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Full Moon In Cancer: Kickstarting A Year Of New Beginnings

by Carmen Di Luccio, Collective Evolution

We are having a powerful Full Moon in Cancer on January 12th at 11:34am Universal Time, four days after Mercury finishes its retrograde. It will also be the first Full Moon of 2017, which is a year of new beginnings.

There are cycles in numerology that consist of nine years, and 2017 is the first year of one of these cycles. This is because we add 2+0+1+7=10, and then we reduce that to a single digit by adding them together, which is 1+0 = 1. 2016, being the last year of the previous cycle, was a 9 year, as 2+0+1+6 = 9

We saw some tough astrological configurations in mutable signs in 2016, while 2017 will have its most significant aspects in Cardinal signs. Mutable signs are associated with transition and adaptability, while Cardinal signs are associated with beginnings and initiation, which correlates well with the numerology.

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Fake Food Versus Real Food - A Question of Life or Death

by Julian Rose

As the New Year dawns, so does our thinking process have an opportunity to do likewise. And why not make it a first call to get your priorities sorted out about your 2017 eating habits. After all, it is the quality of the fuel that you put in the tank that ensures how well your engine runs.

Although they might look nice, the great majority of supermarket foods are just a brilliant con trick. And I'm telling you this, sensing that the majority reading this article are most likely still doing most of their food shopping in a supermarket or 'superstore'.

Alright, so put on your safety belt, because I'm going to take you on a rapid ride down the isles of that 'superstore' just down the road from you.

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Ugly, Scarred Apples Taste Better Than Perfect Ones, So What’s With All The Food Waste?

by Brianna Acuesta, True Activist

They're healthier and taste better, what's not to love?

Pretty much everyone who buys fruit at a market, be it a farmer’s market or the local supermarket, is privy to searching for the perfect-looking produce and leaving behind the fruits and vegetables with marks or holes in them. But what if it turns out that the uglier the fruit, the better it tastes?

Eliza Greenman, an orchardist and consultant for growing fruits, runs an apple farm and describes herself as “obsessed” with growing fruit trees for the past decade. After she started studying the ways that fruits are produced to be perfect, she started to question the status quo and started a blog to publish her findings.

“I’m absolutely infatuated with the idea of stress in an orchard,” Greenman told NPR. “I believe stress can help create a super fruit.”

GFP Newsletter - 1/11/2017

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If you allow nature, if you don't interfere with nature, nature always goes on keeping its balance in every way; it never loses balance. Balance is something very fundamental to existence - in every dimension.


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Time Used to Be More Intimate with the Stars

God said:

All the difficulties that would be unknown were it not for time in the world. What an impasse time is. What havoc time incurs.

Without time, what would interrupt your peace? What would hurry you? What would make you harried?

What could you be too early for or too late? Everything would be now. What a blessing that would be.

On the other hand, in terms of the relative world, time serves a purpose. Without the world as fast-paced as you know it, how could trains run on time and school get out on time?

Alas, there is a sense in which time – this fictional time – runs the world. When there is a top layer of time in the world, the world kinda has to go by it.

Yet it would be such a blessing for the world to be not in the grasp of time.

Without time, who would eat in a hurry? Who would have indigestion? Who would have to slow down or hurry up?

Who would be a slow learner or fast learner? Without time, would such a judgment call even exist?

Without the firm illusion of time, where would haste or waste exist?

If you lived way back in primitive times, the sun would nudge you awake, and when the sun set, your eyes would close. You would be so close to nature. Ah, you may find yourself longing for such days, unhampered by all the paraphernalia of modern life.

Yet, you are rather accustomed to being hooked up to electricity. Of course, cleaning your house is a lot of trouble. You have to dust and vacuum, and you might rather be doing something else.

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Who you are is constant and unchanging.

Here in the spiritual we realms we continue to be in great joy as humanity’s awakening process accelerates and more and more humans start to become aware that something of major significance is happening in their individual lives and on Earth.  The energies enveloping the planet are strengthening and intensifying moment by moment, and you truly can have no idea of the affect that they are having everywhere – on nations, governments, religious organizations, multi-national corporations, political organizations, charitable organizations, indigenous peoples, military, police, intelligence agencies, and of course work places, families, and personal relationships – ENORMOUS changes are in progress right now!

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday January 11, 2017

If an emotion comes up into your awareness, the first thing to do is honour its presence. It is there to serve you in some way. Once you have acknowledged it, you can then start to explore it. Ask, “Is this mine?” You may be feeling energy from the collective, in which case you can simply observe it as release and send it on its way.

If it is yours ask, “Is it relevant to a certain situation?” Your feelings might be giving you additional feedback to something you are considering in your life. For example, if you are thinking about accepting a certain job and your entire being is responding with anxiety, your body is letting you know it is not a good energetic match to you. Thank your body for the warning and consider how to proceed in a way that fits well with you energetically.

Another helpful question to ask when an emotion comes up is, “Is this pertinent to this lifetime?” Many old wounds, beliefs, and conditioning are coming up for release. This question will allow you to recognize if it is old stuff on its way out, in which case you can be thankful to see you are continuing beautifully on your enlightenment process.

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Protests in Mexico Push Country to Brink of Revolution and Nobody's Talking About It

by Nick Bernabe, The Anti-Media

San Diego, CA — Long-simmering social tensions in Mexico are threatening to boil over as failing neoliberal reforms to the country’s formerly nationalized gas sector are compounded by open corruption, stagnant standards of living, and rampant inflation.

The U.S. media has remained mostly mute on the situation in Mexico, even as the unfolding civil unrest has closed the U.S.-Mexico border in San Diego, California, several times in the past week. Ongoing “gasolinazo” protests in Mexico over a 20 percent rise is gas prices have led to over 400 arrests, 250 looted stores, and six deaths. Roads are being blockaded, borders closed, and government buildings are being sacked. Protests have remained relatively peaceful overall, except for several isolated violent acts, which activists have blamed on government infiltrators.

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6 Bizarre Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Mainstream media has done their due diligence to slap a label on any news story that doesn’t fit their agenda, which we’ve come to discover is dictated by the world’s elite. Many stories are derided as mere conspiracy theories, ensuring they don’t receive serious consideration and are instead viewed as some sort of backward joke.

Conspiracy theories are stigmatized because people don’t want false news filling up their heads, and how can anyone blame them? Yet, because mainstream media has garnered the reputation of being the go-to for factual information, they have the ability to take possible truths and immediately have them ridiculed and dismissed.

But alternative outlets and powerful people such as WikiLeaks, Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, and many unbiased journalists are paving the path to break such stigmas. They are opening people up to the notion that they should decide for themselves whether many of the “conspiracy theories” the mainstream so readily trashes are worth further consideration; to the notion that, in fact, the mainstream may be actively suppressing the truth rather than promoting it.

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A High-Ranking Freemason Just Got Caught Hacking The Vatican & ECB

by Lance Schuttler, The Mind Unleashed

The hacking and leaking phenomenon happening in the world right now just got a whole lot more interesting. This time, it involves an Italian Masonic lodge, the Vatican, the European Central Bank (ECB) and a nuclear engineer.

According to Bloomberg, court documents showed that over 18,000 email accounts were being tracked and spied on, which included the spying on of state agencies, political figures and business people, which lasted for years up until now.

Among the political figures whose emails were hacked included former Italian prime ministers Mario Monti and Matteo Renzi, along with several cardinals within The Vatican. The list also included bankers like Mario Draghi, who is the head of the European Central Bank, and other politicians, law firms and ministries.

The two charged with stealing state secrets and illegal hacking were nuclear engineer Giulio Occhionero and his sister Francesca Maria Occhionero. According to police, both were well known in Roman financial circles.

GFP Newsletter - 1/10/2017

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It seems that once a certain rule is accepted, people become so much addicted to it they completely forget in what circumstance the rule was made.


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Collector of Undone Deeds

God said:

There are loved ones you care about who drive you up the wall, is this not so? If you didn’t care deeply and hold a vested interest, it’s possible they wouldn't drive you up the wall. You may see their repetitive behavior as self-destructive, and yet you have heard Me say to keep your hands off. You don’t know if you are capable of being silent.

Let Us say that your husband is a master procrastinator. To almost everything you may say or request, his refrain seems to be:

"Not now," or, "Later." And later is later and later.

It is as if your husband is a collector of undone deeds. You are not talking about his mowing the yard. He could be out of work, and you may be concerned about his getting off the couch and looking for work. You are so worried.

You understand what I mean when I say to let him be. You know that reminding him that time is wasting doesn't help either you or him. That's just it – nothing seems to help.

You are not someone who can just sit on your hands. You can’t possibly smile and pretend that everything is all right. Has your husband given up? Is he wasting his life? Is he possibly ill? You have worry on top of worry.

The fact, so far as you can see, is that his joy in life lies lounging on the couch, watching TV and letting life slide.

His reactions are hard for you to take. Somehow, you and your husband have become opponents.

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Gangsta Gardener Ron Finley Asks the World for Assistance to Save His Garden

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

One of the most inspiring, and most real, people to have emerged as a popular hero in recent years is asking the world for help to save a one-of-a-kind urban gardening project.

Ron Finley, affectionately known as the Gangster Gardener, changes lives with his passion for urban farming, a task he took on when one day he realized fast-food and low-quality processed foods were killing his community, South Central Los Angeles, inflicting far more damage than drugs and crime.

“The drive-thrus are killing more people than the drive-bys.

I live in a food prison.. It’s all by design just like prisons are by designed. I just got tired of being an inmate. So I figured, let me change this paradigm, let me grown my own food. This is one thing I can do to escape this predestined life that I have unwillingly subscribed to.” – Ron Finley


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