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Daily Message ~ Tuesday November 28, 2017

Do you limit your flow of abundance by thinking it can only show up from certain sources? There are a myriad of ways the universe can deliver to you, in fact, it is our greatest joy to serve and delight you in the most unexpected ways. So open up, Dear Ones. Cast your net wide. Declare your intention to joyfully receive your highest abundance however it would like to show up and allow the magic to happen. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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My dearest one; it is very important to remember that you were not placed on your Earth-plane to judge others.  As this newest shift begins, your reactions to others and theirs to you may not always be what you expect.  This is where your empathy and understanding come into play.  You may only be seeing a small fraction of their existence.  Rather than judging, be open-minded.  There will be many ‘odd’ things occurring in the coming months that will surprise you.  It is best to get your acceptance practice in now (smiling), you will need it! ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 11/27/2017

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When you are sensitive, only then can you help. If you are sentimental you create more mess. When a man understands, he becomes more and more sensitive - he helps, he cares. And he will never feel embarrassed. A sentimental man will always feel embarrassed, because something is wrong.

You also know when you are behaving in a foolish way, you also know.


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The Responsibility of Freedom

by Julian Rose

On the Integration of the Spiritual and the Social

A lot of people are writing and talking about spirit, higher self, personal enlightenment, shining health, transformation and the attainment of the Godly. A lot of people are following the words of those who proclaim knowledge of the above.

It is clear that many are searching for the security of a sound spiritual path to lead them through the material and mental chaos. Something that will bring with it a new awareness and sense of reality.

But this immediately raises the question: once having set off down this road – what will one do with the new found power which comes with traveling it? This opening-up of a new dimension of personal awareness and inner freedom.

Will one be content to simply carry on with 'life as usual' basking in the sense of uplift generated by this elevated sense of being? Perhaps one will change one's diet. Buy a purer toothpaste. Take a brisk run each morning. Get a better juicer. Practice regular yoga and positive thinking. Even maybe seek to move to the fresher air of the countryside?

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New Revelation Sugar Industry Covered Up Serious Disease Link 50 Years Ago

Heather Callaghan, Guest
Waking Times

You may have heard of the sugar industry’s attempt to get dietary fat blamed for heart disease when it manipulated results to cover up sugar’s role in cardiovascular illness. There is more to the story…

Last year, three researchers turned heads everywhere when they uncovered evidence that the sugar industry secretly funded studies on sugar’s effects on mammals, only to then cut off from the results when sugar’s links to life-threatening disease emerged.

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The Whole Cake

God said:

Take a look at what’s going on with you. Don’t skirt your issues, Beloveds. Greet them! Be hail-fellow-well-met to yourself. Find out what you are about. “Getting to know you, get to know all about you.” Get to know the simple Truth about you. For sure, you are not what you have carelessly seen yourself as. Oh, yes, you bought the propaganda the world sells, and you stick to it. How loyal you have been to past thinking.

Pay it forward doesn’t mean to keep carrying all your baggage. You never were what you thought and went along with. Because once you didn’t know any better is no reason to stay the same.

Change is the name of the Game of Life on Earth. Let the Sun Rise and you rise with it, Dear Ones.

You own the Whole Theater, the whole stage. You are the Star, the One and Only. This doesn’t mean you are to be vain or selfish. This means you are alive. You are the Revealer, the Actor before the Camera. You are also the Director, the Cameraman, the whole show, all that there is, you, the Real You, that is.

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Daily Message ~ Monday November 27, 2017

Many human beings find their spiritual paths from encountering the dark night of the soul. They become so battered and worn that they simply cannot resist any longer and choose to surrender into a new way of being.

From such a painful place it is natural to seek relief. The first steps must be to self nurture, to heal, to shift energetically into a better feeling space. Many people are in survival mode at this point of their journey, and are very fragile. The point of this phase is to discover the spiritual supports that are available to them, to open up to new ideas and ways of doing things, and to find their way out of crisis. This is about stabilization, comfort, and relief.

As the person begins to balance out and explore the ideas of creating for themselves, the power of positive focus, and that better potentials may exist beyond where they've been, they begin to grow and expand. This is a phase of learning, exploration, and new possibilities. The focus must be on feeling better in order to move to a different energetic layer beyond crisis, where the initial stages of healing can occur. This phase may last many years where the person is focused on spiritual learning, experimentation, and creating a more satisfying life experience.

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Making Space…

A gentle reminder; during this time of shifting, it is so very important to remember self-care!  As you begin this great time of change and re-balancing, pay attention to what is going on in your physical and emotional bodies.  A great many things will be coming to the surface to be cleared so you can take on as much learning as possible.
Dear one, this is not something that should be stopped, stifled or shoved down deep.  Move yourself to a safe space and let it happen!  Once it is out, it will be gone and there will be no need to bring up things from the past again.  What may be challenging at first will eventually become one of the most beautiful and meaningful experiences of your entire existence.  Embrace the release! ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 11/26/2017

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A man of awareness is sensitive. 'Sensitive' means, if somebody is dying, he will serve. If somebody is dying and needs him, he will care. If somebody is dying he will share whatsoever he can share.

There is no point in crying and weeping because you don't help that way.

One man is weeping because he is hungry, and you sit by his side and you also weep because you feel very much for that man - this is sentimentality. Your weeping will not become bread for him, he will remain hungry. Instead of one man weeping in the world, now two men are weeping. You have doubled crying and weeping. It is not going to help. Do something!

A sensitive man will to something. A sentimental man will weep and cry, but a sentimental man will always be thought to be sensitive. A sensitive man will not look as sensitive, because he will be doing something. If someone is hungry he will try to find something for him to eat; if he is thirsty, he will go and fetch water. You will not see tears welling up, and you will not see him beating his chest, rolling on the ground saying: This man is hungry!

You will not be able to see he is sensitive because sensitivity is subtle. He cares - the difference is subtle and delicate. A Buddha will not weep because you are in misery, he will help - he will help you to come out of your misery. If you are in misery, a sentimental man becomes miserable himself.


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Study Shows What Sharp Changes In Solar & Geomagnetic Activity Do To The Human Body

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Over the past few years, a number of publications have emerged from scientists and researchers all over the world regarding the human magnetic field. Not only have they been studying the human magnetic field, they’ve also been studying the magnetic field of the planet, and how all these fields, including our own, can impact ourselves and the people around us. It’s similar to quantum entanglement, in that both show that everybody and every living thing is “connected” in ways we have yet to fully understand.

Leading the charge are the brilliant scientists over at the HearthMath Institute. An internationally recognized nonprofit research and education organization, it dedicates itself to helping people reduce stress, self-regulate emotions, and build energy and resilience for healthy, happy lives.


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