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The New Travel Ban You Didn’t Hear About Is Against U.S. Citizens - TruthTheory

By Shaun Bradley via Anti Media

As emotions intensify over Trump’s recent immigration ban, the State Department and IRS have quietly used it as a smokescreen to roll out a new policy that targets U.S. citizens for unpaid taxes.

The passports of these individuals can now be revoked and their citizenship status undermined at the behest of one of the government’s most corrupt agencies. By granting the Internal Revenue Service control over passports, due process has been significantly undermined. The shield of protection that U.S. citizenship used to represent has transformed into an inescapable brand of ownership. The desperate financial condition of the federal government will only worsen in the future, forcing it to further consume its own people’s wealth in order to survive.

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Illegal Drug Trade Essential to Geopolitics, Says Former Diplomat

Isaac Davis, Staff Writer
Waking Times

The illegal drug trade is an essential component of global politics, playing a central role in the proliferation of arms used to destabilize countries and unseat unfavorable regimes in the geopolitical quest to create favorable conditions for oil ventures while bolstering the banking industry.

Peter Dale Scott, a Canadian born scholar, poet and former diplomat, the world’s foremost researcher into the inner workings of government conspiracy (conspiracy meaning organized plans and programs). He has for decades been exposing the shadow elements operating under the cover of government, deep politics and big oil,

This underworld of influence is described in detail in Scott’s latest book, The American Deep State: Wall Street, Big Oil, and the Attack on U.S. Democracy (War and Peace Library).

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#NoDAPL Last Stand: Final Construction Could Begin Today As Army Corp Grants Easement

Final construction on the Dakota Access Pipeline could begin now that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers filed a notice of intent on Tuesday to grant Energy Transfer Partners the easement necessary to drill under the Missouri River’s Lake Oahe reservoir.

By: Claire Bernish / The Free Thought Project   Cannon Ball, ND — Final construction on the Dakota Access Pipeline could begin as soon as today, now that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers filed a notice of intent on Tuesday to grant Energy Transfer Partners the easement necessary to drill under the Missouri River’s Lake Oahe reservoir.

In short, the Army Corps failed to uphold a December announcement it would complete a full environmental impact assessment as the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe had requested, and has instead abruptly sided with the Trump administration for Big Oil over environmental concerns and treaty rights.

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Cannabis Exerts Powerful Neuroprotective Effects And May Soon Be Used In Stroke and Cardiac Emergencies

by Marco Torres, PreventDisease.com

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of over 100 active cannabinoids in cannabis. It accounts for 40 percent of the plant's extract and widely considered to be one of it's most powerful constituents that heals cells. Emergency teams in cardiac and stroke units may one day use CBD's neuroprotective effects to prevent the onset of debilitating symptoms developing from stroke and cardiac arrest.

The reason cannabis is so effective medicinally is directly related to its ability to interact with receptors in the body which inhibit inflammation and prevent disease. Cannabis does this so well, that few drugs can compete with its level of potency which come essentially with no side effects.

The new study from China documents"for the first time" how CBD can exert a potentially neuroprotective effect against brain ischemia/reperfusion injury.

Brain ischemia is a common clinical condition, and is involved in many serious diseases, including stroke, cardiac arrest, and respiratory arrest.

The treatment for this condition usually involves the restoration of blood flow as quickly as possible. However, this can cause secondary injury to the ischemic area, referred to as ischemia/reperfusion injury.

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Watergate Lawyer Shares Classified Info About ET’s Found In Basement of The Library of Congress

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about where we were headed and offered to help.  But instead, we, or at least some of us, interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after. — Paul Hellyer, Former Canadian Defense Minister (source)

GFP Newsletter - 2/8/2017

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When all questions disappear, that consciousness, that questionless consciousness, is the answer, is the truth.


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Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 8, 2017

Stop and go energy can be frustrating, we understand, when you are excited to move forward with your creations. When there is forward movement you see things as good, and when it stalls you see it as bad.

When things seem to stop moving, it does not mean that progress has stopped being made. It simply means that there are elements that are required to make your creation sustainable over the long term. It is merely a pause, a collecting of elements if you will, an allowing of things to come together behind the scenes, to further support your creation. In a sense, you can think of it as the universe responding in kind to what you have started.

When a race car makes a pit stop during a race, it does not mean that it is not making progress, or out of the race. It merely means it is taking a momentary pause to give it everything it needs in order to complete its mission. The driver knows this and keeps his focus on the goal, as he allows everyone else to do their jobs in support of that shared vision.

It is no different for you, Dear Ones, so please be reassured that the momentary pauses in your progress are simply your universal pit crew rushing in to give you what you need for your long term success. ~Archangel Gabriel


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Yemen Withdraws Permission For US Ground Operations

By: Jason Ditz / AntiWar   The Trump Administration’s claims that a January 29 ground raid in Yemen was a “success” appear to be on increasingly flimsy ground, with the Yemeni government announcing it has revoked permission for all future US ground operations on their soil.

Though US officials downplayed the move, saying it doesn’t apply to drone strikes, it is still a nasty black eye for the administration, as the US has long managed to keep the Yemeni government unquestioningly supportive, irrespective of a string of fairly plain blunders.

The January 29 raid was particularly bad, with officials saying everything that could’ve gone wrong did, and that the raid was carried out without sufficient intelligence. Though the Pentagon says 14 “combatants” were killed, so were dozens of civilians, including a substantial number of children, and the raid destroyed most of a village.

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You Are the Sun and the Moon and the Stars…

God said:

You may feel like a small human Being on Earth, such a tiny portion of the Universe, miniscule really. You have no idea of your magnitude.

Let Me tell you that you take up the Whole Universe. There is you and there is I -- One. We fill the Whole Universe. Another way to say this is that you, the individual you that you imagine you are, contain the Whole Universe within you.

Even as this idea is beyond your vision, you are the Universe Entire, that is to say, you are the Oneness of Life. You don't inhabit the Universe – you ARE the Universe. The world is contained within you.

This is hard to fathom, beyond your comprehension, so it seems.

Your physical body is not integral to the Universe. Rather, what is called your heart and mind – therein lies the Universe. This is how magnificent you are. This gives you an idea of your magnitude. This is how it is when We are One. Beyond your understanding, We are One. You may not recognize this as yet. You almost certainly don't have a grasp on this yet. Regardless of your picture of the Universe, this is the case. The world exists of you and Me as One.

When Lights go on all over the Universe, you are the Lights. You are this amazing circuitry. Without you, there would be no Lights. That you are the Light of the World is true right now.

No matter how you may see yourself – as a scoundrel, as a rake, in poor shape – whatever, the world does not exist without you. The world exists because of your Presence. The Universe has its Identity because of you.

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US Soldiers Share The Truth About What “Fighting For Your Country” Actually Means

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Former Air Force pilot Brandon Bryan is one of the first ever United States drone operators to speak out against what has been happening overseas for a number of years now, which is the murder of countless innocent lives.

Bryan served as a sensor operator for what’s known as the “Predator program” from 2007 to 20011. He was responsible for manning the camera on the unmanned aerial vehicles that carried out attacks overseas before leaving active duty in the Air Force, and, as Democracy Now reports, was actually given a certificate that credited his squadron for more than 1,500 kills.

The US clearly encourages and rewards this type of activity. Think about that while you consider what is still happening around the world, including in Syria.

Below is Bryant’s recounting of his first-ever lethal drone strike and the impact it continues to have on him to this day:

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Zuni Elder Shares Ancient Knowledge About Our Future Relationship With Extraterrestrials

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Below is a statement from Chief Looking Horse, delivered in his native Lakota language, at the United Nations Tillman Chapel. It is the embodiment of a confluence of prophecies that speak to the necessity of activating a new level of consciousness for the benefit of humanity and the Earth. Although their statement illuminates the nuclear crisis at Fukushima, the fundamental message is for humanity to spiritually awaken to protect and restore the sacred.

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How Your Brain Changes After Mindfulness

by Michael Forrester, Prevent Disease

Mindfulness-based teachings have shown benefits in everything from inflammatory disorders to central nervous system dysfunction and even cancer. Training groups in mindfulness has become a powerful tool in preventative intervention. Researchers at the University of Cincinnati (UC) are studying how cognitive therapy that uses mindfulness techniques serve as an alternative to pharmaceuticals.

Mindfulness is “the intentional, accepting and non-judgemental focus of one’s attention on the emotions, thoughts and sensations occurring in the present moment“, which can be trained by a large extent in meditational practices.

Anxiety disorders are among the most common psychiatric conditions affecting children and adolescents. While antidepressants are frequently used to treat youth with anxiety disorders, they may be poorly tolerated in children who are at high risk of developing bipolar disorder.

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The Truth About Our Clothes & Where They Come From – What You Will Find In A Typical Western Home

by Evan Zislis, Collective Evolution

There is no easy way to say this to a Western audience.

Our clothes — the stuff in our wardrobe right now — are the result of a reckless industry, responsible for some of the worst pollution and most horrific human rights violations on the planet. Pressured by fashion’s largest name brands, textile factories and garment manufacturers consistently cut corners to increase annual profit margins, at any cost. The modern fashion industry, currently making upwards of $3 trillion a year, is simply unsustainable. Here’s why:

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Trust The Process

There are things in your Earth plane existence that you may never understand.  This is not something to worry about or fret over.  When a situation like this presents itself, take in the information and know the answer will be revealed when you are ready to learn it.  Sometimes, letting things ‘be’ is the best (and only) thing you can do.  Trust the process!



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