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Why I Packed Up Everything & Set Out Abroad – A Journey Of The Heart

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

Right now I am sitting on a plane heading to Toronto from Victoria, British Columbia. I have packed up many of my belongings, abandoned many more, and put the rest in storage. I have packed everything I will have for the next six months (minimum) into one backpack. I am heading out on a journey of the heart.

I’ve always listened to stories of world travellers, or people who have lived abroad for a time, and thought how I would love to do that someday. Little did I know I would actually be able to make it happen. Yet here I am, on my way. I’ll be catching up with the Collective Evolution team in Toronto for a few days and visiting with some friends, then from there, I fly to Mexico, where my adventure begins. I will be travelling south, through much of Central and South America. In 2013 I went to Peru, and last year I went to Costa Rica; while both of these experiences were relatively short, they definitely gave me a desire for more. I knew in my heart that I had to go back, that there was something pulling me there, and I’m going based on nothing at all except this feeling.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday December 17, 2017

Dear Ones, do you know that the incredible amount of work you have done on your own evolutionary path has been preparing you to step forward and allow your own truth to shine forth? You have, in effect, scrubbed yourselves clean from the inside out in order to show up in the world in ways that reflected your own truth, transparency, and integrity. You have discovered your own unique and divine importance and are now allowing that part of you to lead the way by walking your talk and being the teachers by example.

Why this is such a profound shift is because it indicates not only coming to some level of self acceptance, but also finally allowing others to see who you really are. This does not necessarily mean that you have perfected yourself by holding yourself up to some unattainable standard, but rather by embracing your own version of divine perfection that is uniquely you and continuing to grow and evolve in your own authentic way.

This acceptance of self is a profound act of unconditional love for self, which also, through showing up in your authenticity, allows others the opportunity to love you unconditionally, as well. It creates connection points between you and others as you acknowledge each other’s evolutionary processes and self expression. It anchors respecting, honouring, and accepting the incredibly beautiful diversity that is you showing up as individuated aspects of Source energy.

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Wonderful Surprises

A gentle reminder; your world is changing at a very rapid pace and sometimes, it may be challenging for you to keep up.  Even thought he changes are necessary for you to move forward, The Universe has an amazing plan and you are an integral part of it!  Please do not become overwhelmed by this, my beautiful child.  Just remember to breathe, find your center as often as you can and know you are well taken care of.  Wonderful surprises and magical moments are coming your way! ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 12/16/2017

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A child is beautiful because he is both - innocent, wise in his innocence, and a fool, foolish in his innocence. And a child is the right proportion for you. Remember, you will have to attain to a second childhood before you can enter into the Kingdom of God.

A second childhood is even more beautiful than the first, because in the first you were not aware. In the second you will be fully aware. This is how Zen Masters behave - you will find them sometimes just foolish, and in certain moments you will find them so wise that you cannot believe how this foolishness can exist with such wisdom. And you in your knowledge also are foolish, but your foolishness is contaminated, it is not innocent. When foolishness is innocent it has a wisdom of its own, and when foolishness is contaminated by knowledge it is simply idiocy; it has no wisdom.


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No Matter What

God said:

More or less, you thought the world had been brutal to you, and now you wonder about yourself and your culpability in it all. Now you count yourself in. Once and for all, perhaps you are getting real.

Have you been seeing yourself as others see you? What an awakening. This is not the kind of awakening you had desired. You had wanted to be right, meaning that you had been wronged. It may be that you had deceived yourself all along. How little did you know, and how sure you were you knew it all. You are taken aback a peg or two. This could be about time. This is revelatory awakening is actually not a bad thing at all.

What a world it would be if there were no justification nor indication of right and wrong. No one would be imperious. Life would just be.

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To The Surface…

As the shift continues, many things will come to the surface that you thought you already handled.  Sadness, rage, resentments, feeling like a victim, fear or apathy…it will be ‘in your face’, demanding your attention.  The Universe wants you to know; this is not to open old wounds or to take you back to the place you were when you first experienced these feelings.  It is giving you an opportunity to take a closer look, to see what else needs to be taken care of and released.
The ‘fun’ all begins with a choice; to let go or hold on.  The free will you were gifted will be of utmost importance in the months ahead.  These wonderful, life-altering moments are one of the reasons you chose to be here….now!  As you work through them, please remember you are protected and loved beyond measure. ~ Creator


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Daily Message ~ Saturday December 16, 2017

Dear Ones, change is desirable. The universe is always growing and expanding, as are you. To resist change is to go against the natural rhythm of the universe, which is why resistance is so painful and impossible to sustain over a long period of time.

Embracing change is how you get to your desired outcomes. If there is something that is not working for you in your life, change is how it will be resolved. If you are unwell, healing is the change you seek. If you are currently single and seeking love, meeting someone is the change you seek. If you are wanting a more satisfying career, a new job is the change you seek. If you are wishing for more money, monetary abundance is the change you seek.

Do you see what we are saying? You cannot create and be resistant at the same time. Open up. Ask the universe to deliver to you what you wish to experience. Be open to receive. Cast your net wide. Understand that what you want exists in the energies just beyond your current reality, and you get there by opening yourself to new potentials and possibilities.

When you don’t know the way, allow yourself to be led through surrender and flow, faith and trust, understanding that is exactly how to be an empowered co-creator and discover the most satisfying solutions that exist in the realm of possibilities the universe holds. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 12/15/2017

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Wisdom is a response, a fresh response to the moment; knowledge is an old, rotten, collected thing.

You don't respond to the moment; you bring the past, the memory into it and you react through it.

Wisdom is response, knowledge is reaction. To already have the answer, a ready-made answer before the question has been raised - is not wisdom. A child is wise because he has no knowledge.

He has to look around, he has to feel, he has to think, he has to respond - he does not know.


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Walk Like an Angel

God said:

What if I were to tell you that, on My Behalf, you can let go of holding on and begin to allow yourself to be akin to an angel? No longer are you to exult in disharmony. No longer are you to feel beleaguered and find arguments to extend even internally with yourself at great length. Have you thought that arguing and finding fault enhance the world and the Word of God?

You have the wherewithal to please and be pleased rather than to be displeased.

Bestow harmony. Harmony is a blessing. What is all this fuss you have made about how so-called others in the world treat you? Must you go around feeling put upon? What if you would expend greater Good Will and make Good Will shine on Earth?

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The FCC Votes To Repeal & Kill Net Neutrality: A Freedom of Speech Violation

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) just voted to scrap the rules and regulations pertaining to net neutrality. Net neutrality is the idea that internet service providers must treat all data on the internet equally, with no discrimination or charge based on the user, website, platform, content, or method of communication.

With net neutrality in effect, internet service providers legally cannot block, slow down, or charge money for specific websites and content posted online.

With today’s vote, the FCC has scrapped net neutrality regulations, giving internet providers the ability to legally block websites and content, among other things.

It’s funny how this issue, despite being in the public eye for a few years now, coincides with the era of fake news, which has been used by the government to push the blocking of certain content they themselves deem fake, instead of allowing people to decide for themselves. They do this with help of sites like Snopes and companies like the Disney Corporation, which apparently have become the ‘police of fake news.’


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