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Daily Message ~ Thursday February 15, 2018

Do you keep yourselves from thriving due to some feeling of guilt, shame, or regret? We love you for your tender hearts and for the fact that you have discovered that something was not your true energetic match. But keeping yourselves tethered to such old energy cannot help you do what you really wish to do, which is to move forward in a more authentic and empowered way.

If you have made what you consider to be a mistake, the fact that you have already discovered it was not your highest choice is enough to ensure that you will not do it again. You now have clarity and a greater sense of direction moving forward.

The greatest way to move beyond your regrets is not to continue to punish yourself, which would be consciously choosing to stay in energies that do not allow growth or expansion, it is to use it as motivation to expand into a more conscious and empowered version of you.

And that, Dear Ones, is making a positive out of what you consider a negative, by not only guiding yourself with newfound wisdom but also being a wonderful example of the best way to make amends – by fully understanding a situation and allowing it to guide you into the person you truly wish to be. By doing so, you can find the gift and the purpose in every one of your experiences. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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You Can Be The Cure

Another opportunity for the collective ‘here we go again’ is approaching.  Are you ready for it?  The Universe could repeat the stay-grounded/stay-peaceful/stay-calm litany, but you already know all of this.  Instead…
Manifest!  There are things you have been putting off because they felt too big. Time as you know it is folding in on itself and the opportunities for instantaneous gifts are greater than ever.
Be mindful!  Take time to step back and look at the thoughts you are generating.  Like a pebble in a pond, each and every thought creates a ripple that goes out into The Universe and returns to you.  You choose what you create/co-create.
Be kind!  Your actions during the next step in this shift will determine how the remainder of your year will unfold.  Kindness to yourself and others is of utmost importance.  Allow this to be your guiding light as you move forward.
Finally, release the need to be drawn into the ‘madness’ that is transpiring around you in this moment.  Imagine your society, your world as the human body with an illness.  A fever is generated as a natural defense to heal, not harm.  Sometimes, the fever must rise before it can trigger the elements of health from within.  Allow your light to be the ‘medicine’ your world needs.
As always, during this somewhat challenging process, you are loved, supported and cherished beyond your wildest imagination.  Go forth with a bright heart and all will be well. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 2/14/2018

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You can go towards the horizon, and you can feel, "Now I am coming closer, now I am coming closer," but the horizon goes on receding. The distance between you and the horizon remains always the same.

Perfection is the horizon of your consciousness; it allures you, it challenges you, it calls you. But remember, the distance will remain the same. On the spiritual path there is no goal, only pilgrimage.

But the pilgrimage goes on becoming more and more juicy, more and more beautiful, more and more ecstatic.


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3 Extraordinary Paradoxes of Personal Awakening

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

How do you reconcile the utter madness of the world with the overwhelming joy of being alive in it?

“Paradox: a situation, person, or thing that combines contradictory features or qualities.”

Without question we live in interesting times. The deception, insanity and turmoil in our world has no end, yet when we tune in very closely to life’s pulse, we find softness and connection open to us at every step. These contradictory features of the human experience point to the dualistic nature of the universe, but ultimately offer a glimpse of a middle way, the center, where harmony resides in a sea of chaos. A seeming, but natural paradox.

“When people find one thing beautiful,
another consequently becomes ugly.
When one man is held up as good,
another is judged deficient.

Similarly, being and nonbeing balance each other;
difficult and easy define each other;
long and short illustrate each other;
high and low rest upon one another;
voice and song meld into harmony;
what is to come follows upon what has been.”

~Tao Te Ching 2

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 14, 2018

On this day where the focus is on love, you may feel celebration for the love that you have, you may feel a heightened awareness of what you perceive as the absence of love in your life, or you may be sitting in a space of judgment waiting to see if someone will show you what you consider to be an appropriate display of love for you. What if you treated Valentine’s Day much the same way you do Thanksgiving? What if the basis of the day could be simply gratitude with no expectation?

“But Gabriel”, you may say. “I don’t have love in my life right now. How can I practice gratitude for what I don’t have?” Please understand that every single symbol of love you see, whether it is in a store, on television, or online, is clear evidence from the universe that love is not only making its way to you, love is responding to your essence! You would not see any of it if it were not so.

For every rose, every heart, every lover’s kiss you may see, it is showing you that you are a vibrational match to love and how close it is drawing to you. Be open to the energy of love that surrounds you, grateful for the signs that it is all around you, and through that gratitude you will be open to both the giving and receiving of love. You will be celebrating its presence rather than absence. You will use the day to move into even greater vibrational alignment with it.

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To Brew Tea, Let It Steep

God said:

There is value in doing somersaults. Of course, there is value in everything you do and become one way or another. Furthermore, I want to say that in addition to value in doing somersaults on a mat, there is also indeterminable value in doing mental pictures of yourself performing somersaults.

Something more goes on than at what may first appear to you.

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Creation In Progress

Many of you are noticing massive changes in your lives.  It is as if timelines are collapsing into one another.  Things you did not believe possible are happening and you may be experiencing things you know you have gone through before.  Please do not be alarmed at this “condensing of space”.  Just like a super-nova, new things are being created every moment.  What, at first, appears to be destructive will open pathways, ways of thinking and amazing opportunities you never knew could exist.  Embrace this shift and know The Universe always works with you in the highest and best way. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 2/13/2018

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Perfectionists are always afraid of committing mistakes, of doing something which is not technically right; and my understanding is that anybody who tries to be perfect in anything is bound to go insane. Perfection is not allowed by existence. Existence loves imperfection, because imperfection has the possibility of evolution.

Perfection means death. The moment you are perfect, there is no possibility of any evolution. This is something to be remembered: On the spiritual path, nobody ever becomes perfect. One is always coming closer to perfection, closer to perfection, closer to perfection, but never becoming perfect.


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Watch As Woman Dragged Away By Security For Exposing Oil Bribes & Ties To Politicians

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

It’s no secret, the “1 percent” own everything and among this 1 percent are an even smaller group, and it’s this group that has a large stake in global financial institutions, which drip down into federal financial institutions and disseminates into various powerful corporations that deal with all aspects of human life from big food, to big pharma. Monsanto is a great example, a biotech corporations that manufactures genetically modified seeds, pesticides and more. Below that we have the government, and various government organizations. Within this tightly knit network of powerful people, comes corruption, and that’s no secret.

If you follow the money, it’s not hard to see.

For years, what we’re presented with in the public eye has largely contrasted to leaks and drips of information from several different sources. One example may be the corruption that’s been exposed between corporations like the CDC, for example, or the FDA. The list is a long one, and we see the same type of relationship between government, politicians, and energy corporations, as well.

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The Secret Meaning of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil

Pao L. Chang, Contributor
Waking Times

To find the secret meaning of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, you need to first study how certain parts of a tree function. Furthermore, you need to investigate how certain features of the brain and spine relate to a tree. The tree is an important symbol in many spiritual and religious teachings because it represents the connection between the spiritual realm and material world.

Besides studying the tree, brain and spine, you have to overcome your fear of the Occult so you have enough courage to tumble down the rabbit hole to explore the world of occult knowledge. To find one of the secret meanings of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, you need to use occult knowledge and the art of word magic to decipher the parables and riddles in the Book of Genesis.

Many people like to associate the word occult with evil. This is a big misconception that prevents people from learning important spiritual knowledge. The word occult comes from the Latin word occultus, meaning “hidden, concealed, secret”. Therefore, occult knowledge means “hidden knowledge” or “secret knowledge”. Occult knowledge is like a tool and therefore can be used for good or evil purposes.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday February 13, 2018

Dear Ones, there are two elements that are great expanders – love and imagination. So if you are trying to move into grander new experiences, we highly recommend that you use both!

Love! Give love. Receive love. Allow love to flow to you and through you. Think of what you love. Imagine what else you could do with that love! What would you love to try? What would you love to experience?

Allow your imagination free rein to think of new ways you could experience being and doing what you love, and you will start to open yourselves up to the magic of creation that comes from allowing your soul to expand in all the ways only your unique energy can do.

To be clear, to do so is to anchor heaven on earth, for your love and imagination are both bridges that connect you with vast energy of Source, where all things are possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Before Beauty Began

God said:

Beauty alone is. There is nothing else to behold. There is no other story to tell.

Beauty automatically arises as five Senses and Greater than these. There is nothing but Beauty.

Even so, there is awe at Beauty. Beauty exists for all. Beauty knows itself. There is Beauty to behold. All Life holds Beauty. Beauty alone. There is no opposite. There are no opposites. There is no Fairest of All when All is Beauty.

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You Are…

Please allow yourself time to process the darker parts of you.  Many people believe it is unacceptable to experience or show them and, instead, put on a ‘happy face’ and deny they exist.  There is nothing wrong with any piece of you!  The light, darker, Divine and human parts were put together into one lovely package, so you could understand what human existence really is!  Embrace it, learn from it and love it all! It is and you are amazing! ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 2/12/2018

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I have never felt for a single moment that there is a possibility of being lost.

The whole universe is ours.

Where can we get lost?

Wherever we reach will be our home. Once you have understood that the whole universe is our home, then the possibility of getting lost simply disappears. And if you try to control, there are problems with control....


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The Real Power of The Placebo Effect, Explained

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

When I was really young, whenever I felt sick, my grandmother used to make me cinnamon sugar toast. I felt like I could taste her love with every bite, and by the time I had finished my toast, my stomachache would have magically disappeared. In hindsight, I recognize that the dairy in the butter and the refined sugar in the cinnamon blend probably weren’t helping my digestive issues, yet somehow this meal always made me feel better. How does this make any sense? Herein lies the mystery of the placebo effect.

No, science cannot prove that when my grandmother delivered me cinnamon toast with a loving smile and a giant hug, I instantly felt better, but as a five-year-old child I certainly experienced that. Though my grandmother may not have realized it, she was likely harnessing the power of the placebo effect.

What Is the Placebo Effect? 

The placebo effect is essentially the idea that your brain can convince your body that a fake treatment, because it (your brain) thinks it’s real, can provide real solutions and stimulate healing in the body. In essence, the placebo effect shows us how powerful our minds, how powerful our consciousness is, in that we can change our biology using our beliefs.


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