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The Inventor of a Water-Powered Car That Died In A Restaurant Yelling ‘They Poisoned Me’

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

“We recently took a scientific delegation to witness Stan’s work…and came back saying, this is one of the most important inventions of the century.” – Leonard Holihan, from the Advanced Energy Research Institute at the time (source)

Everyday the world becomes aware of technologies that have the potential to halt the unnecessary damage we continue to create using fossil fuels. We’ve been talking about it for years, transitioning our way of  life to be more harmonious with the planet and its natural systems. I’m not talking about solar or wind power (although great), I’m talking about clean and green technology that  render fossil fuel burning technologies inferior and obsolete.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday January 4, 2018

There are differing schools of thought about manifestation. One says that you attract to you what you hold, with the idea being there is nothing you need to do but allow the vibrational match to come to you. The other says you must take action in order to move into what you wish to experience. We understand how this can cause some confusion and we wish to address this today.

So which one is true? Both of them can be true depending upon the specific circumstance. Sometimes the most direct way for the universe to deliver to you is for you to just stay where you are. Other times, it is easier and more direct for you to move into alignment with what it is you wish to create by taking action. How do you know which method to use? You don’t have to know. All you must do is surrender.

If you are surrendered into your creation and follow what the energy is supporting at any given time, you will be a non-resistant human being and very easy to help. If you are meant to simply allow your manifestation to find its way to you, you may find yourself in a lull, where it appears not much is happening. That means that things are coming together behind the scenes and you are easiest to serve by not moving at all. Other times the energy will flow you into the exactly where you need to be to connect with what you wish to experience and movement is the easiest way to create that intersection for you.

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Pulling Back The Curtain

Many, many shadows have been brought ‘into play’ especially for this shift…to bring your fears to light, to trigger you and make you feel uncomfortable and insecure.  You can run away from them…or towards them.  Like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, it is time to pull back the curtain and see those shadows for what they truly are.  You have the strength, power and Unconditional Love on your side, never forget that! ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 1/3/2018

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In life, the only thing that one should not be afraid of is love.

But people are more afraid of love than anything else, because love is a kind of death. Your ego has to die. Only then will your heart be spacious enough for love to come in.


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God's Dream of You - Heavenletter #380

God said:

Now that you know greatness resides within you, you will begin to more easily see the greatness within others. You don't have to. It is not something you are ordering. It is something you will begin to see. You will see a whisper of greatness in others. I am there.

It takes great courage to continue on earth, plagued as you are with your thoughts and your fears. You believe that your life on earth is a running of the gauntlet, and you are out of breath. And this gauntlet continues. There is hardly a respite. You long for the still waters where you can drink and sit a while.

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Latest Study on Water Fluoridation Again Links it to Lowered Children's IQ's

Phillip Schneider, Staff Writer
Waking Times

What would you think if I told you that there is poison in the tap water? If you’re like some, you might think that there is no way the government could allow that to happen. However, if you live in the United States it’s likely that you the water from your tap contains a type of neurotoxin called sodium fluoride. For decades, fluoride has been added to public water supplies for what some claim protects the health of our teeth, but is that really what it is doing?

Study Links Fluoride to Lower IQ’s in Children After Birth

In 2012, Harvard School of Public Health published a study on the impact that fluoride has on the neurological development of children. This study was largely ignored by the legacy media, but was also highly circulated on social media throughout the following years, leading to a much greater awareness of the impact that fluoride has on our health, as well as where it comes from.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday January 3, 2018

Dear Ones, there are multiple timelines that hold a multitude of experiences that you can access at any given time. If you have a deep longing or yearning for an experience, there is always a corresponding timeline that holds that experience. The fact that you have a desire lets you know that the potential exists.

You shift onto timelines through your focus, intention, surrender, and flow. This is why you cannot create what you want through negative focus or fear. Your energetic engagement with what was unwanted would keep you firmly planted on the timeline that holds that energy.

Your soul knows exactly how to move onto the timeline that will lead you into what you intend to experience. Your intention is like setting your internal GPS and your surrender and flow with faith and trust allows your energy to move into the energetic stream that takes you to your next greatest experience. It is that simple.

The beauty of all of this is that it is all available to you, you simply need to choose. And if you choose something that it turns out you do not care for, you can choose again, endlessly moving and flowing into the matches that best reflect your preferences and your next highest expression of self. It all exists for you if you can simply decide to allow your heart to lead the way into the realm of endless potential. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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Your Particular Value

There will come a time, very soon, when your teachers will need to step down from ‘absolute truth’ and be just your guides.  They have reminded you of your inner wisdom, your truth and the love you inherently possess…now it is up to you ‘to take the reins’ and become the teacher of others.  You may not feel as if you have anything of particular value to offer, but you do!  The years of experience you have collected while on your Earth plane are worth more than the stars themselves. This is your next step, darling one!  Embrace it! ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 1/2/2018

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This was one side of the game: the people who wanted to emphasize spirituality had to deny the reality of the world which surrounds you everywhere. And there have been people who have been denying the spiritual, saying, "Man has no soul. He is just a robot created by nature, and when he dies, everything dies. So don't be bothered about the inner world; there is no inner. All that is real is outside, and all the talk about the inner is unreal, illusory."

On the surface, you may think these two parties are against each other. But my own understanding is different: they are using the same argument. They belong to the same category, to the same mind: choose one half - which half you choose is not the point, both are against the whole.

My effort is to make you aware that both are real, both are together in deep harmony. And the idea of their opposition destroys your life. Hence I say, the moments when you come to know that the sacred and the mundane are one - the sacred is the inside of the mundane, and the mundane is the outside of the sacred - then you have a total conception of reality.


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Daily Message ~ Tuesday January 2, 2018

Do you ever find yourself yearning for elements of your past? Perhaps it is an old relationship, an old job, an old location you lived in, or perhaps an old lifestyle. It can be confusing when this happens. We wish to shed some light on what is going on when this occurs.

It could be easy to think that you should go back when those thoughts arise, that those times were better. But please know, that is expired energy. How do you know it is expired energy? Because it is no longer in your life.

What is happening when you yearn for the past is you are simply seeking elements that you enjoyed then and are missing in your life now. It is easier for you to find reference points in the past than it is for you to imagine those elements existing in the unknown future. Looking back to the past doesn’t mean you are meant to go back into it. It is simply giving you feedback of what is lacking in your life and what you would like more of. It is actually a manifestation tool for your future.

Even though the past may have contained those elements you desire, there were other things along with those wanted traits that made staying in that energy impossible. If you were to try to go back, those same energies would exist and still make it unsustainable. It is merely your soul trying to encourage you to create anew with what is wanted and appreciated while still leaving what didn’t work behind.

Focusing on the past only creates resistance to your now. If you experienced something you loved before, Dear Ones, you can experience it again in a brand new way. Take forward the energies of what you enjoyed and create a new mix that contains all of that and so much more that truly matches who you are today. That is your divine right as an empowered co-creator of your best and most satisfying life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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