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Be At Peace

Be at peace.  You have not missed the beginning, dearest one and you will not lag behind.  This is a ‘rebirth’ of sorts; the moving into your new Earth plane is in process.  It may seem chaotic at first….do not dismay.  This is the balance that has been asked for and you are definitely needing.  Be at peace and know that everything is going to plan. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 12/24/2017

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Don't miss this moment, and don't ask for long preparations. That way you will never be ready. And the mind gets a habitual form: always thinking of tomorrow, tomorrow - it becomes fixed. By the time you have accumulated wealth the mind will again be telling you: Tomorrow, tomorrow. 'Tomorrow' is the disease of the mind.


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Daily Message ~ Sunday December 24, 2017

Dear Ones, you cannot have the full experience of anything if you are only willing to open the door a crack. If you want love, be fully open to love. If you want healing, be fully open to healing. If you want to be of service, be fully open to moving into being of your highest service.

There is so much available for you that you deny yourselves simply because you do not allow the room for it to come to you. So set your intentions and be fully open to receive, and allow your lives to get as big and beautiful and glorious as they possibly can. You just might be surprised at how much more is possible for you than you ever could have imagined. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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An Embracing Peace

Heavenletter #4772 Published on: December 18, 2013

God said:

To be true to Me and true to yourself is to love. That’s it. It doesn’t have to be loud bounding love. It can be a calm state of love, or, We can call it an embracing peace.

Such love gives no offense and takes none. Rather than in a stew, you are in the calm waters. In other words, you are always resting in Me where there is no disturbance. There are no interruptions or disruptions. We can say that you rest in green pastures.

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The Next Step

In the coming weeks, then next step of the shift will be coming to fruition. It will be imperative to keep in mind that each person will be experiencing this in a different way and each of you will be stepping out of what you were and into what you will become.  Be patient and gentle with yourself and your fellow humans.  Using words that have been used frequently on your Earth plane; “Don’t Panic”! (Smiling)
You may also be tempted to push forward or rush the process.  The Universe is reminding you that the pace was set for a reason and will remain steady.  If you see others around you struggling with challenges, reach out and lend a hand.  Remember, you are all in this together and, as one, you will reach your goal. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 12/23/2017

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A man of understanding lives life here and now, every moment he lives it. For him there is no death because there is no future life. He exhausts the moment, he lives it totally, he enjoys it, he thanks God for it, he is grateful.

Where is the fear of death if at this moment you are alive? Here at this moment, you are alive - where is the fear of death? Don't try to get ready to die, just live. And I tell you, everybody, as he is, is ready to live this very moment.


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What Can Be Lost in Love? | Heavenletters

God said:

This is an expression in the world: “All good things come to an end.” This expression does not express Truth, not at all.
In the Heaven I live in, nothing comes to an end. You understand this, yes? Life does not end. Soul does not end. Where I am, everything is True and everlasting. Beauty is great Truth everlasting. And love. Yes, of course, love.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday December 23, 2017

Dear Ones, your holidays can magnify ways that you are out of balance with your giving or receiving. So we say to you, give with your whole heart. Receive with your whole heart. Make your giving a pure expression of self with no expectations, and allow others to give to you in the same way. Any gift or gesture, no matter how small, if given from the heart, is divinely infused.

If you start to feel overwhelmed or resentful, it is a sure indicator that you have gone in a direction that is more than what you are comfortable with. Re-adjust back into a better space of balance, or, if you decide to keep on going the same way understand that from that point forward it is your choice not your obligation. By doing so, your giving will always feel good and you will become a safe person to receive from, and that is exactly what will keep the joy and appreciation in your holiday season. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Trust & Believe

The Universe is always telling you to tell others to trust and believe, trust and believe. Most of you say the words and neglect to apply the same principle to yourselves. You are now being given the wonderful and joyous opportunity to put theory into practice!  Trust and believe, my darling one, and all will be well. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 12/22/2017

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One has to feel oneself, one has to feel how one is made and never follow anything else. First just feel yourself, and there are only two possibilities: either you can live a life of spontaneity, or you can live a life of discipline. Both are good because the basic thing is to become alert and aware.

Teng never followed any rules - whenever he felt hungry, he would eat, even though it might be midnight, whenever he was not hungry, he would not eat, although many days would pass. It was not fasting because fasting has to be forced. It was not a fast, he was not feeling hungry so it was okay, he would not eat. Many nights he would not sleep if he was not feeling sleepy; if he was feeling, for days together he would sleep.



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