GFP Newsletter - 2/17/2018

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Your witness is asleep inside you; you have to wake it up. So while you are dancing, singing, allow your own witness to watch your body clapping, moving, dancing, singing; allow your own witness to stand aside and see it all. Slowly, slowly, you will be able to witness all the contents of your unconsciousness, and this is the miracle of witnessing: If you witness, anything that has been repressed in the unconscious will disappear, will evaporate.

Once your unconscious is clean, unrepressed, you will have a dignity that you have never known, you will have a pride of being human, of being an individual, that you have never known.

You will have a joy, because now there is no fear, not even the fear of death; you are aware of something eternal running like an undercurrent in your consciousness.

That eternal, that immortal is your real self, is your reality. To know it, is to know all. Not to know it, you can be burdened with all the knowledge of the world, but still you are ignorant, because deep inside you, there is nothing but darkness - and in darkness, only death is hidden. Your witness will bring light, and when you have looked into every nook and corner of your being, you will be surprised: there is nothing to be afraid of - not even death, because death is a lie; it has never happened.

Life never dies, it only changes forms and goes on and on until it recognizes itself as totally awakened.

It goes on taking new forms; once it is fully awakened, enlightened, it merges with the universe, with the whole. That merger is the greatest ecstasy man has known. There is nothing higher than that, there is nothing deeper than that.


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Artist Organizes Natural Objects Into Elaborate Mandalas For You To Find

by Amanda Monteiro, Collective Evolution

James Brunt is an artist known for bringing attention back to the finer details that nature has to offer us. While natural landscapes are often breathtaking on their own, imagine stumbling across one of his creations. James uses natural materials and objects he finds around his home in Yorkshire, England and creates his art in places like beaches, forests and parks. He is very mindful of not disturbing the land and has created his own code of ethics,  “I am very conscious of the environment around me and take into consideration many things when deciding to make a piece of work. This code that I work to now has developed over time as my understanding of my surroundings grows. It wasn’t always the case, but it is now.”

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Daily Message ~ Saturday February 17, 2018

As the earth and her inhabitants continue to make great progress in both their individual and connected ascension journeys, you may find yourself in different geographical locations than you could have imagined. Some people may, after a long period of feeling stuck in one place, finally experience movement and find themselves relocating to a different city, area, or country. Others may be drawn to certain areas to visit, or may even suddenly end up in a place they never could have imagined going to. There are several reasons for this.

Some enlightening human beings had been staying put in one place as assistance to the planet. They were anchoring light in one specific area as part of a service contract. For some of you, that contract is now complete, opening the door for you to go elsewhere.

Others may suddenly be drawn to an area to begin new service contracts in specific areas, bringing in new services that raise the vibration of the area, or simply using their own energetics to support the planetary grids. Or the new area could offer you the exact energetics required for you to shift into the growth and expansion of the next phase of your own enlightenment journey.

Some of you have been drawn to places, also to be of service to reactivate crystals that you yourself had placed on the planet for safekeeping in previous lifetimes. This is a particularly profound aspect that is happening on your planet. You had so much faith in humanity that you planned to return as a future self to activate the crystals when the time was right.

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Great Things…

Many unsettling and painful things are coming up during this shift.  On all levels (personal, societal, global) every person is experiencing their own unique awakening.  Some are handling it well, others are not.  It is important to remember that this is not a time to judge.  Yes, it is perfectly acceptable to be angry and the violence and division some of these events are causing, but it is also good to keep in mind that a deep healing process in the ‘collective’ is happening now!  You must first see and face the darkness before a conscious awareness and clearing can be achieved.  Believe, dear one, that with the loving support of The Universe, great things can be and are being accomplished. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 2/16/2018

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Everybody is afraid. It is not that you are afraid of something, you are simply afraid. Perhaps it is a deep-down fear of death in the very depths of your unconsciousness that surfaces as fear. And you try to control your life. In this controlling you go on repressing your fear deeper, but the fear is not going to be destroyed this way.

Relax and let your fear surface... It has to be allowed to come to the conscious, because there is only one way to get rid of fear - to bring it to the surface, to the conscious, and to watch it.


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What you seek you already have!

Here in the spiritual realms we are observing humanity’s ongoing progress towards awakening with joy.  You are making astounding progress and moving forwards very rapidly as all the issues that have been buried and forgotten about arise into the collective consciousness to be addressed and released.  Many lightworkers and wayshowers are working hard and most effectively to connect via your modern communications networks with those who are starting to come into awareness of their spiritual nature.  It is very confusing for most of them because they have been living their lives as humans – looking after loved ones, earning a living, and dealing with the daily issues that humans have to deal with – while basically remaining completely unaware that there is far more to life than just being human.

Now these spiritual inner stirrings are demanding attention and most people have no idea to whom they can turn to discuss these unexpected and strange feelings.  Even though for the last fifty or sixty years many have been channeling and sharing uplifting spiritual messages, writing spiritually uplifting books, and offering workshops and seminars, the vast majority of humanity has remained unaware of the resources available to them simply because they have not been interested in such seemingly esoteric subjects.  Living an earthly human life has required all their energy, and so any energy they have at the end of the day has mostly been used to zone out in front of the television to watch sporting events or a movie.

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Wildflowers Are the Best Pesticide

by Dr. Mercola

  • Wildflowers are home to many beneficial insects, including natural predators to common crop pests like cereal leaf beetles and aphids
  • Fields planted with strips of wildflowers had 40 to 53 percent lower beetle density and 61 percent less beetle damage compared to the control fields
  • Research revealed the frequency of pollinator visits was 25 percent higher for crops with adjacent flower strips compared to those without
  • Wildflowers reduce pests and increase pollinators, which is in stark contrast to the increasing use of pesticides, which is furthering the emergence of superweeds and insects while decimating beneficial pollinators
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Daily Message ~ Friday February 16, 2018

Dear Ones, it is very difficult for you to remember and apply what you know from a place that is out of balance and out of alignment. Much like you can’t hear a radio station if you aren’t tuned into the channel properly, you can’t hear your own wisdom, inner knowingness, and guidance systems through the static of being out of your highest energetic alignment.

So we urge you to understand that you can’t create solutions or peace for yourselves if you aren’t in a place that supports it. What we are saying is if you are faced with any challenge, get yourself into whatever puts you into your alignment that allows you to see things in a clearer, more empowered way before you start making decisions or taking action.

It may be driving in the car, taking a bath or being near a body of water (water is always a great amplifier of energy), walking in nature, meditation, simply sitting with yourself with an intention to connect, moving your body in a way that feels good to you, asking your guides to lead you, doing an activity you love, or simply practicing gratitude.

Experiment! Find what helps you consistently get into a place of greater stillness and peace. It doesn’t matter what the activity itself is, just that it helps you get into a better feeling energetic alignment.

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Use Your Voice

Use your voice!  It is time to give strength and power to your thoughts.  In the face of tragedy and pain, your unique voice may be the one thing that saves your fellow human.  Do not be afraid of being judged or ignored.  Speak!  Tell your world of your wishes and dreams, fears and trepidations, your goals and aspirations! Express your pain and heartache as well as your joys and happiness.  The action of voice is needed for change.  You may feel that one voice will never be enough, however, there are a multitude that are feeling the same.  Join together and be heard! ~ Creator


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