9-22-12 Bill Ballard ~ Star Knowledge Asheville ~ This Asheville Vortex Is Cleansed n Activated Now

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Pubblicato in data 22/set/2012 da pearls2u

As the lower energies are transmutted while we bring in more light, many things occur. Whenever we gather at these Star Knowledge Gatherings we generate votexes of energy that will be permanent in these spots where the gatherings and ceremonies are performed. That is occurring where we did the prayers and ceremonies here in Asheville for the 2012 Fall Equinox... Boy are the energies coming up too... WOW! LOVE!


Earth Ally Reynolds: We wish you to join us today for Star Family Contact Part 2

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We wish you to join us today for Star Family Contact Part 2 from 8-1130am, globally,

Continuation of last weeks contact with the Pleaideans and Andromedians - this one is from ALL Star Nations - please join us in connecting with them to help bring love and light to the new Earth we are creating. - Much love to you - please pass this on so all may know the contact is near -THANKYOU! bless

Pleiadian Delegate~September 22nd 2012; The Fall Equinox.

Lia's picture

Fall Equinox, Saturday September 22, 2012 11:49am, Halifax Nova Scotia.

The Tilt of the Earths Axis during the Equinox is neither inclined away or towards the sun.

Do pictures of the External come to mind when you think of the Harvest; The Fall Equinox.

Although it does include the celebrations and thanks for the External Harvest, this is also a time for focusing on the Internal You, your Inner Self, the World of the Soul.

The Human Species are going through Dramatic changes of Being. The Outer External Place you VIEW as your Reality is Shifting. You Know this.

And in Earth time, this would be called “FAST”.

Taking the time and acknowledging Points of reference as  you Shift would be helpful as you progress.

What reference Points do you have? Are they all Located in Time?

~ Join us Live for an Equinox Celebration of Love, Peace, and JOY~

Lia's picture

~ Today we are Hosting an Extra Special Internet Love Party as the Peace Energies come Pouring IN. We are getting reports from across the Planet of Awakenings occurring, Increased Visions, Increased Joy, Increased Feeling of the Incoming Energies and the list goes on at the Amount of Miracles Now Occurring. These will continue to accelerate across the Planet as these Energies increase in intensity.


These Current energies were decreed to arrive during this Equinox to Bring in Planetwide peace. We will be processing all of this intense energy for the next 72 hours. Its going to be intense everyone! The Entire Population of Planet Earth=Heart is being effected. This is going to really speed things UP as far as all Divine events manifesting as Decreed.

Join us Live today as We ground in these Intense Energies and make our way Forward towards Planetary Peace! Its Going to Happen One way or the Other. We are Humanity's Frontrunners, and We are Speaking LOUDLY NOW. Peace is Inevitibale.

Thank You for Joining us and Partipating IN your Part of the Divine Plan.

Love Party will begin at 1:30pm Pacific



Suzanne Lie: Mytre and the Arcturians ~ Journey to the Mothership Part 3(a)

Lia's picture

 Dr Suzan Caroll, The Arcturians



The Arcturians Speak:

We are so pleased to see how many of our wonderful Ascending Ones are enjoying our journey to the Mothership. Before Mytre continues his tour of our multidimensional components, we wish to speak with you about how you can best see us in your skies. Of course, you will not see our Mothership, but we, meaning ALL the Galactics, are making ourselves more and more visible to you each day.

Police Unions’ Statement Regarding Recent Enforcement Action at the Capitol

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Date: September 18, 2012
Contact: Brian Austin, MPPOA (608) 347-2773
David McClurg, Vice President, MPPOA (608) 577-2074


Police Unions’ Statement Regarding Recent Enforcement Action at the Capitol

The Madison Professional Police Officers Association and Dane County Deputy Sheriffs Association today release the following joint statement:
In February of 2011, tens of thousands of Wisconsinites travelled to our state Capitol in order to have their voices heard. It was truly a remarkable time in Wisconsin’s history, where people from all sides of a political issue came together in one place to peacefully demonstrate. There was an exceptional relationship between the protesters and on-duty law enforcement officers during this time, and Madison saw none of the strife or violence that has touched other protest movements nationwide.
The on-duty officers acted in a truly exemplary manner during the 2011 protests. They were professional and courteous, and performed their duties impartially in order to protect the free speech rights of all parties involved. These officers, from countless jurisdictions across Wisconsin, set an example for the world to follow regarding the role of the police during peaceful citizen protests. Part of the reason they were able to accomplish this was that the leaders of these agencies were extremely sensitive to the free speech rights of all participants, and as such, did not place their officers in positions that would infringe upon those rights.
It is within this context that we have been watching with alarm the recent developments at the Wisconsin State Capitol. In recent weeks, the Department of Administration (DOA) and the leadership within the Capitol Police have commenced enforcement action against peaceful protesters coming to the Capitol. Officers have been ordered to arrest and cite protesters whose only offense is the silent carrying of a sign. Other protesters have been cited for gathering for the “Solidarity Sing-along,” a non-violent group of citizens who sing every day over the noon hour. The Solidarity Singers have been particularly cognizant of the needs of other groups who also want to utilize the Capitol, and frequently relocate outside the Capitol to be respectful of those needs. They are now being cited for assembly at the Capitol without a permit
The right to free speech and the right to peaceful assembly are two of the fundamental rights upon which our democracy is based. Since the birth of our nation, the courts have taken great pains to protect these rights vigorously, and view any infringement upon these rights with great skepticism. We believe the recent enforcement action at the Capitol clearly violates these rights in a way that should be unacceptable in a free society.

Ann Albers ~ Messages From Ann And The Angels ~ Justice

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 22 September 2012


Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much.

Today we wish to speak to you on the topic of justice. There is and always will be justice built into the design of God’s creation. And while you may not always see the balancing of the scales so to speak, we assure you it is there, for what you do to one another, truly you do unto yourselves. So when you feel wronged by someone, by all means it is fine, if you wish to seek restitution at the human level, but we ask you to ask yourselves, “Am I doing this simply because it is my truth and what I must do to remain in integrity with myself, or am I trying to prove a point?” If you are simply trying to prove a point, we urge you to walk away. If however, it is in integrity with my own spirit to seek restitution, then by all means do do, however, do so with love.

U.S. Distrust in Media Hits New High

Phil Rowen's picture

Gallup Politics 

 September 21, 2012 


Fewer Americans closely following political news now than in previous election years

by Lymari Morales

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans' distrust in the media hit a new high this year, with 60% saying they have little or no trust in the mass media to report the news fully, accurately, and fairly. Distrust is up from the past few years, when Americans were already more negative about the media than they had been in years prior to 2004.

 In general, how much trust and confidence do you have in the mass media -- such as newspapers, TV, and radio -- when it comes to reporting the news fully, accurately, and fairly -- a great deal, a fair amount, not very much, or none at all?

Evidence Builds That Meditation Strengthens the Brain

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Science Daily - 3/14/12

Cortical Surface Shown is the lateral view of the right cortical surface. The red circle indicates where the maximum effect occurred. Top: Larger gyrification in 50 long-term meditators compared to 50 well-matched controls. Bottom: Positive correlations between gyrification and the number of meditation years within the 50 meditators. (Credit: Image courtesy of University of California - Los Angeles)

Earlier evidence out of UCLA suggested that meditating for years thickens the brain (in a good way) and strengthens the connections between brain cells. Now a further report by UCLA researchers suggests yet another benefit.

Midwest Drought Belt: A Changed World Emerges

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Weather.com - Judy Keen, 9/21/12

SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images

Browned farmland, full of severely damaged corn stalks due to a widespread drought, as seen from the air near Ames, Iowa, August 28, 2012.

At first glance, it looks like a typical fall across the Midwest. It's not.

Beneath green pastures and lawns brought to life by August rains, the earth is still desiccated. On closer inspection, the brown corn stalks are half as tall as they should be and the husks contain stunted ears -- or nothing at all. The drought of 2012 isn't just a rural tragedy. Barges plying the Ohio and Mississippi rivers carry less cargo to avoid running aground in low water.

UFO Hovered Near Missile Launch Control Center at Minot AFB

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UFOs and Nukes - Robert L. Hastings, 9/19/12

Retired Officer Says Several ICBMs Dropped "Off Alert"

Minot Daily News, Dec. 6, 1966, pg 1

The 1966 event mentioned in the newspaper article below was apparently not the only UFO incursion at Minot's missile sites that year. According to retired USAF Captain David D. Schindele, he was involved in an incident at another flight, during which several nuclear missiles became temporarily unavailable for launch.

To read the rest of this story, visit UFOHastings.com


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