~ Leano Rice ~ Breathe Your Almost there~

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The Illusion of Time and the Physical Being


Time: A limited and linear perspective of the infinite Now, created to restrict the unfathomable velocity of  timeless human potential. The old way, no longer needed for our evolution. To remove the shackles of time from our wrists, is to free the timeless beings of divine light. A light that is powered by the intergalactic space of all realities and possibilities. Linear time, like a linear flat earth, has a start and ending. We are no longer beings of that perspective; the Golden light of the Now shines forever, and is bound by no numbers, hands, or frames. All possibilities exist Now. Nothing is beyond the reach of the One who is already every place in every moment.

~ Don't Adjust Your Set~

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2012 September 22


Many rumors circulate at the moment, including from prominent lightworkers, that negative aliens remain around the planet and that dark underseas bases still exist.

The last remnants of the cabal are busy selling the story that we face an imminent ET invasion beyond the limits of imagination and that Iran is in the last stages of developing a nuclear weapon and must be stopped.

Chinese warships face American warships off the coast of California, represented by some well-known lightworkers as an action against negative ETs. Archangel Michael explained what was really occurring in An Hour with an Angel on Sept. 17, 2012:

“It is about posturing. It is about war games. Let us say what it is not about. It is not about any form of October surprise. It is not about an armed conflict. It is not about alien invasion! But there is a great deal of posturing that goes on between the Chinese and the US military, various military forces. And in this situation it is their navies.

Lisa Gawlas~The Energy of 2013 Is Here and Will Be Amplified Thru the Rest of 2012!

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Before I got into today’s sharing, I want to mention something about the picture I used for todays image.  I spent a good amount of time yesterday looking for something that looks like the silver energy I see as the timeline of 2013, I kept coming up blank.  A man named Patrick Latter liked my sharing from yesterday, and for the first time ever I actually clicked on his name to see his blog and about shit (in a good way of course) when I had seen the energy of this photograph he took.  It looks exactly like what I have been seeing.  A car represents how we move forward in life, how fitting this image to these times.  I have enjoyed looking and feeling with his amazing ability to capture on film many aspects of what I see in readings.  Thank you Patrick for bringing it all to life!!  To enjoy his photography, please either click on the photo or his name!!  

It was soooo incredibly good to do readings again yesterday, but man, it felt like I took off two years not two months.  We have been zooming thru the evolutionary process while I was gone!!  Phew baby!!  And what I had seen, what I understand, blew my precious mind!  It was like each client built upon the story of where we are heading in the last stretch of 2012.

Inelia Benz~Did You Hear? We can do it today!

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The information in this article is highly empowering, and reveals deeply known, yet forgotten, facts about our true natures. Feel free to share it, email it, and post it to anyone you feel it will empower. Although simple, it goes to the core of how the Light/Dark Paradigm has been able to function for so long and how we can consciously move back to our true natures of Light/Love, bringing in the New Paradigm with us into what we know as a "physical reality".

Most of us have heard of the "Tower of Babel". If you haven't, the biblical story goes like this (copied from wikipedia at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tower_of_Babel):

A blink of an eye is all you have left to go~ Through Ron Head

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A blink of an eye is all you have left to go~ Through Ron Head


Spanish        Portuguese


Today is the day of your equinox.  We would not call it autumnal or vernal, as doing so would cheat those living on half of your planet.  Whichever it is for you, we hope that you are enjoying this day in good health and good spirits.

~Space Weather Update~ Happy Equinox!

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FIRST DAY OF NORTHERN AUTUMN: The seasons are changing. Today, Sept. 22nd at 10:49 a.m. EDT, the sun crosses the celestial equator heading north. This marks the beginning of autumn in the northern hemisphere and spring in the southern hemisphere. At this time of year, day and night are of nearly equal length, hence the name "equinox" (equal night).

AUTUMN LIGHTS: The onset of northern autumn means it's aurora season. For reasons researchers don't fully understand, equinoxes are the best times to see Northern Lights. Right on cue, the Arctic Circle is glowing. Tom Eklund sends this picture taken Sept. 20th from Akaa, Finland:

"This was one nice auroral event--maybe the best display so far during this solar cycle!" says Eklund. "The vivid green belts with their pink lower edges were breaktaking."

The show's not over. A solar wind stream is expected to hit Earth's magnetic field this weekend, sparking more fall colors around the Arctic Circle. Aurora alerts: text, voice.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Lightworker You are a Lightworker

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Saturday, September 22, 2012


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Lightworker

You are a Lightworker


Shine your Divine light and your love. Beam it from within you, and it lights the way for others. Let them come to you when they are ready. Until then, just keep shinning your light in the darkest of places. It is not always an easy path for the Lightworker, however, when you get to the point in your evolution it won't seem like the same work you started.
Be open and flexible along the way. Ask your angels to help you open your mind and your heart with new ideas and fresh options. When you accept the possibility that there are other ways, previous unseen doorways will be opened to you and you can easily move through any change.

The Sun Always Shines Within

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The Sun Always Shines Within

22nd Septmeber 2012

By Trinity Bourne

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

When the heavens open.

Recently I was at the counter of a health food shop, when the lady serving made a stark comment about how “awful the weather is”. The rain was torrential, the clouds were black and anyone with out a raincoat or umbrella was getting drenched. Despite realising that it wasn’t the ‘expected sociable response’ to be happy about the rain, I just couldn’t agree with her…

What I was really thinking was – how blessed we were that we were not drought stricken. How vibrant the plants and trees looked. How rapidly my water-butts would be filling up in the garden back at home. What amazing poetry the rain created as it washed, cleansed and kissed the earth. So, I expressed my version of reality with a warm smile as she looked at me in that kind of ‘gone out’ sort of way, when it feels like you are a lonely fish swimming against the current in a big big river. I guess it’s all a matter of perspective.



Given half the chance, children will dance and splash in the rain for hours. My son could never resist the water. Same with any other kids I’ve been around. If it is wet, they’re in it, splashing about. Puddles, fountains, streams, the waves. Water can be an incredible element.

Good News: After one year of revolt, Quebec students victorious

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Good News: After one year of revolt, Quebec students victorious

Posted on September 21, 2012 

In Quebec It’s Official: Mass Movement Leads to Victory for Students

Naomi Klein: ‘This is why radical movements are mercilessly mocked. They can win."

by Common Dreams staff

Students protesting the rise in tuition fees demonstrate in Montreal Saturday, April 14, 2012. (Graham Hughes/THE CANADIAN PRESS)


After a year of revolt which became known as the “Maple Spring”—including massive street protests that received global attention—university students across Quebec were celebrating victory on Thursday night following the announcement from newly elected Premier Pauline Marois that the government was cancelling the proposed tuition hike that led to the student uprising and nullifying the contentious Bill 78 law which was introduced to curb the powerful protests.

“It’s a total victory!” said Martine Desjardins, president of the Fédération étudiante universitaire du Québec, which is the largest student association with about 125,000 students. “It’s a new era of collaboration instead of confrontation.”

The manuscript of survival – part 199 Fall equinox message

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The manuscript of survival – part 199 Fall equinox message



•September 22, 2012 •

Today is indeed an important day, as you are once again in the middle of a yearly focal point that will enhance everything. So keep your focus clear dear ones, as it will only be too easy to be overwhelmed by those few dark spots still remaining in your atmosphere.

Let us explain. As we heave discussed earlier, the amount of light on your planet has multiplied manyfold throughout this last period, and as such, those remnants of darkness still clinging to the surface of our planet will become even more visible. Moreover, in their panic, they will literally resort to any means they have at their disposal trying to convince you that they are much more powerful than they really are. Know that this is only a feeble show of strength, as they have almost no strength left to make their voices heard. But again, make no mistake, they will waste no effort in trying. So be prepared for bouts of outright nasty behaviour erupting in the most unexpected corners, but again, know that this is only a sure sign of desperation as they muster their forces for one last show of their ”might”.


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