grace! as Maw and Paw would say YEEEEHAW!!!! 


Love you all so much! 




When channelled messages create expectations

Achara's picture

When channelled messages create expectations

The channeller

Speaking, painting or writing down information derived from information packages or concepts that come from sources that are purely Love–Energy is what channelling divine creative entities is about. Rare is when channellers move away from their body and become a vehicle for the entity. In example AAM, St. Germain and Kryon are directly communicating through a person that way. Other than that a channel uses his mind to put the received information in a human form such as music, paintings, text, speech or dancing. There can be seconds or hours, even years between reception and translation.


What You See Is What You Get

Achara's picture

Beloved Sisters and Brothers,

Today I baptised the long awaited 11.11.2011 wave of love:


(What You See Is What You Get)

YES! What you see is what you get. See health get health, see misery get misery, see my finger pointing...get what I am pointing. See war...bite my finger.


My mind already new this theory from too many points of view. Seth, Osho Kryon, Crimson Circle, Celia Fenn, Ronna Herman, Angels I hear...etc etc. Also from too many different aspects of what I personally figure as being. The 11.11.11 LOVE WAVE helped to regain the permition I once gave for my mind to synchronize with heart.

Yes. Is that not the best news to keep in mind?

And so my heart was enabled to continue teaching the sooooo limited mind in comparison too what heart has to offer.
Thank you 11.11.11
My journey starts and continues at the same time.
My last three days were more than I could have hoped, dreamed and imagined for.


You are the centre of the cyclone whatever the news

Achara's picture

Today too but, more than ever, I am over-showered with energy. It feels great and wonderful AND I feel feverish, wobbly, itchy, hypersensitive. For years I assisted in Oshos kundalini and dynamic meditations. After not having done them for a while and starting anew I would feel feverish and wobbly like today. Just an enormous blow of energy. Nothing to worry about; wonderful and uncomfy at the same time.


I was in meditation most of the day and paused to read the galactic news. After a few messages I was enough out of my centre to realise that I had to stop and write this down. All is soooooo exciting!!!! The messages came from, understandingly, brothers and sisters out of their centre. Excited about all the news this 11.11.11 surge of energy is creating, the possible implications for the world such as  YU55, governing shifts, disclosure. Please bear with me. I am not saying hoax or creating fear. I am just saying it is so human to be excited and share.


Looking up for excitement is a well baked karmic crust over lives and lives. A habit. Many, maybe most, brothers and sisters are programmed NOT to be centred but excited and exterialised.


Soo the habit is....sometimes we take time to move to our center.


I WISH for all my brothers and sisters to be in their center and take sometimes a bit of news.


Love, Achara




The Facebook Group

will's picture

As these forums haven't taken off yet, I'd like to let everyone know that we're active on Facebook. I know not everyone likes Facebook and many refuse to join it, but it's one of the most powerful websites for social interaction and features way more than what we're able to offer people here. This forum will remain open, though we offer a much more active (and often dramatic) group on Facebook here:


~ Beauty Of Love ~

LightChild's picture

Ones True Self Is Within The Heart Center!

The Essence Of Ones True Being Is The Soul!

Soul Is Pure Unconditional Love = Creator Of Existence!

So Therefore,

The Creator Of Existece Is Within Each Being

Which Is Ones True Self!

Well Now That I Narrowed Down Who I Am,

Which Is You, Which = Everyone!

I Will Share With All That Is That All Is Perfect!


Just Chill Out!

Be Love! And Enjoy This Transmission!





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