Announcements will Come “All of a Sudden”

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2012 September 23

 by Steve Beckow

Only in 3D do saints and sinner rub shoulders

I don’t think I can leave off reading SaLuSa’s most recent message (Sept. 21, 2012) without commenting. There is so much there that offers reassurance and puts events in context.

For instance, notice this mention: “Just now a number of actions that are destined to start the changes are proceeding well, and it is likely that all of a sudden some of them will announce themselves to the media.”

Remember that Archangel Michael said that NESARA was due to be announced on Sept. 11 and the anti-Muslim film caused widespread protests that forced a cancellation. But AAM said it would not be a long interruption.

~ Space Weather~ Slight Chance of Flares

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SLIGHT CHANCE OF FLARES: Sunspot 1575 has developed a 'beta-gamma' magnetic field that harbors energy for M-class solar flares. NOAA forecasters estimate a 5% chance of an eruption during the next 24 hours. The odds are low, but if a flare occurs, it will be Earth-directed. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.


AUTUMN LIGHTS: The onset of northern autumn means it's aurora season. For reasons researchers don't fully understand, equinoxes are the best times to see Northern Lights. And, right on cue, the Arctic Circle is glowing. Casey Thompson sends this picture from Chatanika, Alaska:

"The auroras beamed right through the clouds over Chatanika on Sept. 21st," says Thompson. "Open water doesnt last long in the interior of Alaska, so it is always nice to find a place to get some reflections of the beautiful Lights along with a staple in Alaska history, the gold dredge."

LIsa Gawlas~The Multi-Dimensional Self and Actively Reaping The Harvest!

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These days the shear understanding of what it really means to be multidimensional is really opening my eyes in a brand new way, or maybe better stated, in a deeper way.  We have been talking for so long how all the dimensions are opening up and becoming more and more available to us now here on earth.  The timelines are all overlapping in our present moment in unmistakable ways.  Then it would have to be that we are living multiple aspects of our life in this very moment.

The three people I wrote about yesterday was showing us their multidimensional aspects.  I didn’t understand this at all until my last reading of the day yesterday, well, not like I understand it right now.  Before I get into the depth of sharing from my last reading, let me share something from my second reading.  Something I never thought to do, but man oh man, what a great idea and we should all be doing this!!

As the reading opened up I was watching this man move from his present moment, to several days into his future, scoop up armfuls of energy and bring it back into his present.  He repeated this motion over and over again, but interestingly, never taking from the same space twice.  He always moved just to the right of where he last grabbed an armful.  Of course, my first started question was “what the hell are you doing?”

The energy of our future is like translucent cloud-like puffs of mass energy.  Each time he grabbed an armful, the energy created a gold outline of vibration around it, inside, pure potential.  I could see and feel the energy as he scooped up heaps of it but as he placed it into his present moment, I could no longer see it.  I understood that it dissipated and moved into his energy field.

The manuscript of survival – part 200

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The manuscript of survival – part 200

As you have mayhaps already noticed, the air is rife with disquiet and unease, and many of you will feel out of sorts because of the energies swirling about you now. The light is increasing, not in slow and steady increments now, but in intense bursts of energy that will start to transform so much around you. But with it, the denser energies are starting to act up even more. Just as when the tide has turned and the water is being pulled out from the shore, so too the dark ones will be pulled away from yours. But they will not leave voluntarily, and as they are being pushed away from your shores by the ever advancing light, they are using all of their feeble force to kick out in every direction they can. And their outbursts will be felt by many of you. So do not let them fool you into thinking that you are becoming as feeble as them, and that you are losing your grip on this whole process. They would love to take you with them as they sink ever lover into the despair of the vanquished, and they are very good at it too.

Larry Larson – Twelve – Twelve Insight Journal – We Are Of Two Minds

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Larry Larson – Twelve – Twelve Insight Journal – We Are Of Two Minds – 23 September 2012

Question: You have told us to engage life on an energetic feeling level with our whole body. What do you mean by that?

You see, you are all of two minds when it comes to understanding the ways in which your world and your creations are coming together. The first mind, the one that your modern society most highly values, is simply logical. And its logic is based on your limited physical point of view. That which is real is that which is real, and none of this other mumbo-jumbo matters in that physically limited point of view.

But you have another mind just beneath the surface of that which is physical. This Master Mind is continuously engaged with the energetic gridwork that precedes the emergence of physical reality. It is operating on a level to which your ordinary conscious thinking mind has no access, except in a very limited way. In order for you to access the level of Master Thinking, Master Planning, you must engage your whole body on an energetic, feeling level.

Heavenletter #4321 Promises, Promises, September 23, 2012

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Heavenletter #4321 Promises, Promises, September 23, 2012 


God said: 


No longer are you to make excuses. First of all, there is no need to make excuses. Take responsibility. Do not blame yourself, and do not make excuses. Take responsibility.

If you say you are going to do something, do it, or don’t say it. Watch what you say.

It is wonderful to offer the world and Heaven to someone, yet, if you cannot fulfill it, do not say it. With the world, even though it is all a dream, do not promise unless you will deliver.

If your world seems to be in a shambles, then perhaps you have been untrue to your word.

You don’t have to be everything to everyone. You do not have to blow up your image and make it unwieldy.

Your word matters. It matters very much. Align your word. Let your word fit your life. Nothing is to keep you from fulfilling your word. Your word is to be gold. Nothing less.

Re-Hearter ~ We Want YOU to Be in Our Video! ~

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Update: Please send Ian or me your photo and statement by the end of the day on Friday, September 28. Please remember to put your name at the bottom of your statement (write your name the way you want it to appear in the video). Thank you!



This is the Summer of LOVE. Okay, it’s the second Summer of LOVE; the first one was in 1967.

Anyway, WE are making a home movie to mark the occasion and WE want YOU to be in it. The video will feature photos of all of OUR Family members, like ME and YOU, as well as a statement or favorite quote from each of us.

Ian Kagie will be producing the video and has set up a Facebook group for it. Please join here and send Ian your photo and statement: Summer of love #2

Earthrise is here with a summary of the Summer of 2012 Just one More Step

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Earthrise is here, The Summer of 2012 has come and went with many things that happened. Egos have fallen, Light has truly won, the love of from the games in London, and the increasing of Love has put a lot of pressure on the Cabal. Major solar flares have come and poured more Light onto Earth=Heart. Much has happened in the last few weeks than events that have happened for the majority of the summer. The calmness of the storm is ever. The great has begun to pick up and will only continue to pick up. Much will happen leading up to December 21, 2012. Stay centered in Light. Disinformation is spreading like wildfire around the Lightworker community. You know what the truth is. Your heart does not know how to lie. Raise your vibrations enough to creat Christ Light in and around you to protect you from the lower vibrations and to help raise the vibrations around you and for Earth=Heart. Now the seasons have switched and there is much to look forward to. Miracles are happening everywhere. Heaven is here! You just need to feel it! We are so close! Just one more step! Don't give up! Until next time we speak again, Earthrise


Leano Rice~ Packing Light

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Packing Light

What star system are you from?

The perspective of identifying with one particular star system is a beautiful realization. I myself have noticed a repetitive connection to a particular star system.

The issue I have come to realize, is the definite conclusion aspect of this concept. Is this realization representative of All That Is? Is there a step further? If so, what comes with that extra step?

When we become certain of some things, it opens up many doors for us. Once the ceiling of those compartments have been reached, many of our perspectives can become limited by those definites, tunnels can begin to form around our perspectives, and preconceived notions can download from external perceptions that might not always be true.

As multi-dimensional beings, we exist on every plane. All incarnations of the self, from the past, present, and our future incarnations, all exist Now. They are all the One, I Am.


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