God said:
There is no such thing as the poor, the rich; the beautiful, the ugly; the good, the bad; the worthy, the worthless; the white, the black; the guilty, the innocent; republicans or democrats; Christians or Muslims; the young, the old; the honest, the dishonest; the brave, the cowardly; the washed, the unwashed. Do you understand Me? Only in the world are there opposites. Do not call out a name that you cast as defamed. You are to create camaraderie in the world.
Certainly, don’t set up boundaries. Instead, create the boundless. Without a glance, you may flaunt the use of words with opposites. Without even looking, you may tend to categorize people without a care in the world. You may, in fact, feel smug about your position as though you are the end of a see-saw that goes up when someone goes down.
I say categorically that everyone is a mixed bag. Even the beautiful do not always appear beautiful, and someone you might judge as ugly may grow on you. It is ugly to identify anyone, including yourself, as ugly. Which is worth more -- good feelings or good looks? You are choosing every minute of the day.