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Daily Message ~ Tuesday February 13, 2018

Dear Ones, there are two elements that are great expanders – love and imagination. So if you are trying to move into grander new experiences, we highly recommend that you use both!

Love! Give love. Receive love. Allow love to flow to you and through you. Think of what you love. Imagine what else you could do with that love! What would you love to try? What would you love to experience?

Allow your imagination free rein to think of new ways you could experience being and doing what you love, and you will start to open yourselves up to the magic of creation that comes from allowing your soul to expand in all the ways only your unique energy can do.

To be clear, to do so is to anchor heaven on earth, for your love and imagination are both bridges that connect you with vast energy of Source, where all things are possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Before Beauty Began

God said:

Beauty alone is. There is nothing else to behold. There is no other story to tell.

Beauty automatically arises as five Senses and Greater than these. There is nothing but Beauty.

Even so, there is awe at Beauty. Beauty exists for all. Beauty knows itself. There is Beauty to behold. All Life holds Beauty. Beauty alone. There is no opposite. There are no opposites. There is no Fairest of All when All is Beauty.

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You Are…

Please allow yourself time to process the darker parts of you.  Many people believe it is unacceptable to experience or show them and, instead, put on a ‘happy face’ and deny they exist.  There is nothing wrong with any piece of you!  The light, darker, Divine and human parts were put together into one lovely package, so you could understand what human existence really is!  Embrace it, learn from it and love it all! It is and you are amazing! ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 2/12/2018

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I have never felt for a single moment that there is a possibility of being lost.

The whole universe is ours.

Where can we get lost?

Wherever we reach will be our home. Once you have understood that the whole universe is our home, then the possibility of getting lost simply disappears. And if you try to control, there are problems with control....


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The Real Power of The Placebo Effect, Explained

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

When I was really young, whenever I felt sick, my grandmother used to make me cinnamon sugar toast. I felt like I could taste her love with every bite, and by the time I had finished my toast, my stomachache would have magically disappeared. In hindsight, I recognize that the dairy in the butter and the refined sugar in the cinnamon blend probably weren’t helping my digestive issues, yet somehow this meal always made me feel better. How does this make any sense? Herein lies the mystery of the placebo effect.

No, science cannot prove that when my grandmother delivered me cinnamon toast with a loving smile and a giant hug, I instantly felt better, but as a five-year-old child I certainly experienced that. Though my grandmother may not have realized it, she was likely harnessing the power of the placebo effect.

What Is the Placebo Effect? 

The placebo effect is essentially the idea that your brain can convince your body that a fake treatment, because it (your brain) thinks it’s real, can provide real solutions and stimulate healing in the body. In essence, the placebo effect shows us how powerful our minds, how powerful our consciousness is, in that we can change our biology using our beliefs.

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Daily Message ~ Monday February 12, 2018

So many of you are concerned with where you are experiencing blockages in your lives. We understand that if you have belief systems that are not in line with what you would like to create, it can be difficult to identify them as they often come from conditioning you have had your entire lives. They feel normal to you because they have been there for so long. We would like to suggest a technique for you today that may help you identify where you have limiting belief systems.

When you have some time to yourself, we recommend sitting down and writing out a letter outlining your frustration in your life. Write it from the heart, allowing your emotions to pour out. Don’t be concerned with the language you use or your spelling or grammar. This is an exercise of just allowing those feelings and frustrations to flow in a pure and unencumbered way. This is an act of honouring the part of you that is confused and feeling powerless.

Then we suggest that you put the letter aside and do something that gets you into a better space of alignment. You may wish to walk in nature, spend time in an activity you enjoy, meditate, pray, or whatever else helps you feel good.

There is no rush, but whenever you are in a better feeling space, revisit your letter and read it as if someone else wrote it. This is not about making your feelings or anything about your letter wrong! You are not there to judge the letter, rather to simply examine it from a different perspective.

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The Power

It is very important to remember when you are clearing, sweet child; mistakes are mistakes.  Experiencing those moments are a part of being human!  Nothing more.  How you choose to deal with them is what makes the difference. (Smiling) You can allow yourself to indulge in self-judgement/harm, remorse, guilt or shame…or you can ask forgiveness of yourself (and others if necessary) and release it to The Universe to be transformed to light and love.  Just like every other thing in your Earth-plane existence, it may take some practice, but you can do it.  You have the power to make it so! ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 2/11/2018

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The future is so open and so flexible. The past does not decide it; hence, never bother about the past, always look to the open future. And everybody is worthy to receive the secret, because everybody is worthy to live, to breathe, to have a place in this beautiful existence.

Even the smallest blade of grass is as significant and important as the biggest star. The universe would miss it, even though it is a small blade of grass. Without it, the universe would have a little less beauty. Nobody else can replace it.

And as far as human beings are concerned, they are all unique, irreplaceable. Respect their uniqueness, and when you want to share your experience, open your whole heart.

Don't be a miser, because the more you give, the more existence will shower on you.


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Was Quetzalcoatl An Extraterrestrial? Here’s How Mesoamerican “Mythology” Described Him

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

With the recent release of the Pentagon’s UFO footage, which comprised of two videos filmed by U.S. Navy pilots of objects performing maneuvers that defy our current understanding of aerodynamics, the topic of UFOs has once again grabbed headlines around the world.

The video was a step forward towards disclosing the fact that there are unknown objects in our atmosphere that are commonly spotted and tracked on radar by defence authorities. They are highly technologically advanced, more so than any air-craft which is available in any global inventory at the moment.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday February 11, 2018

It is perfectly normal to feel some discomfort and anxiety when being presented with new, fast moving energies. It is much like being on skates and being propelled forward before you have established your balance.

But if you don’t panic and start testing out how to move with the energy, getting your body to relax and find where the balance points are, before you know it you will be gliding along with a level of skill and ease you couldn’t have imagined possible.

You have assimilated and shifted a tremendous amount of energy over the past several years. You are embodying energies that simply would not have been sustainable in the body a mere decade ago. You have this skill!

Trust in the fact that you have the divine intelligence within your body to evolve – your body and your lightbody know exactly what they are doing. Your job is to support them in that evolution by being non-resistant, letting them take the lead, and honouring what they ask for.

So flow, Dear Ones! Celebrate whenever you are presented with new energies because it indicates success in integration and the fact that the next level is now available to you. Have faith in your incredible competency, and know that your energetic mastery just continues to grow and hone itself, as you continue to move forward in the most remarkable ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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