Visionkeeper – Change Is In The Air

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Visionkeeper – Change Is In The Air …- 22 September 2012


Autumn is sweeping in bringing with it changing colors in the leaves, much cooler weather, birds heading south, gardens dying back and the sound of chain saws humming away. The change of seasons is always one of beauty and at times extremes, but this shift in seasons is even more intense as we begin the final stages of our shift in consciousness as well.

Bill Ballard – Update From The Star Knowledge Gathering

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Bill Ballard – Update From The Star Knowledge Gathering – 22 September 2012

Weve had some great speakers at the Star Knowledge gathering today… Drumming is going on in the background as I type. There is a labyrinth of large crystals lit up by candlelight across the lake. The half moon is overhead and with such nice cool weather. The day was quite nice.

It is interesting to have so many persons now wondering why humanity is only half awake at such a late date.

How Can I Tell If An Article Is Disinformation?

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How Can I Tell If An Article Is Disinformation? | | Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical Databaseby Gregg Prescott, M.S.

For every question, there are a plethora of answers. What is the harvest?  Will some people get left behind? What is the real meaning behind December 21, 2012? So how will you know which answer is the truth and which ones are disinformation?

The ultimate answer will be found within your own discernment. In other words, if it sounds like the truth to you, then it probably is.  Like Gandhi said, “Even if you are the minority of one, the truth is still the truth.” Your higher self and your discernment will always lead you in the right direction, even if it sometimes feels like you are taking the wrong path.  When we choose the longer of two paths, we end up learning some of the best lessons in life and this path usually ends up being a blessing.

92 killed in floods as torrential rains plague Niger

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Source: The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond


September 22, 2012 - NIGER, Africa - At least 92 people have died in floods that have swept Niger following torrential rains, according to the latest data released by the Prime minister’s office on Friday. The data indicate that 72,396 families are affected with 511,484 people being victims, as at Thursday.


All the country’s eight regions are affected by floods with Tillabéry, Dosso and Niamey being the worst affected. Huge damage is reported on basic socio-economic infrastructure and other items crucial to the people. Rice crops, schools, health centres, roads, bridges, dams have all been affected while a huge quantities of food and many cattle have been swept away by flood waters.


Volatile Mount Lokon erupts with smoke, ash in northern Indonesia, residents put on alert

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Source: The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond - 9/22/12

 JAKARTA, Indonesia – A volcano in northern Indonesia has spewed hot smoke and ash thousands of feet into the air in two new eruptions. Mount Lokon on Sulawesi island had been dormant before rumbling back to life last year.

Government volcanologist Hendrasto says it unleashed two strong eruptions Friday. Residents have been put on alert, but no evacuations are planned since the nearest villages are beyond the danger area about 2.5 kilometers (1.5 miles) from the crater.

Mount Lokon’s last major eruption in 1991 killed a Swiss hiker and forced thousands to flee. The volcano is one of five on high alert in Indonesia. The archipelago straddles the “Pacific Ring of Fire” and has more active volcanoes than any other nation. –Windsor Star

Ryan gets boos at AARP conference

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NBC News - Alex Moe, 9/21/12

Republican vice presidential candidate, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., appears at the AARP convention in Friday, Sept. 21, 2012. (Bill Haber / AP)

NEW ORLEANS -- Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan received boos as he addressed the AARP convention here on Friday -- perhaps his most unfriendly welcome on the 2012 campaign trail.

Several members of the “Life@50+” Annual Convention crowd booed loudly as Ryan began remarks proclaiming, “Seniors are threatened by Obamacare.”

To read the rest of this story, visit


Mitt Romney Tax Returns For 2011 Released (UPDATE)

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Huff Post - Zach Carter, 9/21/12

Mitt Romney Tax Returns

Mitt Romney released his 2011 tax returns on Friday.

WASHINGTON -- Mitt Romney paid an effective tax rate of 14.1 percent in 2011, according to a tax return filed on Friday, a relatively low tax rate resulting from exotic deductions, the special tax treatment for his Bain Capital retirement package and the low tax rate on capital gains. Romney also opted not to deduct millions in charitable contributions from his tax bill in order to maintain a pledge from August that he has paid at least 13 percent in federal income taxes for each of the past 10 years.

Romney's income was $13,696,951 in 2011, and he paid $1,935,708 in taxes. Romney's income for the year was more than 263 times larger than the U.S. median household income of $51,914.

Russia Forgives $11 Billion In North Korean Debt

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GFP Note - Geoffrey West mentioned this news on Cosmic Vision News last night. This debt forgiveness on the part of Russia may indicate that the changes we have been watching for have started to become public.

Business Insider - Joshua Berlinger, 9/18/12

Kim Jong Un Ladyfriend

Photo - AP

Russia has signed a compact with North Korea that will write off 90 percent of the debt the DPRK has accrued since the Cold War, and will reinvest the remaining 10 percent back in the reclusive Asian country.

The total debt forgiven is approximately $11 billion.

To read the rest of this story, visit

SophiaLove - See Saw

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See Saw




(Today's blog is the beginning of our 18th Love Quest.  These notes will continue for seven days)

We begin today our 18th Quest!  

We are in a fast moving, spectacular time in our lives and in the life of our planet.  With each passing day, we become more aware of our unity.  We are inextricably entangled, creating and experiencing the results of our work simultaneously.  As time speeds up, it becomes more and more challenging to separate out where things start and where they end. 

We are on this Quest to explore Agape.  Unconditional self love takes on a much larger scope when Oneness is part of your self definition.  We are indeed the same stuff.  This week will be about what that looks like in our every day. 

Quantum physicists speak of entanglement.  Entanglement IS the dream.  We are walking and talking, loving and living in a mutually agreed upon reality.  I exist on a back drop of what you believe you see around me.  I most likely agree with your perception. 


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By Ute Posegga-Rudel 

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2012


Dearest friends!


YES! New Earth, called “NOVA TERRA” exists! It is in the making. Our new home is waiting for us and is being prepared for our arrival when the time is right!


I have been blessed with an invitation to visit and experience the wonders of this New World. And there is nothing to worry about for us, who desire with the inner Essence of their Heart which is pure Love and Joy, to exist in this new and most beautiful world soon!


Dearest friends! NOVA TERRA is being prepared for us by the Divine Forces of Light, our Beautiful Beloved Galactic Family, the Ascended Masters and all the Archangels!


And this is how it started for me:


A dear friend, lets call him “C”, from the other side of the world, contacted me and said:


“I am receiving guidance to take you to NOVA TERRA!  I’m sure you have heard that it was created and now it's ‘under construction’!

They ask you to report your experience to the people of the world, to give them hope and inspiration!”


Of course, I was excited and told, I would be prepared over night for the visit. And the next morning, C and I  would go both together. No, not with a space ship, but using a kind of simple astral travel.


The very amazing thing was, that just the two early mornings before visiting Nova Terra, I have been awakened by a bird’s song so unique and beautiful, that it seemed to be NOT of this world! Still half asleep I tried to figure out what bird it was, and to remember its wonderful melody. But each time after I was fully awake, I just had fully forgotten it!


I had no idea what was awaiting me with this visit, and I also did not try in any way to make  presumptions or to figure anything out! I only felt immensely blessed and was in a state of childlike curiosity and innocence.


I knew this journey, this visit, had primarily nothing to do with mental projections or visualizations. It was about pure discovery, and this discovery was only possible with the eye of the heart!


And so C and I started our journey, accompanied and protected by the presence of beautiful Angels.



The moment we arrived on Nova Terra, everything changed. It was like sunrise in the morning, when all  things start to magnify and brighten up! It was an immense opening, a widening of perspective of the usual point of view!


How to describe a Divine World, dearest brothers and sisters. Our language is not good enough, but still I try!


Yes, what I saw first, was a huge water, a lake probably, and in the distance mountains. And a light, that was not coming from the Sun, but which was the light in which this planet has been created, and which was radiating from within all the elements and the landscape before me.


But what was most heart-overwhelming was the discovery, that not only Light, but the feeling of Infinity Radiates here in all things from inside out. And  forms are not enclosing, but they rather are an expression of space itself! And this seems to be a paradox! But in the higher dimensions paradox is the norm.


At the same time, all elements are emanating Love, being an expression of Love Itself, and the vibration of Love is surrounding us. The air! It is thick with it!


Everything is fully alive, is absolute conscious, everything is a “personality”, a person, all things, all elements, air, water, mountains! There is a great Divine Presence everywhere in all things!


It is the Glory of Divine Consciousness Itself that lives palpably all things here, and forms are simply Its ornament!


That is how Nova Terra greeted me! A Divine Conscious Being of unspeakable Beauty and Perfection!  A Being Who’s Vibration is Pure Love, Showing Her Divine Body, as She always wanted to show It to us – if we would have let Her!

Heavenletter #4320 One Way to Culture Love, September 22, 2012

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Heavenletter #4320 One Way to Culture Love, September 22, 2012 

God said: 


The feeling in your heart is like radar. It penetrates. The feeling in your heart changes your life, and it changes the world. You do remember that you are connected to everyone and everything. Therefore, you share responsibility for everyone and everything. You are not minor in importance in life. You are major. Your vote is counted. The feelings in your heart make all the difference in the world to the world and beyond.

Therefore, you must engage your heart in love. Your heart is to send out signals of love. Other signals are not okay. All signals from your heart are counted. The more your heart stays in love, the more the world rises. It is like your heart charges the battery of the world. Your heart swells the world with love, or your heart takes away love. Which is it for your heart?

I know you would like to love on command, yet you do not yet have such mastery. So what you can do then is to have fun, give fun, and be fun. This kind of lightness will help to engage you in love. This is one way to culture love.

Documentaries of children who remember past lives

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Documentaries of children who remember past lives


This message is available online at


Stunning major media reports on two children with incredibly clear memories of past lives present powerful evidence that we may have lived before. Both James Leininger and Cameron Macauley not only had clear memories of past lives, these boys could give the names of people in those lives. James was even able to give the name of the warship on which he served as a World War II fighter pilot and the names of some of his shipmates. And it was all verified!

James' story is among the most compelling and well documented cases ever of a child's past life memory being fully verified. His fascinating story was reported on both Fox and ABC News. Watch these intriguing news video clips, both about five minutes in length, relating this most astonishing case and decide for yourself. For an additional CNN report on James, click here.


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