GFP Newsletter - 12/18/2017

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A certain silence immediately comes to you if you stand quietly. Try it in the corner of your room: just in the corner stand silently, not doing anything - suddenly the energy also stands inside you. Sitting, you will feel many disturbances in the mind, because sitting is a posture of a thinker. Standing, the energy flows like a pillar and is distributed equally all over the body. Standing is beautiful.

A technique is to do the meditation just standing - try it because some of you will find it very, very beautiful. If you can stand for one hour, it is just wonderful. Just by standing and not doing anything, not moving, you will find that something settles within you, becomes silent. A centering happens, and you will feel yourself like a pillar of energy; the body disappears.


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Daily Message ~ Monday December 18, 2017

A reminder for you, Dear Ones. If the energies are making you uncomfortable – if you are feeling overwhelmed, raw, exhausted, confused, or any other discomfort, you can ask for our assistance.

A simple request such as, “Please adjust my energy so I can feel more comfortable.” “Please help me shift and integrate these energies with grace and ease.” “Please wrap me up in your love and support”, or any other wording that feels right to you, is all that is required.

By asking for help two very important things happen. The first is you give us permission to help you. The second is you surrender into receiving the help that is available to you. It is never bothering us as it is always our greatest joy to serve and assist you.

You do not need to do it all on your own! Clear and simple communication, to both your loved ones and your unseen helpers, is key to staying in your truth and authenticity and honouring what your needs are. We are all in this remarkable shift together – you as the amazing ground crew and us as your forever willing and loving supports. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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What Do You Think You Must Atone For?

God said:

Sometimes you seek the ultimate of yourself. No matter how fine you are, tomorrow you want more of yourself. In this way, you are never satisfied.

The cry of More! More! may be asking too much of yourself. You may whip yourself to a frenzy. You may not let up on yourself. You may ask too much of yourself. You may not love yourself enough -- or why would you keep berating yourself? What do you think it is that you must atone for?

I teach forgiveness, yes? No, I don’t even teach you forgiveness, for what do you think you have to be forgiven for? If you have been a scoundrel in a previous Life, so you have been a scoundrel. That was then, and this is now.

Be good to yourself. How can you be beautiful to others when you frown so at yourself? Love yourself first, and then others will be drawn to your Love.

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New Study Finds Inflammation is Cause of Almost Every Disease: Here’s What You Can Do About It

Christina Sarich, Guest
Waking Times

The latest science is in, and though it is being used to promote a pharmaceutical solution (is it any surprise?), there are natural ways to stop chronic inflammation in the body – a problem that is now linked directly to the top five killers on our planet – heart disease, cancer, neurodegenerative disease, and diseases of the gut, primarily.The latest evidence of inflammation’s contributory role in disease came just months ago, when a global clinical trial of 10,000 patients who had previous heart attacks showed that an anti-inflammatory drug from Novartis reduced their risk of further heart attacks or strokes. A surprise side effect: The drug also sharply cut the risk of lung cancer. While Big Pharma would like our take-away from this study to be: “Oh, I need this incredible drug!” there’s another obvious fact we can glean.

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This a time of inward reflection, to look at what you are choosing to release and a resting before the activity of Spring. In honor of this wondrous time, you are invited to participate in a ‘deep cleaning’ in preparation for the New Year!


If you are interested in changing the things you haven’t been able to change, in need of help with your relationship, assistance in releasing self-sabotage/destructive patterns or guidance in choosing the most productive path for your life, it is time for a ThetaHealing session!


From now until December 31st, it is a pleasure to offer all sessions at a reduced rate!


$60 for an hour

$35 for a half hour

$25 for a two question e-mail reading

You can book now, book now and schedule for a later date or gift a session to a friend. Printable gift certificates are available upon request.

Space will fill quickly so book early!

Please contact me here or at

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There will be times when your very presence will trigger some of those around you.  It is very, very important for you to release the need to take any of it personally.  People on your Earth plane will deal with things in their own time and own ways.  Rather than responding with a ‘knee jerk reaction; step back, look at the situation and imagine yourself as the other person.  How are they viewing the moment at hand?  Are they being what you perceive as reasonable?  Is a reaction to their action really important?  Empathy is the key!
It has been said before and needs to be said again; each of you carries a spark of The Divine within you.  If you are unable to see eye to eye with a person, find that spark and send Unconditional Love.  Remember, you are all in this shift together. (Smiling) ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 12/17/2017

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Whenever you are foolish through your 'knowledgeability' you are idiotic, simply idiotic. Be foolish like a child: if you don't know, you don't know - don't pretend. A child can simply say: I don't know. Can you say so simply that you don't know? It is so difficult to say 'I don't know,' because when you say it the 'I' drops. And unless you can say that you don't know, you will never be wise.


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Why Am I Here?

God said:

Because time does not exist, there is no hurry. Therefore, there is no urgency, no emergency, no rush. There is nothing depending upon anything. In terms of Life in the World, there is no depending upon a whole lot anyway. So where does your sense of urgency and breathlessness come from? It comes from your attention on depending upon certain conditions.

You intend your rented sense of urgency as a condition to bring you what you want. I too want Life to bring you what you want. At the same non-time, I don’t desire you to insist upon Life the way you exhort it, for it is the have-to that entraps you. Free yourself from your attachments, and you free your Life. Sometimes you want to tie Life hand and foot. You want to make Life your slave. No, you are not to entrap Life, do you see what I mean? Do you get it now?

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New Moon In Sagittarius: Finding Your Truth

by Carmen Di Luccio, Collective Evolution

We are having a New Moon in Sagittarius on December 18 at 6:30am Universal Time which will work out to be late night of the 17th for those in the Americas. New Moons are the start of a new new lunar cycle bringing in a new wave of energy for the coming month.

Mercury is finishing up its retrograde this week which is also occurring in Sagittarius. It began on the Full Moon on December 3rd and will end on December 22nd/23rd. Mercury Retrograde periods are a time of making shifts and adjustments in certain areas of our lives. It is an opportunity to see things in a different way and gain some new awareness around something. It could be about taking a different approach to things that have already been put in place or attempted prior to this period.

It is important to pay attention to what the Universe has been trying to show through both triumphs and complications so that you can proceed forward in a recalibrated way. When the retrograde ends, and in the days following, we may experience increased clarity and a more defined approach to how we need to handle whatever area of our life this period has been influencing. Much of this will be connected to Sagittarius themes which will be explained below.

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US Department of Defense Releases Video of a UFO Rotating In Mid-Air For The Very First Time

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

There are a number of pictures and real video footage taken of Unidentified Flying Objects(UFOs). Some of the videos floating around out there have defied the belief of skeptics for years. Even with the official release of hundreds of thousands of documents by dozens of governments and multiple intelligence agencies, it’s still a topic that can change an individuals world paradigm for the rest of their lives, which is why perhaps so many choose to remain in ignorance despite all of the evidence which now surrounds the UFO phenomenon.

This stuff is as real as it gets, here’s a publication in The Journal of Scientific Exploration which shows a picture snapped by Canadian military pilots of a UFO, which was taken back in 1956 at an altitude 36,000 ft (app. 11 km). It was observed hovering around them for 45 seconds before it disappeared.


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