Jesus and Saul: No Posts Today ~ Messages from John Smallman

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Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ We mentioned when we moved through this last protal of the 9~9~911 Energies this Month, only those who were energetically ready moved through it, which activated the next aspect of the Divine Plan for them and if they did not make it thrugh, then they would not be reciving anymore of the Higher Energy information which is on the One Time Line. The Onetime line is where only the Highest Outcome for Humanity will manifest. All othertim lines are dissolving. We are now seeing many unable to recieve information. John is not the only one, we send Him Lots of Love to assist Him and will be contacting Him personally to offer our Love and Support. Love The Earth Allies



John has written the following two messages on his two blogs today:

Jesus and Saul: No Posts Today – Messages from John Smallman

Jesus: No Post Sunday September 23rd 2012.

By John Smallman – September 23, 2012

Dear All,

Gaia Request: Be in Joy on the Ride

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Gaia Request: Be in Joy on the Ride


Solitary adjustments, in one by one fashion concurrent among all Hue-beings, stand out at this current moment. All sense these adjustments. Although awareness of such may follow later.

Intrusions for purpose of clearing come rapidly at this time and each requires simple non-resistance and release.

Gaia global planetary adjustments are on hold until individuals’ clearances are processed.

Gaia alignments near completion yet continue for short period of Gaia 3D time during post-equinox to assist during tipover processing.

Downhill begins now.

Gaia request: Be in Joy on the Ride. Adjust as necessary.

Whole Light Beings: Revel in Being the Black Sheep

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Thank you to Steve Beckow for this Video

Some help for people being represented as the black sheep for holding the views of our galactic family and Ascension that they do. Thanks to Andrea and Mike.



Video note:

My gratitude to the generous Angelic Human who offered a portion of her reading with the Light Orbs (Whole Light Beings) for the benefit of the Whole

Strong winds and heavy rainfall set to lash UK

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BBC News UK - 9/23/12

The dry start to autumn is due to come to an abrupt end within hours, as predicted gale force winds and heavy rainfall lash parts of the UK.

Stormy weather

Met Office yellow rain warnings are in place for much of the UK

Winds of up to 60mph will hit the north of England and south of Scotland, while other areas could see 80mm of rain before Monday evening, forecasters say.

The Environment Agency has issued about three dozen flood alerts, mainly in south-west England.

To read the rest of this story, visit

Update from Tolec: Andromeda Council on “US/China Joint Naval Operations Against Extraterrestrial Threat”

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“This Is Absolutely a ‘False Flag’ Report”

Posted on 2012/09/22



“UFO War: Chinese and US Navy off San Francisco”

Tolec, what is the real deal with this joint U.S./China Naval forces working together just outside of the San Francisco Bay area, a U.S naval warship being attacked, and a Reptilian war going on?

date: September 21, 2012


ANSWER: No, no, no. According to my Andromeda Council contacts, this is absolutely a “False flag” report.

Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Hilarion ~ Weekly Update~ Cleansing Continues

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 23 September 2012


Beloved Ones,

The purification that is required in order to allow a greater connection with your Higher Self is now taking place. This will continue for the next months and you will find yourselves expressing in ways you never have before. You will feel calmer and more peaceful within. The intensity of the energies has been washing away all that has been holding you back from going forward in a confident manner and you will soon be picking up the torch of a higher way of expression.

The issues and situations that have been unresolved in the people around you are coming up to be looked at with greater scrutiny and these issues are being resolved in a peaceful and loving manner. All Beings desire to come together in Love and unity, to reconnect in a more positive and nurturing way and this will be seen to have its effect in human interaction. The mass consciousness field has been undergoing a mass cleansing and as this continues, more access to peaceful ways of interaction will take place.

60 MPH WIND, and RAIN forecast for Britains

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60 mph wind and rain is forecasted for Britains....

by: Andrew Hough,

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Truth vs. Fantasy ~ Important Now

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2012 September 23

by Steve Beckow

Lolo Soetoro and Family ca. 1971I find myself a little saddened today, feeling a mite not up to the task, after having chatted with a lightworker about President Obama.

It feels like the work of countering the cabal’s propaganda machine is almost impossible.

You remember the series of articles some years ago about how large the security apparatus in the United States (and probably in other “western democracies” as well) had grown after 9/11? Huge. And now, because of 9/11, these agencies were no longer being paid out of the proceeds of the international drug trade or currency manipulation, but with taxpayers’ dollars.

Suzanne Lie: Mytre and the Arcturians ~ Journey to the Mothership Part 3(b)d by the general public

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By Dr Suzan Caroll / Suzanne Lie – September 22, 2012


Mytre Speaks:

Dear Earth ones, thank you for joining me on the Arcturian Mothership. Later in my story I will share with you the joy of our Pleiadian Ascension, which was long ago in your Earth time.

However, since I now resonate beyond the limitations of time, I can calibrate my multidimensional consciousness to any time zone or frequency of reality. In fact, I first learned this skill of calibrating my consciousness onboard this very Mothership.

Fifth Dimensional Beings on the Mothership

The SHIFT of Human Consciousness and The Metaphor of the Galactic Center

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On another blog site I posted a video and someone turned it into a wrath of negative. It angered me that anyone at this late day should be concerned about people going into fear by hearing the truth of the possible physical event results and their why. So I removed that Blog because I refuse to deal with negativity ""including my own"". It kept me up all night because this event we call the SHIFT is what I've spent lifetimes trying to help humanity understand is not physical, but about our spiritual evolution. This is not, nor is any of life, about the Physical. All things are energy and the Physical is only an illusion. This physical projection of Earth and Galactic Center meeting is like a visual metaphor. This physical event is only the illusion.

Thomas Pafe~Why Ascension Frequencies~Energies are not perceived, validated by the general public

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For quite a while now many have been questioned by their entourage (lightworkers alike) as to why just a selected few are sensing, living the ascension process – affected by these frequent downloads taking into consideration that we are all exposed to these waves (under the same roof so to speak); and on the premise that we all feel the rays/light from the same Sun...
At the moment we volunteered as anchors/wayshowers/lightbearers for the ascension project, some parameters/lines in our running system aka DNA were modified. This exercise was carried out at the moment of our conception by our guides & Co – orientation team and by diversity under the supervision of Athena`s department (soul contract, mission, karma …).
All those involved in the ascension project depending on their specific assignments as well as their positions on Jacob`s ladder have been receiving varying doses of cyclic downloads of light energies necessary for: the shift, carbon to crystal conversion, cleansing, transmutation,... The passage of these energies through the LBP (light body process) has been responsible for the proverbial ascension symptoms (unusual body symptom that does not have a medical cause, which are the effect of greater spiritual light/energy downloads in the body).

Wes Annac Video: The Neutralization of Chemtrails is Real

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 Commentary from Stephen Cook: As I said to Wes, look closely at the 1:05-1:09 mark on the first video below. At the top of the video screen, just to the left of the middle, you’ll see a cleansing orb as it finishes its work and suddenly, and quickly, moves down the screen towards the left, and away from the chemtrail it has been “neutralising’… Wes had missed seeing it when he was filming.

Ah, such joy to see our Galactic family ‘at work’.

The Neutralization of Chemtrails is Real

By Wes Annac, Aquarius Channelings, Sept. 21, 2012



We’ve heard from a few Galactic and ascended sources of the neutralization of chemtrails, and there have been writings on the subject as well. As many hard-working truthseekers have done much to expose the reality of chemtrails and what has been sprayed in our skies for so long, the truth of chemtrails has now gotten out and we can recognize it as another cruel attempt from the dark to keep us submissive.

Recent miracles~ an answer

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Submitted by Guest (unregistered) on Sat, 09/22/2012 - 21:03.

Recent miracles... an answer to prayer...

One of my prayers is for the protection of the children.

On three occasions within the last two months I was shown my prayers are answered:


1) The first time a neighbor told me that her 30 year old daughter almost drowned while boating on the Cowichan River. Her boat got caught on a log and she was capsized. Her boat pulled her under and then her hair got caught on a tree root. Her daughter told me that she didn't know what happened but suddenly she was released and was able to swim to the surface. I knew it was an answer to prayer.


2) The second time I was parked at an intersection waiting somewhat impatiently for people to cross. Suddenly I noticed a van in the lane beside me start to move forward and right in front was a father and his little son riding a bicycle. Something stopped the van and they escaped uninjured. I said a prayer of thanks realizing that I had been shown again that my prayer for the protection of the children had been heard.



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