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Greater Understanding and Peace

God said:

I get the idea that, for the most part, you like to hear from Me, that what I say may give you pause for thought, that something I say gets stirred in you, that something of what I say means something to your Heart. Some of you, of course, may out and out love Me.

Of course, it’s My Joy to write to you and gaze at you. I love to reach you. I love it when you sit up and take notice, when something I say makes you perhaps nod or smile.

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A New Language

You are learning to speak a new language.  One of the heart and soul rather than of the mind.  Tentative at first, practice brings it more into focus, makes it more real and much more beautiful.  The understanding of heart/soul speak may require that you release the need to hide your feelings from others and just ‘put it out there’.  This, of course, may trigger those around you…the ones that are not familiar with truth-speaking.  Remember to let go of the need to take it personally.  It has always been a part of the grand plan for your new Earth plane.  Trust it. ~ Creator


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This Man Has Pioneered a System to Make Free Food Available to All

by Anna Hunt, Awareness Junkie

We don’t always have to buy into the systems that society has established as the norm. This is the point that Andrew Barker makes in his TED Talk.

Barker is reinventing how the food system works throughout his local community. He is pioneering the idea of free food for all.

The Grow Free Movement

Barker started out by handing out free seedlings from his garden. He quickly learned that many families find it challenging to buy nutritious, wholesome food. In response, Barker worked to expand his efforts. His work was met with strong community support and evolved into the organization called Grow Free.

Grow Free’s goal is to help people throughout the community to source free healthy food. Their motto: Take what you need. Give what you can.

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Days of Glory

God said:

How’re you doing today? What’s your horoscope? That is, what I mean is, not really your horoscope. I mean: What are you gearing yourself up for today? How are you going to capitalize on Today and more than that, make Today the best day of your Life. Chum, let’s go for the Gold!

Let’s go for a glowing day today. A baseball over the fence day. A Glory Day. The very best day so far in the Midst of Your Glory-filled Days. A Bonanza Day. A Day of Hand over Fist. A Day of Sunshine. A Day of Insight. An Outstanding Day. A Day of Dreams Coming True right in front of your eyes. A Heart-warming Day. The Best Day Ever.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday February 10, 2018

When you make yourself wrong all the time, you are practicing resistance to yourself. How on earth can you grow and thrive if you are negating yourself, your feelings, or your own wisdom?

We understand that you are mindful and empathic, so you like to be sure before you proceed in any given area. Those are wonderful traits to have, but what we wish is that you consciously start to trust and honour your feelings.

So many of you are in a pattern of feeling something energetically, and then denying it to be sure, or giving your power away by listening to someone else’s opinion, rather than allowing yourself to be assume your role of being the expert on you. No one else knows your soul agenda, what you wish to experience, or what are the perfect energetic matches for you.

So you deny what you feel because you want to be sure, or you don’t want to disappoint anyone, feeling deeper and deeper discomfort for yourself, creating a battle between your mind and your heart, until it becomes impossible to stay in that energy one moment longer and you finally have to move on what you have felt was right for you all along. You could save yourselves so much time and angst if you simply started to accept and trust yourselves.

We are not for a second recommending that you should behave recklessly. You have already shown that is not in your nature. What we are suggesting is that you feel into what is right for you with your mindful and sensitive hearts and then honour the wisdom that is within you that is always fully capable of navigating you.

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I Just Know

There will always be some things you ‘just know’.  You just know you are not going to fall, that you are doing a great job or avoid driving down that street day to find out later there was an accident.  You will just know who is on the other end of the phone without looking or you will just know that everything will be okay.  This knowing is The Universe speaking to you! (Smiling) Allow yourself to realize you were born with original gifts; gifts put in place to help you move along your path easily and with comfort.  At first it may be challenging to resist the urge to second guess it but, once you get the hang of it, it become just like breathing.  Remember…these were Creator given and, if used properly, can infinitely expand the vision of your world and The Universe. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 2/9/2018

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To have a secret is to have a wound.

One should live without any secrets. One should live without hiding anything. One should open one's heart to the wind, to the sun, to the rain. One should not ask whether the person deserves it or not. It is none of your business. If existence accepts that person, gives him life, what more can you give? If existence allows him, then who are you to prevent him from knowing something?


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What Happens To Our Brain When We Experience Complete Silence & Peace of Mind

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

Silence. How often do you truly get to experience this? Nowadays, silence is a very rare commodity indeed as we are constantly bombarded with noises from people, traffic, airplanes, music, advertisements, construction and the list goes on. I’ve been thinking a lot about silence and how much I would like some as I’ve been travelling and am constantly subjected to honking cars, screaming tourists, and clanking sounds all around me. Silence, is actually not something that is very easily obtainable -silence is golden. So how important is silence and is it a detriment to the well-being of our minds if we don’t have it?

In 2011, the Finnish Tourist Board ran a campaign that actually used silence as a marketing product. Their campaign aimed to entice people to visit Finland to experience the beauty of the silent land. The campaign released a series of photos of single figures in nature along with the headline, “Silence, Please.” Another tagline was added by Simon Ahnolt, an international country branding consultant that said, “No talking, but action.”


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