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Neuroscientists Discover a Unique Link Between Breathing and the Brain

by Anna Hunt, Awareness Junkie

The relationship between the breath and the brain is very powerful. We know that much. Yet, we’ve understood very little about the mechanics behind this relationship. Until now. In a new study, neuroscientists were able to identify exactly how breathing changes the brain.

Breathing and the Brain

Our ability to control the breath is one way we differ from other mammals. Most animals do not alter their breathing. Instead, activities such as running or resting are responsible for changes in breath patterns. Thus, human capacity to alter our breath volitionally, in addition to our ability to suppress thoughts and control emotions, makes our brain unique.

This extraordinary ability regarding breathing is the foundation for therapies that focus on and regulate the breath. For example, a common technique used during Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is square breathing. This method involves slowing and pausing the breath. Consequently, this exercise helps patient suffering from anxiety to relax.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday December 7, 2017

Dear Ones, we know so many of you are moving into your own partnerships with spirit. This is something that is available to each and every one of you! We understand for many of you this is uncharted territory, so we wish to give you some guidance.

You can ask for any being to come and make their presence known to you. It is as easy as a simple, heartfelt request with your inner voice. Then pay attention to your body. How do you feel? Common signs are ringing in the ear, tingling on the head, a feeling of heart expansion, a wash of love, a cool breeze, or in the case of angelics, a cool mentholated sensation as you breathe. This is called the breath or the kiss of an angel. You may have other signs that are unique to you.

So how do you know the being you are connecting with is a positive one? Pay attention to where you feel energy activation in your body. Anything from the heart centre up is a wonderful indication of a higher being. If you get activation below your heart centre, there is no need to be afraid, simply try again for the being you wish to connect with until you get the energetic response you are looking for. Working with spirit is working with subtle energies. It is important to check in with yourself first so you know how you are feeling in your body before you begin so you can be aware of any changes that come with intending to connect.

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The Giant Wave

Imagine yourself standing on a beach and a giant wave coming.  You know it is going to hit and you brace yourself but, nothing can really prepare you for it. One thing you must remember is that it will not roll you under!  If you can quiet yourself long enough, you will begin to feel the ‘lifting’.  The anticipation of waiting for what is really going to happen is one of humankind’s most interesting and joyous emotions! ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 12/6/2017

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Four things are similar: death, love, sleep and meditation; their qualities are similar. And the basic similarity is that you have to dissolve - and people are afraid of all of them. If you are afraid of death you will be afraid of sleep, of love, of meditation.

Many come to me and they say: How to love? It is not a question of how, and when you ask 'how', you are trying to manipulate - you would like to remain in control, so whenever you want you can push the button on or off. You would like to remain the master of the whole thing.

But nobody can be in possession of love. Love possesses you, you cannot possess it. Love controls you, you cannot control it. Love means you are no longer there, something else has come. That's why love is so rejuvenating.


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"We Don't Want to Repress": Police in Honduras Refuse Orders to Stamp Out Pro-Democracy Protests

by Common Dreams

Amid widening violence and ongoing protests, members of the Honduras National Police force—including those within the U.S.-trained units known as the Cobras—say they are refusing  to obey orders from the right-wing government of the incumbent president, Juan Orlando Hernández, who has used the security forces to crackdown on demonstrators and imposed a curfew amid allegations of voter fraud in recent elections.

"We are tired. And our job is to give peace and security to the Honduran people, not repress them. We want all Hondurans to be safe." —Member of Cobra police unit 

"We want peace, and we will not follow government orders – we're tired of this," a spokesperson for the police told reporters outside the national police headquarters on Monday. "We aren't with a political ideology. We can't keep confronting people, and we don't want to repress and violate the rights of the Honduran people."

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Knowing the Glory You Are

God said:

When did you wander into the shoals of Earth and accept this alcove you seem to sit in as the Whole Truth of you? How amazing that this portion of Life falls to you on the Beautiful Creation of Earth. It is beautiful, you know. Look at a Sunrise or Sunset. Look at One Leaf of a Tree.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday December 6, 2017

Dear Ones, many of you wish to move beyond your fears. The secret to moving beyond fear is trust.

Who do you trust as a guide or helper to assist you? God? An angel? An ascended master? If you don’t know what you believe, do you feel like there is something more out there than you? If so, you can simply call on more. Do you believe you have a source of wisdom within yourself that always knows how to proceed? Do you trust your own divine capability? Do you trust your higher self?

What we are trying to get at is it doesn’t matter who you feel most aligned with to trust. It just matters that you know there is always assistance available to you, to help guide and support you, as you continue to evolve.

Feel into who you is the best support for you. If you aren’t sure, experiment! Test drive many different beings and see which one feels best to you energetically. Then remember to ask for help whenever you feel you need to experience extra love, support, safety, or encouragement as you continue to grow and evolve. Allow yourself to be led to the solutions that exist for you. Use your helpers, that’s what they are there for!

You have everything you need, always, to move forward beyond your doubts, fears, and challenges into the land of new possibilities and potentials. Finding who you trust on your team to give you that extra guidance and encouragement is how you move into conscious co-creation. We urge you to take advantage of all the wise and loving supports that are in place for you, whose greatest joy is assisting you in moving into your next greatest experience of self. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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The Creator Writings - December 6th, 2017

Has your roller coaster ride begun?  With change, any change, there will be ups and downs and may seem to occur with no rhythm or reason.  This is the time to be patient with yourself, dear one.  Some of the coming shifts may be challenging to navigate so, if you feel you need help, then ask for it.  Whether it be a person, place or thing, The Universe will always guide you in the right direction. ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 12/5/2017

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They are similar phenomena; sleep is a temporary death. After the day's labour, the work, you are exhausted - you need a death so that you can be reborn, so that in the morning you are again rejuvenated, fresh, young. And in sleep, death is exactly what happens.

Have you observed the fact that in sleep you are not the same person at all? You don't remember who you are, you don't remember whether you are rich or poor, you don't remember your own face, you don't remember who your father is and who your mother is; you don't remember anything that you have learned, anything that has been cultivated in you you drop everything at the door and you go to sleep. That's why it is so refreshing, because you get rid of yourself. You are like a burden - you leave it at the door and you fall into sleep.

Sleep opens a different dimension where identity, ego, nothing of this world exists. That's why it is so fresh, so refreshing in the morning you come back to life, a new day starts, a new life.



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