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Daily Message ~ Wednesday December 27, 2017

The energetic shifts you have gone through over the past several years have left you completely transformed. You are different than you were five years ago, two years ago, a year ago. Because of the changes you have gone through – the purging, healing, and integration processes – what is an energetic match to you now may be very different than what was a match to you before.

This explains why certain things that you used to enjoy may not feel as good to you anymore. As you step more and more into your authentic power and seek to create a life that is much more in line with who you really are, it is so important to take the time to really examine your feelings about things. More than that, it is important to not make yourself be wrong if something doesn’t feel as good to you as it once did.

As ever evolving beings, your awareness about what is in resonance with you or not is imperative to creating a life that is satisfying to you. Many of you have been conditioned to choose one thing and stick to it throughout your lifetime. Just as many of your child’s interests change as they grow, so will yours.

You would not expect them to stick to one interest if it simply was not a match anymore, nor should you expect that of yourself. In higher vibrating energies you will be drawn to express yourself in many different ways depending upon what the energies are supporting and what you have evolved into resonance with. That is a sure sign of growth and we encourage you to embrace exploring what that means to you.

GFP Newsletter - 12/26/2017

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Remember it as deeply as possible: don't postpone, don't move into tommorow - here, now, is all that you need. Enjoy it, and the more you enjoy, the more will be given to you. That is what Jesus meant when he said: Knock and the door shall be opened unto you. Ask and it shall be given. This very moment the door is there. Ask, knock, live! - don't postpone.

This is the whole message of all those who have become awakened: Today is enough, tomorrow will take care of itself. And tomorrow never comes; it is always today. If you know the knack of living here and now, you will be able to live every moment that comes. Even at the moment of death, you will be able to live. This is what this Teng did - he lived the moment of death. And if you can live the moment of death, how can you die? Then you change your death also into life.

Just the opposite is happening to you right now: you are changing your life into death because of postponement. Tomorrow, always getting ready, ready, ready, and when the moment comes your mind is still getting ready. Drop all postponements, knock at the moment, and you will be as beautiful as the lilies in the field that Jesus talks about: Not even Solomon at the peak of his glory was so beautiful.


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The Coming Revolution: A New Vibrational Reality

Tim Bryant, Guest
Waking Times

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration” – Nikola Tesla

Energy is a property of objects, which can be transferred to other objects or converted, but cannot be created or destroyed. Literally, everything in the known universe is energy in some form or another, whether it’s thoughts, emotions, actions or objects. The law of vibration states that all energy in the universe vibrates at a particular frequency, therefore it’s in a constant state of motion. The vibrational frequency directly determines the form in which the energy will take and according to the law of attraction, energy which vibrates at a particular frequency will attract other energies that vibrate at the same frequency. The question is, what vibrational frequency is society tuned-in to?

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Everyone’s task is to be the Love that they are.

The Christmas season is a time for renewal as you prepare to celebrate the anniversary of the birth of Jesus by opening your hearts more fully to the Love that is the energy field in which you are forever present.  As you open your hearts, all with whom you interact in any manner at all will themselves be assisted in opening their hearts, so intensify your intent to be only loving whatever arises.

There does tend to be a lot of stress at this time of year, due to the importance of this celebration and all the added human commitments it entails, so do make sure to take time out at least once daily to go within, no matter how little time you seem to have.  Taking that time for yourselves is essential to your own well-being, and your own well-being is essential if you are to assist others in their awakening process.  And that is what you agreed to do prior to incarnating for this human lifetime.

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Naked Truth

God said:

When you talk to Me, really talk to Me, your ego walks away. That is one of the beauties of talking to Me. You are not able to load yourself up with pretense when you appear before Me.

Your subterfuges leave, and there is you, and there is I, and We restate your life. We restate your take on life.

Naked were you born, and naked will you leave. Naked here does not mean unclothed. It means true, honest, real, unpretentious. You, without all the ruffles you have put around yourself, you, in your being.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday December 26, 2017

Have you ever noticed how you will frequently get a feeling of letdown or emptiness after you experience a big event? The reason why that happens is you, as creators, are perpetually in a cycle of creation and completion. Once one thing has been completed you will naturally feel a void until you find the next great thing you wish to experience.

This is not a negative thing! This is simply your soul always leading you forward in its desire and excitement to expand and grow from the platform of your latest accomplishment. So celebrate your successes. Enjoy a job well done, get some rest, and understand there will always be a new inspiration waiting to be born as you continue to play in the realm of experience that is being human. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 12/25/2017

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A new life comes into existence when you live now. A new life is a 'now' life. Then where is the fear?

Who is worried about death? Then you can play a joke in the end. And if you live, you start feeling what life is. It is felt only through living; there is no other way to feel it. It is just like swimming - you swim and you learn; swimming comes through swimming, life is felt through living.

You postpone, you don't feel life; you feel death all around. Through postponing you will feel death, through living you will feel life. If you feel life, it is eternal. It has no death to it, it never dies; it goes on and on and on, and each moment is eternity.


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Daily Message ~ Monday December 25, 2017

On this holy day when so many of you are celebrating your holidays, an influx of Christed energy always occurs. This energetic infusion holds the energy of peace, unconditional love, and divine connection.

So many of you are so busy during this day it is easy to miss the magic of such beautiful energy, so we urge you to create a still point for yourselves, even if it is just a moment, to acknowledge and receive this divine gift that is fully available for each and every one of you to bask in and experience.

Always know when you celebrate any aspect of Source energy, we in turn celebrate you in a never-ending upward spiral of mutual love and admiration that supports the expansion of all, for you are an equally divine and important part of All That Is. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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