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Why Rebels Are So Important to Society

Phillip Schneider, Staff Writer
Waking Times

The human mind is incredibly complex. It’s been approximated that the human brain contains around 100 billion neurons, which is a testament to just how little we know about the uniqueness of the human experience. With as much as there is to understand, psychologists have spent years building conceptual frameworks of personality which serve as a way to break down the complexity into more easily digestible parts. One of the most common of these concepts is the “Big Five” dimensions of personality, however many more exist including work done by Carl Jung, as well as Dr. Carol Pearson’s “Six Archetypes We Live By,” as popularized by her book “The Hero Within.”

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday August 8, 2017

Dear Ones, the universe is always shifting to serve you and to respond to your thoughts and desires. If you are getting mixed results, how can you further clarify what it is you wish to experience?

The purer, more consistent emanation and intention you can offer, the more consistently the universe can match that vibration until your creation manifests into the physical.

If you are feeling stuck, we advise that you surrender into creating beyond – beyond your doubt, beyond your fear, beyond your perceived blockages, which allows you to to energetically connect with the perfect solutions and outcomes that already exist and are simply waiting for you to discover, acknowledge, and accept as yours. ~Archangel Gabriel


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The Healing Gift

Each of you were born with ability to heal another.  What may begin as a smile, touch, hug or kind word sets in motion the Unconditional Love of The Universe; stretching out beyond the initial act to create ripples that grow and come back to you in a myriad of ways.  When you become consciously aware of this fact, your skills will continue to expand beyond anything you thought possible.  What a beautiful gift, indeed! ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 8/7/2017

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It happened that one very beautiful woman went to see her psychiatrist for the first time. The psychiatrist said: Come closer please. When she came closer, he simply jumped and hugged and kissed the woman. She was shocked.

Then he said: Now sit down. This takes care of my problem, now what is your problem?

The problem becomes multifold, because there are helpers who are in the same boat. And they would like to help, because when you help somebody the ego feels very good, very, very good - because you are a great helper, a great guru, a Master; you are helping so many people. The greater the crowd of your followers, the better you feel. But you are in the same boat - you cannot help. Rather, you will harm.

People who still have their own problems cannot be of much help. Only someone who has no problems of his own can help you. Only then is there the clarity to see, to see through you. A mind that has no problems of its own can see you, you become transparent. A mind that has no problems of its own can see through itself, that's why it becomes capable of seeing through others.


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Create Camaraderie in the World

God said:

There is no such thing as the poor, the rich; the beautiful, the ugly; the good, the bad; the worthy, the worthless; the white, the black; the guilty, the innocent; republicans or democrats; Christians or Muslims; the young, the old; the honest, the dishonest; the brave, the cowardly; the washed, the unwashed. Do you understand Me? Only in the world are there opposites. Do not call out a name that you cast as defamed. You are to create camaraderie in the world.

Certainly, don’t set up boundaries. Instead, create the boundless. Without a glance, you may flaunt the use of words with opposites. Without even looking, you may tend to categorize people without a care in the world. You may, in fact, feel smug about your position as though you are the end of a see-saw that goes up when someone goes down.

I say categorically that everyone is a mixed bag. Even the beautiful do not always appear beautiful, and someone you might judge as ugly may grow on you. It is ugly to identify anyone, including yourself, as ugly. Which is worth more -- good feelings or good looks? You are choosing every minute of the day.

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Four Simple Hacks That Can Help Liberate Anyone From Experiencing Stress

by Heartfulness, Collective Evolution

This is an excerpt of a workshop coordinated by VÉRONIQUE BRASSELET and EMMA MILESI during the Heartfulness days at the Cité Internationale in Lyon in January 2016.

The Heart’s Simplicity Reduces Stress

Stress is everywhere in our daily lives. When it is positive (eustress), it is considered beneficial; when it is negative (distress), it inhibits our potential and prevents us from accomplishing our objectives.

What is stress?

Stress is something that causes a state of strain or tension.

What hides behind stress?

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Ingenious Kenyan Schoolgirls Develop App To Stop Female Genital Mutilation

By Amanda Froelich Truth Theory

Did you know? Every year, approximately 3 million girls are at risk of undergoing female genital mutilation (FGM), a process which entails the partial or total removal of the external genitalia. Fortunately for females worldwide, the incidence of FGM is about to substantially decrease. This is because a group of five Kenyan teenagers, who refer to themselves as “The Restorers” developed an innovative cell phone app that seeks to halt the practice.

The app, known as i-Cut, is a program that allows young girls and teens to call for help, seek assistance and report abuse to reputable law enforcement organizations. With the touch of a button, a female is connected with the legal, medical and therapeutic counseling resources she requires.

According to the Thomas Reuters Foundation, the girls themselves are not at risk of undergoing the “rite of passage,” as their village has denounced the practice. However, they each know females who were forced to have their genitalia removed. Because FGM remains a tradition deeply embedded in the social structure of many African villages, The Restorers chose to develop the app.

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Lunar Eclipse In Aquarius: Making Changes And Considering The Big Picture

by Carmen Di Luccio, Collective Evolution

We are having a Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius on August 7th/8th depending on where you are located in the world. It will be visible in most of Europe, Asia, Australia, and most of Africa. Its peak will be at 6:20pm Universal time, but will start just under an hour and finish an hour later. You can click here to find out what that will be in your time zone.

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Daily Message ~ Monday August 7, 2017

Dear Ones, if everyone acted exactly as you expected, you would never have the chance to express unconditional love for others. Conformity is the foundation for conditional love. Diversity is the foundation for unconditional love. Only one can offer freedom and expansion for everyone involved. ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 8/6/2017

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I was just looking at a few cartoons on Charlie Brown. In one cartoon he is playing with blocks, making a house out of children's blocks. He is sitting in the middle of the blocks building the walls.

Then a moment comes when he is enclosed; all around he has made a wall. Then he cries: Help, help! He has done the whole thing. Now he is enclosed, imprisoned. This is childish, but this is all that you have done also. You have made a house all around you, and now you are crying: Help, help! And the misery becomes millionfold - because there are helpers who are also in the same boat.


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A Secret to Living Life

God said:

There is one secret to living Life without strain, and that is, once and for all, to not make a big deal out of living Life. It is, after all, only Life. It is you who looks at Life the way you do. It is you who makes demands of Life, as if Life is meant to serve you and not you to serve Life.

It’s like Life consists of three flights of stairs to climb to get to your apartment, and every day, you say to yourself:

“What a crumby Life. Three flights of steep stairs to climb. Life isn’t supposed to be like this. How many times a day am I expected to climb up and down these stairs, day in and day out? Life isn’t supposed to ask this much of me. Life is supposed to wait on me more. I’m not even meant to have any stairs to climb. Life is meant to serve me bon-bons. As it is, Life wears me out. Life goes out of its way to hassle me.”

Contrast the above with thoughts like these below:

“Up these stairs again! Wow, look at all this free exercise I get! Yippee! I am so fortunate. God is very good to me! I can move my legs. I can get up from my chair. I can go upstairs and downstairs. I can carry groceries up these stairs, and I can take trash down these stairs. I can dance. I can sing. I am one of the luckiest people in the world! I give gratitude for all the gifts God gives me.”

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After Years of Decline, Finally Some Good News About America's Honey Bees

by Amanda Froelich, The Anti-Media

Because 90 percent of modern crops rely on pollination, honey bees are vitally important to ecosystems. Due to mites, pesticides, and a slew of other harms, however, the numbers of colonies in the U.S. and Europe have declined a staggering 90 percent over the past two decades. Fortunately, it appears populations of the bumbling insects in both countries are on the rise.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday August 6, 2017

So many enlightening human beings worry if they are good enough. Dear Ones, there has never been a time when you were not! You are an integral and beautiful individuated aspect of Source energy. How could it not be so?

But we understand what you are concerned about – as human beings driving the shift of consciousness on the planet, you wonder if you are doing enough. And to that we answer you in two ways.

First, the shift is reflective of your internal work, of your own shift in beingness. If you are in the throes of your enlightenment process, you are absolutely being of service. Every single energetic shift you assimilate and embody is serving the whole.

Second, those who are not yet allowing their own innate goodness to lead the way are generally not concerned one bit about their goodness. The fact that you wonder if you are good enough, or doing enough, is, by itself, an indicator that you are. ~Archangel Gabriel


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With all the energetic hub-bub going on, it is easy to forget that the physical body is shifting as well.  Remember to pay attention to the physical as well as the spiritual.  Without one, the other cannot function.  (Smiling)  Do your best to maintain a balance and know you are always protected by The Universe. ~ Creator



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