Public Discussion

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Welcome to our Public Forum!

OneLoveIs's picture

Our site has become quite busy in the past few months, and we wanted to give people a new way to interact with each other. In addition to our Member's Forum for those who have donated, we now offer this Public Forum for all of our friends and family to share their Love with each other. 




How did we get here? A major breakthrough

blueskygal's picture

After watching the Adronis-Clous Ships, Inner Earth video posted today,


I found this site  I must say, the questions "What is an ET?" has always been on my mind.  Not in the sense of the overdramatized, often misrepresented forms seen on TV and Movies but rather, how on earth did we get here and how do we get back to where we came from?


I for one do not really enjoy living in 3D - I find myself often escaping from the monotony of 3D to reflect in nature - feel the elementals in the air, listen to the birds and the earth, etc.


This link I gave you above offers some profound information!  Have you ever wondered who built the pyramids?  What are their purpose?  Have you watched some of the Ancient Aliens Series on the History Channel?  Are you aware of The Seven Sacred Flames and the City of Telos under Mt. Shasta?  Or perhaps read the book "The Source Field Investigations" by David Wilcock?  Have you ever wondered about crystals and why they are so powerful?  




grailheart magi's picture

Let's share the awesome changes and observations of the old system where we live to give each other new ideas....


Here's mine for the day.... 


While drinking my Chai to adjust to this new shift of light today


Saw a man wearing a bright yellow tee shirt ... of course it had plumerias all over it....

"LEGISLATIVE MASSAGE - Making a Difference in Hawaii!"


Yes, that's the way... offering the system massage...!


Note on Hawaiian leis.... even the men in our political arena wears Aloha shirts and flower leis... especially at formal events.. 


Looked to see who wore any during the NFL Pro Bowl -  only 3 announcers wore dull blue Aloha shirts, no leis.... folks, I can assure you coming to the Islands, ALL of the managers, producers, whether they be in media or game activities were given the opportunity to partake in our Aloha spirit.... some "systems" just can't flip that switch.  And come on, I know they had some time to purchase a shirt or lei in one of our colorful boutiques for a nominal amount of their precious money. 


My heart blossomed as I watched the players of the Pro Bowl release their governed hard shells in exchange for genuine, authentic heart centered Aloha!


"Aloha" is a word that means MANY THINGS - but simply iT MEANS BEAUTIFUL HEART.


But during a radio sports show the following week, that Aloha that  was criticized and judged to be the cause of indescriminate behavior of the players... that they were not taking the game seriously, etc.  


They took the game seriously.... AND had loads of fun doing it!


Hello members of the forum~ WE Have Arrived~

Maria de la Luz's picture


Hello dear ones, my name is Maria-luz and I am going to be around here often as I can as I have been assigned the task of interacting with the forum members and introducing topics of interest from time to time to speak about. Here At The Galactic Free Press.

I have already read some of your messages and find them very interesting and at times quite moving too.

We are going through really amazing times and it will be a pleasure to share our experiences and worries with love and respect, as well as giving each other some piece of advice whenerver we can.

Much love and joy to you all on my behalf.

And remember that your kindness through being peaceful paves the way for others.. and that you in yourselves are a self-shinning star, let us play with eachother.. and make beautiful light.



A short testimony to share

Marco's picture


As I read the last message of predrag, I felt compelled to make a leap forward ; because Yes : as many of us here, I have some things to talk about concerning my life and my being, which both has drastically changed through this two first months of 2012. You can take this message as a landmark, if you feel lost or uncertain concerning your Shift, or as a collection of positive news and facts comming from another life miles away from you – geographically talking ; or mostly as quick stories about myself in which you could recognize yourself.


I think the first drastic change in my life, in this begining of 2012, was the refusal from the publishing houses of a novel that I started two years ago. I was very implicated in it's scripture, searching ideas many nights at bed, finding a lot of exciting scenes and elements of scenarios, taking care of it as a growing baby. But the 27th January of this year, I received my last letter of refusal. And so, I had to make the mourning of this big and exciting project, which in fact, I already left down some days before it's last refusal, as an old baggage I had to let down forever.

This month of January, without any intention, I started a fast which I continue today. No more dinners in family. I only eat the equivalent of a mid-afternoon taste for the whole day – plus water, indeed. I also got tired of many video games, rythmic music, as Metal... well, almost all cultures.



Very significant dream

Marco's picture
Hi everyone ! 
This morning, I had a very exciting and significant dream which I need to share to you. I woke up just after the dream, at 9 AM, then I powered on the computer to write the dream on word processing, before I made my donation to have access to the forum.
In this dream, I was with my mother, in the kitchen of my house. I looked by the french window which leads to my garden... and, in the sky, wide but covered, I saw an allignment of moving stars, which was in fact the lightings of a Ship (I thought it was what many call a "Cigar ship", but it wasn't). I heckled my mother who was at my side, and I pointed the finger by the moving lighting dots then we went out from the kitchen to go in the garden.
Then, at my great surprise, the Ship appeared, suddenly, in melted. He was very near the ground, away from my neighbor across, approaching the top of the high trees. His matterial was matte as plastic, unicolor, of a pure and clean white. It's shape was quite rectangular, but with rounded borders. It was about the size of one or two sheds, but was pretty stealthy, "passe-partout". There was an oppening at the rear, rectangular with rounded borders, again. But that's about all I've been able to see of the architecture of the Ship.
So the Ship appeared, and my mother did not really understand the event, while I was forewarned and happy to see it happen, because informed in advance. However, my mother was not in a panic state. The ship went down gently towards the ground. But instead of landing (there was no place enough to land anyway), he brought forth some kind of fireworks which were deployed in some neighborhoods gardens (where the usual fences which separate the gardens were small and elegant murrets).


Your Life Blueprint Was Recorded Thousands of Years Ago

Ryan's picture


My name is Ryan Irving and I am an aspiring entrepreneur, lover of life, and a pursuer of the highest knowledge. In my short time on this planet, 27 years, I have lived an experience rich life. Upon graduating from high school, I enlisted in the Marine Corps Infantry. Two combat tours later, I was lucky to still be alive. After a seven month stint in Afghanistan I redeployed to Iraq shortly thereafter. While on a routine patrol I was severely wounded by a roadside bomb. I almost lost my leg and am lucky to be here.

What’s the point? After my five years serving, I returned home with an entirely new perspective. Seeing how less fortunate people in the world lived with my own eyes, gruesome images of “war” firsthand, and coming close to never making it home, I began to ask, what the hell I am doing here?  Is this the best I can do? It drove me to question life, and strive to seek a better way of living. Once I started asking these questions, I began a quest to figure out the purpose of life. This is how I fell into spirituality. What is spirituality? To me it is the recognition that we are actually spirit and more than this flesh and blood body. Upon going through this reality check, I began to walk a different path. I finally felt like for the first time there was a purpose to life.


Understanding what we are.

World-Bridger's picture

Greetings all, may All be Blessed with the understanding of what we are, may the Love of which we are consume our entire being that our true sleves may present! So Be It!  


I Am writing on this topic that is essential to understanding what is going on and our connection to All.


Should I start at the bottom or the top? hmm... I will start with experiencing Life on this planet in our body's. Upon entering in to phsyical manifestation our Souls connect to the Grid, it is from this Grid that our Soul "projects" into phsyical life, or the illusion, we become one with all Life on the Planet and have experienced different levels of Life in the "game" Life on Gaia. In all actuality we are connected to all through the grid, got mass consciousness? 


The Soul is a "fragment" of Higherself, I have been shown that the Higherself can in fact have many Souls on the Planet at one time. This is the effect of pass actions which are now being corrected. Our Higher Self is Multi dimesional, meaning has other selves leading back to the Source of All Life, All comes from One, All is One. The Source of All Life is an Expansion and Contraction, a Going out and a Comming in, infinitely small and Big. There is no Limit to the experiences to be had. Just wait till you find out whats coming! heheheeeeeehew!!!



Healing Chambers

Best HBCU's picture

In his message channeled on February 2, 2012, by Linda Dillon to Steve Beckow, Archangel Michael mentioned,  "First of all let us suggest to you and tell you, without any hesitation, is that the healing chambers have been available to those on planet who have made themselves aware of it for quite some time (bold font, my emphasis). And so it is not something new, it is simply something that is coming to the attention of your readers."


This message referred to the healing chambers available to folks traveling to the mothership Neptune for the 10-day visit, beginning Febrary 4, 2012.


Does anyone have any more information on the healing chambers and how to gain access to them?


Peace and Love,




A message for the forum readers.

World-Bridger's picture

Hi all, I feel that I should tell you all that the experience I spoke of yesterday is not something I speak of often. Main reason is while having it I was not in a limited understanding, there was nothing I did not understand or maybe comprehend. Though I personally remember much, I do not remember it in words, nor was the experience linear in any way. So even talking or writing about it I am speaking of it as a child who does not understand completely. 


I was not told to go tell the world any of it, nor do I have ego issues with it all, only humbleness. The main reason I spoke of this yesterday is to give support to those who have done their clearing, who have ignited the small sun within their heart, who are at that last moment before, when the ego will attempt it's last effort to save it's self by making you think you are leaving someone or something behind. This is a very real issue that personally I have experienced myself. I AM was reminded myself of certain parts of the experience yesterday, so I decided to share a bit and show why we are not in anyway leaving anyone behind and there is no thing that matters, it is all just part of the game, do you worry about the property and game peices in a board game when it's over? Then what's the problem right?


Blessings, Love you all.



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