What would God say

David Porter's picture

The Awakening


Form My Almighty I AM Presence; I call forth clarity in my life now


I step aside and allow my Divine Plan to unfold, God expressed


Be still and know, I AM God, The Purest Christ, Divine eternal living Love and Light


I AM the resurrection and the Life


I AM the Christ, Son of the Living God I AM


I AM Creator, Creation, Spirit in it all


I AM absolute perfection of My universal law


I AM the wings of the eagle that he may soar


I AM unlimited universe and many more


I AM infinite, immeasurable, intelligence, Mind Divinity


I AM all that is, all that was, and all that ever will be


I AM the truth that will set you free


I AM the life inside the seed, that grows to be the tree


The same out pressing I AM in thee


You hear Me in your music

You taste Me in your sweets

You see Me walking down your streets

You smell Me in your flowers so sweet

You touch Me as you feed Me treats


I AM the feelings within your heart that beats


I AM every breath of air you breathe


Ascension Diary W/C Monday 24th September 2012

Oz Angel's picture


Today I woke feeling overwhelmed.. There was no logical reason for this. just a deep unshakable feeling that everything was overwhelming me… I also then realised for (maybe) the first 30 minutes upon waking I could not remember words.. A great sense of nothingness had invaded my head space and the usual chatter that I have upon waking was not there. It also meant that I could not describe to my partner what was going on and my only option left was to grunt and smile at his questions. Strangely though this did not concern me instead it felt …overwhelming. Slowly the words began to return and as I lay there listening to the latest SaLuSa channeling I began to feel more in my 3D body once again..

Once more I struggle with the notion that a week has passed since I last put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) as it feels more like a day, maybe 2 at a stretch.. But still, here I am (almost) 10 days on and wondering if maybe I have been leaving this physical body or if indeed the timelines are converging causing a further feeling of time speeding up. yet when I look at what has been done since I last wrote I realise there is much activity taking place..


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Earth Star Network is an earth-based communications network for the spiritually awake, who are fulfilling their mission to shine pure love and informational light into the collective consciousness of humanity. 

Poofness ~ 9/23/2012 ~ On The Road Again

Lia's picture



Greetings and Salutations;

Used to be, folks would just nod their and concede, I was ‘whacked’ talking about something economically impossible, shift the wealth of the world??? Well your daft, sir. Hrrumph Hrrumph. Now the talking heads are responding directly on broadcasts and everything. Remember, back in ez board days? I said I would slice and dice the rumors and expose them for public ridicule, to be mocked and spat upon? It ain’t easy being cheesy. The best is seeing the stuff I was talking about, materializing for all to see. It’s taken a while but, ‘resistance is futile…stand down to be assimilated’. You see, that change is afoot is beyond question, the only debate out here has to with who’s doing it. Everybody is waving their arms around, it’s me, no, it’s me, I got control! and you’re not getting a cowpatty on a warm day, in west texas when it’s raining. Or like a little girl used to say in grade school , ‘you think you’re hot shit on a silver platter, but, you’re nothing but cold diarrhea on a paper plate’. Such cussing comin’ out her mouth…must have been an interesting home life for her. But, she grew up to become stunning. Go figure. She could cuss with penache…lololol.

Two Videos from Java on the Rock… And Why I Come Here

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Two Videos from Java on the Rock… And Why I Come Here…

Posted on 2012/09/23 

I have two videos just uploaded this morning from Java on the Rock. some of the second video relates to the “via 9-9 expanded” portal. I’m sure that’s one reason I come here a lot.

Today especially I felt I HAD to be here. It is solely an inner thing. Even though I love the mocha and the scones here, and all that, it’s the “Higher Inner” alignment with the Essence of Peace and Harmony that Andrea and Bruce (co-owners of Java) that is special to me.

There is nothing like it on the planet. In fact, it usually feels like I’m an a different, Higher Planet, when I’m here.

You may have a certain “age number”, but no matter what it is, you will feel younger after “Being” in this energy, for sure.

Disgraced Vietnam bank tycoon hit with new charges

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Malaysia Chronicle - 9/19/12

Disgraced Vietnam bank tycoon hit with new charges

HANOI - Vietnamese police said Tuesday they were pursuing more serious charges against one of the country's top banking tycoons, whose arrest last month sent a shockwave through the nation's financial markets.

Multi-millionaire Nguyen Duc Kien is now under investigation for "deliberate wrongdoing causing serious consequences" and "fraudulence", according to a statement from the Ministry of Public Security.

To read the rest of this story, visit malaysia-chronicle.com.

Mexico nabs high-ranking Gulf cartel leader

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Fox News Latino - 9/20/12

Mexico's federal police on Thursday announced the arrest of the Gulf drug cartel's purported No. 2 in the northern city of Monterrey and six of his close associates, officials said.

Salvador Roman Garcia, alias "El Tio," was arrested Tuesday on Bernardo Reyes Ave. in Monterrey, the capital of Nuevo Leon state, "while visibly armed on board a vehicle," the federal Public Safety Secretariat said.

To read the rest of this story, visit Latino.FoxNews.com.

Cannabis plant extract 'could stop aggressive cancers from spreading'

Rain's picture

Mail Online - Claire Bates, 9/20/12

  • Compound in the plant does not produce psychoactive properties of cannabis
  • Found not only to stop breast cancer cells from acting 'crazy' but also to return to normal cells
  • Cannabidiol is a compound found in the cannabis plant, which is non-psychoactive

    Cannabidiol is a compound found in the cannabis plant, which is non-psychoactive

  • A compound found in cannabis could halt the spread of many forms of aggressive cancer, scientists say.

    Researchers found that the compound, called cannabidiol, had the ability to 'switch off' the gene responsible for metastasis in an aggressive form of breast cancer. Importantly, this substance does not produce the psychoactive properties of the cannabis plant.

Of course we have a Soul and a Twin Flame ~ Archangel Gabrielle through Isabel Henn

Lia's picture

 September 23, 2012


My Beloved, it is the first time today that I speak through this channel, even though she already knows me for a while, at least in this incarnation. In truth, she knows me since the birth of her soul. She is my true incarnation on your beautiful planet, and was it in all of her previous lives on Sirius. I am her Higher Self, and we love to chat. So far there was no need to speak through her, but this is now changing. I would like to clarify a few things.

You know me all as Archangel Gabriel. This is true so far. What little was known previously, is the fact that I prefer as an androgynous being the feminine form. My beloved brother Michael has one time or another told you that I’m his sister Gabrielle. Yes, we Archangels too prefer either the female or the male form. We can accept as  twelve-dimensional Beings any form we desire, whether as a burning bush or an eagle or even the human form. I have done this several times. And as Angel of the Annunciation I love to appear as a woman. The Mother of Jesus could confirm you that.

Leano Rice~Frequencies of the Moment

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Frequencies of the Moment


The sound of divine intelligience[Love] is getting louder. Equivalent to the sound of a television turned on, but on mute, and inside my ears. Vibrations flowing in and out of different frequencies, changing and flickering like channels. When I had a television, there were times when I had to get up out of bed and walk into the living room just to check if the TV was on. I sat there a couple of times for almost an hour, just listening to this. Walking around the entire apartment at 3 in the morning, trying to find where this sound was coming from.

That hasn't happened as loud, since, but the sound of nothing has gotten noticeably louder. Flickers and shifts. Before, it was like a television on mute. Now, it is like someone screwing the cable line in the back of the TV, and more defined signals are bouncing around the connection.

Activist Post – Julie Beal – The A.I. Thought Police – 23 September 2012

Rain's picture

Source: Lucas 2012 Infos, 9/23/12

We know we’re being surveilled in the matrix: AI Law, empowered by algorithms, feasts on Twittered hate crimes and the like to try to predict crime. We are leaving virtual trails of data which are used to feed simulation models, for predictive analytics – but we can still opt out, throw away our phones, disconnect. There is still some control over what they take from us. But AI Thought Police wants more – to climb into our minds, understand our physical make-up, really get to know us.

We are all under suspicion, but AI needs to know which ones to focus on. So the US army is developing methods to covertly identify and track people who plan to do ‘something bad’. Hidden sensors will be used to detect AI’s version of ‘adversarial intent’ by reading and cataloguing our emotions and health.


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