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Put Down Your Bow and Arrow

God said:

There is no distance between Us. There is no time. Therefore, it takes no time for Us to come  together. You think of speed and soon and now and hurry up. Not necessary to worry about speeding up or slowing down your evolution. You don’t have to keep your eyes on your progress all the time. Question not. Don’t panic. You are evolving.

When I speak of your Awareness of Our Oneness, I don’t mean that you have to go out and shop for it. This is not an emergency. Your Awareness is a natural part of your growth. Certainly, you can attend to it, yet it’s not really your province to hurry it up. Your Awareness is inevitable. Have you been looking for safety, perhaps racing toward your evolution as you would a bomb shelter? Urgency is an idea you have. Concern is an idea you have. Prevention is an idea you have.

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Can You Feel It?

Can you feel it? Sit very still. Can you feel it? Quiet that inner chatter. Can you feel it? The pressure of another leap forward is building, getting ready to burst forth in yet another step of this shift. This is the time to be aware of what is going on within yourself and what is going on around you. You will be asked to respond to a myriad of things; small and large, consequential and inconsequential, loud and soft. You will also be given a distinct choice on how you will choose to act/react. There is no ‘right or wrong’ way to move through this…remember, it just is. Remain true to and take great care of yourself. The best is yet to come. ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 1/1/2018

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Just the other day, I was informed that in the Soviet Union - atheism is their religion - every child has to be conditioned from the very beginning in atheism. It is not different, it is the same: somewhere it is the Catholic religion, somewhere it is Protestant, somewhere it is Hindu, somewhere it is Buddhist.

In the Soviet Union, it is atheist. Somewhere it is God, somewhere it is no God. But the society never leaves you anywhere to search for yourself. It gives you ready-made answers. And in life, ready- made answers are not only futile, not only poisonous, but almost murderous.


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Light through the Window

Gloria to God:

Dear God, what would You like to say to me this fine morning?


You are a morning star barely visible in the new sky at dawn. This is your dawn, Gloria. This is dawn awakening in you. This is the dawn of your heritage.

You are at the peak of your life, and all the world stands before you. You stand on earth, and your feet revolve the ball of the earth. Whatever motion, you are on top. You are a whirling dervish. Your soul whirls.

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Super Moon In Cancer: Pursuing Dreams

by Carmen Di Luccio, Collective Evolution

We are starting off 2018 with a Super Full Moon In Cancer peaking on January 1st-2nd. This will also be the first of two Full Moons in the calendar month of January, making the next one a ‘Blue Moon’ which will also be a Lunar Eclipse. A Super Moon is a Full Moon that is closer in distance to the Earth.

The energies of Full Moons start to build up in the days leading up to it and also influence the two weeks following. It is a period in which the Sun and Moon are in opposing signs which can be reflected as challenges between the themes of those signs and/or it can also be a period in which the energies of those signs can work together. However, this particular Full Moon is more harmonious than most.

We have been in Capricorn season since the Sun entered this sign on December 21st when it started with a conjunction to its ruler Saturn. Capricorn is the sign of ambitions, achievement, determination, social status, practicality, and resourcefulness.  Saturnian themes connected to this sign include responsibility, commitment, focus, and proceeding cautiously and realistically.

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Daily Message ~ Monday January 1, 2018

Dear Ones, stepping into the energies of a new year is quite a profound act. You are shifting from one energetic cycle that had its own theme into another that holds its own unique energetic stamp.

It can take as long as arriving at the first equinox to fully acclimate into the energies of a new year, depending upon how different it is to the year that preceded it. The most profound shifting you will feel energetically will be within the first few weeks.

So we advise you to step into the new year gently. Be kind and gentle with yourselves. Observe your body and pay attention to what your needs are. Still yourselves, and feel into it. Take some time to continue to think about what your intentions are moving forward. Ease into the energy by allowing yourselves the time and presence to shift with the most comfort possible.

As you continue to evolve, you become far more sensitive to the energies and yet are also more adept at moving with them. Creating the space to give yourselves what you need and to explore the unique energies and shifting that occurs with the new year is using your wisdom and mastery and will allow you to welcome this new phase in a much more balanced way than ever before. These are exciting times as you will continue to grow and thrive in the unprecedented energies of this wonderful new year of empowered creation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Coming To Earth

Against all odds, against calmer judgement and infinite wisdom, you are here!  Your rebellious, old soul ached for a challenge.  Yes, your work on the other side was important, it mattered and made a difference.  But you craved something new, stunning, a little crazy and lot of fun so, you chose your Earth plane!  You did not come here alone, you have friends at home that are looking out for you, calling to you through the ether to check on you from time to time.  You have family that shake their heads at you sometimes and laughs along with you at others.  Even though they miss you, they fully understand why you had to be there now!  Your wisdom, strength and light are helping to usher in a New Age (an overused term, I know) and a higher vibration.  Be proud of yourselves, old souls, The Universe and your family most certainly are! ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 12/31/2017

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All the religions have been enemies of mankind for the simple reason that they have divided the mundane from the sacred. Rather than bridging them, they have been continuously conditioning the human mind that they are opposites, enemies, and you have to renounce one if you want to get the other.


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Ride the Waves

God said:

When you live every moment of your life as the moment it is, you know every moment that occurs as precious. Otherwise, there is a tendency for you to dally with your take on Life – a tendency to, in effect, take a slow-motion picture of Life.

When you analyze excerpts of Life backwards and forwards, when you analyze what occurs, you are not experiencing Life any longer, for then you experience Life on pause. You have put Life aside, so to speak. You experience your preoccupation with Life. You may be fraught with Paraphernalia of Life at a distance from Life itself. Analyzing Life is not the same as living Life.


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