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True Grace

God said:

Humility is no more nor less than knowing you don't have to have your own way.

This is a nice big insight. You don't have to be first in line. You don't have to be first in life.

You are not obsequious, yet you can easily let someone else go first. You can let Me go first, My Will not thine.

This is a great secret to life. The humility I speak of is not about acting modestly, you understand. It is not about a role you play. It is not about being polite. It is not about anything but how you see life and what is important and what is not. You can let life go its way. Life is served, and you can skip along. You can traipse rather than march. You are no longer a foe of life. You are no longer an obstructionist.

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Daily Message ~ Friday December 22, 2017

You are always enough, in fact you are exactly what the world needs. What we want you to know is if you take your fear that you are not enough, and replace it with the knowing that you are always more than enough, you actually support both yourself and the world in the ways you truly wish to. Owning your light, your truth, your divinity, is not ego, Dear Ones, it is service. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Now is prime manifesting time for your New Year.  What do you want to create for yourself?  All great things begin with a thought, the piecing together of what it will take to make it happen, then action. I can hear you saying, “But I’ve never been good at this!”
Each master did not start as a master, but they did have the tools, the desire and the drive to become skilled.  You have these things as well.  Practicing is what makes the master who they are.  The Universe has always had faith in your innate abilities, my love.  It is time for you to begin having faith in yourself and your capability to create!  Ready…..set…..GO! ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 12/21/2017

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When the whole existence celebrates, why are you standing separate, alone, isolated? And then you feel that you are a stranger. When flowers flower, Why do you stand aloof? - why not flower?

When birds sing, why do you stand aloof? why not sing, why not become a participant?

Religion is a participation in the mystique that is all around you, in the mystery that is all around you.

It is not an effort to know, it is an effort to be, to be a participant. Then everything is beautiful - life is beautiful and death is beautiful, and you can play a joke.


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The Heart of God Awaits You

God said:

What have you got when you’ve got it? What have you got when fame, wealth, authority are yours? What have you got? It is as if nothing. You can never be what you possess. What you possess is a trifle.

You do not own. There is nothing to own. What there is is to be. It is something for you to be the God-given heart and soul that you are. You ARE. You ARE My Very Self, My very Self-less Self. You are Myself, My Very Self, scattered to Earth in seeming fragments of Myself, and, yet, at the same time, beyond what seems to you, I am My One Self, and you are My One Self too.

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Molecular Biologist Explains How Cannabis Kills Cancer Cells

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

The anti-cancer assertions made by medical cannabis advocates are no longer just based on anecdotal success stories. In the following video, Dr. Christina Sanchez, Biology Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid, explains how her research supports the claim that cannabis kills cancer.

Study Shows THC in Cannabis Kills Cancer

Sanchez was involved in several studies that indicated that the THC cannabinoid in cannabis kills cancer cells. These laboratory studies involved the application of THC compounds to brain cancer cell cultures. Furthermore, the researches conducted several animal studies.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday December 21, 2017

Dear Ones, as you experience the longest night of your winter solstice, we invite you to stop and feel the power and comfort of the cycles that naturally occur on your planet that you are all a part of. After a period of darkness there will always come light. After a flow there will be an ebb. Each phase serves a profound purpose supporting expansion and integration.

For many of you this year has been particularly intense. Many of you are ready to emerge from your own personal dark nights of the soul and begin moving back into the light. For each phase you go through, you experience more of your own vastness and connection, and from there can move forward again, with greater wisdom and new intentions in your next greatest expression of self.

So celebrate! Celebrate your emergence once again! Embrace the gifts that have come from the phase that is wrapping up and look forward with your new levels clarity and wisdom that have been attained and are now energetically locked in since your last solstice. There is great sense of empowerment here for you if you can see how profoundly connected you are to it all, for you are supporting the earth through your evolution, just as the planets are supporting you in a cosmic dance of becoming and creation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Solstice Blessings: Soar To New Inner & Outer Heights - Faye Naturales

by Ulonda Faye, Faye Naturales

On this day, and always, we truly have such a deep connection to our creator and to the heavenly realms.  Now is a time to see things from a higher perspective.  Now is a time to soar to new heights.

Cleanse your body, mind and spirit.  Purify your soul.  Clear the clutter of your sacred space.  Let go of people, things, relationships and situations that no longer serve you.  Cleanse your body.  Go within, and meditate.  Seek dialogue with our creator, and give thanks for this beautiful life of yours.

Soak in hot water, allow the steam to rise and dissolve any attachments that need to be dissolved.  Allow the energy to ignite and cleanse your soul.

Release, any and all wounds, past and present, and give them up to the great spirit for healing.

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What To Do, What To Do?

There will always be people that will judge you.  You may be moving through your life, minding your own business, doing what you do, and there will be someone that finds fault with it.  They may even deem you unworthy or undeserving.  Please remember; meddling in other’s lives give them a reason to ignore what they need to work on and change.  It is much easier to point fingers in other directions that at oneself. (Smiling)
What do you do when these situations present themselves?  Step back and breathe!  Allow your consciousness to catch up with your emotions.  Once your conscious mind realizes what is going on, there is no need to react in a negative way.  Send them Unconditional Love and move along.  You know you are worthy and deserving, you know The Universe ‘has your back’, you know you are perfect in your imperfections.  Stay on your path and all will be well.  ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 12/20/2017

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YOU ARE NOT AWARE OF WHO YOU ARE; you are aware of only a very minute fragment of your being: that is your mind - and that too, not fully. Nine tenths of your being remains a dark continent; it is yet an Africa, you never enter into it. In your inner being the geography is not yet completely mapped; you don't have your own map. Once you know your map, the inner geography, the topography, then when the right moment has come, you can simply decide to leave. You can leave this body because this body is just a house, an abode - it is not you. A Master is unidentified with the body, unidentified with the mind; he can decide. So Teng stood on his head and died. Even this impossible posture of standing on one's head can be used. If you know how to live, you know how to die, because they are both one.

Another thing to be understood is why was he joking about death? Death is a serious affair and he is making fun of it! Standing on his head, he is making fun of death. He is saying that if you have lived, lived a life of celebrations, then you can die celebrating - it is fun. When you know that you are not going to die, that something in you is eternal, then the whole of life becomes fun. It is a great cosmic joke and you can play with it.

In his death, Teng was giving a message to his disciples: Everything is fun, don't be too concerned about anything. Just live the moment while it lasts, live it and enjoy it!

This is my feeling also: that if there is any God, He is not going to ask you: What right things have you done and what bad things have you done; what sins have you committed and what virtues have you followed, no. If there is any God, He is going to ask: Has your life been a celebration or a sadness? That's the only thing that can be asked.



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