GFP Newsletter - 11/29/2017

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A Master has to create situations for you to learn, to understand, to gather a momentum, a fire.

You must have seen pictures of pyramids. They were made by very, very secret schools in Egypt.

The word pyramid means 'fire within', and the pyramid is made in such a way that it accumulates energy. Just now scientists have become aware that the shape of a pyramid is a great accumulator of energy. Just the shape, just the triangular shape accumulates energy.


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God has given you everything and denied you nothing because that is His nature.

As humanity collectively moves toward awakening, much is happening to accelerate and intensify your relentless progression.  As you well know, Love Is, there is only Love, all else is of the illusion, and more and more of the world’s human population are beginning to realize this.  At first it is a personal realization, something that they feel uncomfortable sharing because they fear being ridiculed and laughed at.  However, because there is so much information available on the world wide web regarding the fact that everything is connected to everything else, with scientific proof to back it up, more and more people are now prepared to “put a foot in the water to test the temperature,” which they find warm and welcoming.  And then they are happily surprised, in fact often amazed, to discover that their realization is shared by so many.

It is impossible to be unaware that something different, something strange is occurring on Planet Earth at this moment in your history, and it is.  The moment of your awakening was planned at the precise moment that you chose separation instead of Love.  God knows your mind, knows what you truly want, and offers It to you constantly, and It is everything – Love, Peace, Joy, Bliss, Happiness – everything that makes your hearts sing.  That is what your awakening is all about.

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This Is How Life Is

God said:

Just be. No necessity to wear make-up of one kind or another, neither bright nor pale. You are made for more than yourself alone. This does not mean you are made to please others. Please yourself as well and please My Heart, Beloveds. This is how you serve the world.

You don’t have to be up to the minute in your Life. You aren’t a supposition. You aren’t an antic. You are you, and you are real even as, in the world, you are far more than the personality you may have limited yourself to.

Recall yourself to Grace. Be of One Mind with Me. Be of One Heart with Mine.

We shall divvy-up the Glory of Life. As big as a mountain or as small as a pond, let’s make merry while the Sun shines. Let’s make merry even when the Sun doesn’t shine, yet nevertheless is. Life is good however it is dressed. There is nothing like Life. Find all the fault you like, and still nothing equals Life in rain or in shine.

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BREAKING: Africans Are Being Sold In Libya’s Open Slave Markets [VIDEO]

By Fattima Mahdi Truth Theory

It’s 2017, and shocking footage has emerged of Libyans being sold at auction at open-air slave markets. Tens of thousands of vulnerable African migrants and refugees risk everything to get to Libya’s coast and then across the Mediterranean into Europe – which is described as the deadliest route on Earth. According to reports, the migrants that end up in business detention centres are sold off like goods.

“As shocking as it seems, it’s indeed true,” Leonard Doyle from the International Organization for Migration tells Counting the Cost. “The reason it [slave trade] can happen is because there is really no rule of law across much of Libya. Libya is a country as big as France, with a lot of space there. Migrants are coming there … they see the promise of a new life when they go to their Facebook feed and they think something wonderful is waiting for them in Europe, because a smuggler has abused the system and has sold them that lie.”

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday November 29, 2017

One of the most pivotal things you can do as an enlightening human being is learn how to manage your own energetics. Maintaining your own energetic state is vital for supporting your own balance, comfort, and well-being.

We strongly encourage you to practice energetic clarity rather than self protection. While the technique may be identical, the intention behind it is what makes all the difference. When you are practicing self protection, you are loudly announcing that there is something you need protection from. Dear Ones, you are a beloved piece of Source energy. How can anything be stronger than that?

Energetic clarity on the other hand, is simply claiming your highest vibrational state and allowing it to shine, brightly, beautifully, and unimpeded. Do you see? One practice is fear based, while the other is simply embracing your authentic power and stepping into your highest vibrational truth. Self protection perpetuates separation, while energetic clarity supports presence and connection.

So how do you practice energetic clarity? It is a very simple technique. Simply find a spark, in your centre that is the divine essence of you, or the Christ connected part of you, and allow that golden spark to grow and grow until it fills your entire body with beautiful, sparkling, golden light. Once you have your entire body filled, pull it out until it extends arm's length in front of you, behind you, beside you, over your head, and under your feet. That's all there is to it!

GFP Newsletter - 11/28/2017

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Try to learn from every experience - that is the only meditation. Don't allow any experience to just go down the drain - learn something. Learning will remain with you. The experience will go, but learning will remain with you. And when an accumulation of understanding comes to a certain degree, there is an explosion.

It is just like when water is heated up to a hundred degrees: the water disappears and becomes a totally different thing. The quality changes, it evaporates. Ordinarily water flows downwards, but when it evaporates it starts moving upwards - the dimension has changed.

You are like water. If you don't learn you will go on moving downwards. Learn! Learning is a heat, a seasoning, a maturity, a fire. Learn more and you create more fire within you; and then comes the moment of a hundred degrees - and a jump. Suddenly, the downward dimension disappears - you are moving upwards. You are moving higher and higher and higher, you have become a cloud.

This is possible only through experience; when experience becomes learning, and learning becomes understanding - understanding is the essence. It is not a memory, it is just the very essence of all that you have known. You cannot explain your understanding to anybody, no. It is not knowledge, it cannot be given.


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Invite the Sun

God said:

Better to be a friend than not a friend. Better to love than not to love. Better to be at Peace than in turmoil. You may have learned otherwise – you may have learned the opposite.

Perhaps, in childhood, you learned that Life was to be turmoil and that the littlest disturbance was better than Peace at all costs. You perhaps learned to prefer commotion as a way of Life. Life interfaced, and wildfire was preferred to a field of daisies. Perhaps Peace and Silence are the last wishes you place high on your wish list.

You may forsake Peace, for, in peace, you can hear your own thoughts. Frankly, you may not choose to hear your own thoughts.

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Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes To Be Released In 20 States

Derrick Broze, Guest
Waking Times

The US Environmental Protection Agency has approved the release of genetically engineered mosquitoes in 20 US states and Washington D.C – what are the implications of this mass experiment?

In early November the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved the use of mosquitoes which have been genetically engineered to carry a common bacterium designed to kill mosquitoes that carry dangerous viruses. The news was reported in Natureand later confirmed to Gizmodo by MosquitoMate, the company behind the GE mosquitoes, and the EPA. The EPA said they officially registered MosquitoMate’s Asian Tiger mosquito with a five-year license to sell their lab mosquitoes in 20 states across the nation.

Nature reported:

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5 Areas Of Change For Planetary Evolution

By Luke Miller Truth Theory

There is an exchange in information and action that is happening on an unprecedented scale currently. We have the emergence of technology that allows an instantaneous exchange of ideas. As of this moment there are literally 12 year old on social media with millions of followers who will like, comment and share any and everything that they post. This exchange has redirected conversations, shifted consciousness and opened pandora’s box, when it comes to ideas.

There is a strange paradox which exists within this- more people with beautiful messages who would have always been ignored by the old media paradigm are now sharing their message, while the simultaneous (and I would argue darker) ideas of consumerism, vanity and even worse are also being perpetuated.

With all this opening and expansion many ideas that are accepted as normal from the old society are being reframed and restructured, people are questioning the medical, criminal and financial establishments, while also thinking up new alternatives.

I am sure there are many pillars we could use to create a balanced society, and many would become apparent as the first pillars are built, but here are 5 that most people would agree upon.



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