by Carmen Di Luccio, Collective Evolution
We are starting off 2018 with a Super Full Moon In Cancer peaking on January 1st-2nd. This will also be the first of two Full Moons in the calendar month of January, making the next one a ‘Blue Moon’ which will also be a Lunar Eclipse. A Super Moon is a Full Moon that is closer in distance to the Earth.
The energies of Full Moons start to build up in the days leading up to it and also influence the two weeks following. It is a period in which the Sun and Moon are in opposing signs which can be reflected as challenges between the themes of those signs and/or it can also be a period in which the energies of those signs can work together. However, this particular Full Moon is more harmonious than most.
We have been in Capricorn season since the Sun entered this sign on December 21st when it started with a conjunction to its ruler Saturn. Capricorn is the sign of ambitions, achievement, determination, social status, practicality, and resourcefulness. Saturnian themes connected to this sign include responsibility, commitment, focus, and proceeding cautiously and realistically.