Being the Experience of Consciousness

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Well, some thoughts to consider? There are many thoughts within me wanting to be shared and I LOVE TO SHARE.  As I am able, I will share as Many of them as possible. It is a little difficult to slow the thoughts down enough so I can place them into letters forming words, to makes sentences, which makes complete sense to me. lol

Creating reference points with communication can be a real challenge. The meanings of words vary from person to person as personal experience unfolds through their Life.

For example, the word, "consciousness." This word, for me, means "energy". Energy is the very foundation of all the Multi += Dimensional Universes, and there are as many of those as there are stars in the sky. Catch my drift on what consciousness as energy expresses? Consciousness also, for me, represents the "I" or "EYE," if one prefers. Like I mentioned, words and their meanings can vary from person to person. Even when the meaning seems to be very clear to the one communicating.

It might be just me and the way my right brain sees how to put words together. My right brain sees everything holistically and my brain works far faster than my fingers can type. lol

I wonder how I can make it any simpler and still convey the thought? The difference between 3D and 5D is the capacity to embrace consciousness in a whole new way of experience. It's Being the very experience, of consciousness, completely aware of and immersed in creation as presentness. It's a new word which will eventually be the common spelling of "presentness." lol

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday December 5, 2017

Dear Ones, it is safe to feel. It is safe to heal. It is safe to love and be loved. All of these opportunities are coming up for you because you are ready – ready to embrace the full expression of you. You have no idea how delighted we are for you that you have reached this stage of your evolution. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 12/4/2017

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If you have lived, you have a fulfillment, a contentment, a deep gratitude. You have flowered - there is nothing more to achieve. Then you are not afraid of death; rather, you welcome it.

You have achieved: now death comes like a deep sleep after the day's labour - a whole day of achievement, of fulfillment, of reaching, of meeting, of encountering, of flowering, and then death comes like a deep sleep. You welcome it. When the tree has flowered, death is welcome; when the tree is still struggling to flower, there is fear.


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Soldiers of Good Fortune

God said:

Let Us sail the seas today. Let Us float. Let Us be afloat in Joy.

What does it mean to be on vacation but on vacation from woe, weariness, and worry? Yes, I understand the desire to escape fear and whatever you may see as drudgery and fault in yourself and others – and the Stars.

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Daily Message ~ Monday December 4, 2017

We recently spoke of the importance of practising energetic clarity for your comfort and well-being (refer to the daily message from November 29th). Did you know that you can use the same technique for clearing space as well?

Just as keeping your own energetics clear and shining brightly is an essential practice for you to thrive, it is just as important to create an equally supportive environment in your home and work spaces.

Simply imagine a spark in the centre of the room or building you would like to clear, that is Christed light. See that spark grow and grow until it becomes a huge ball of beautiful sparkling golden light that extends far beyond the space you wish to cleanse and support. See the circle of light surrounding the building and extending deep into the ground below.

This simple yet incredibly effective technique is ideal to use to keep the energetics of your living or working areas clear and energetically supportive to you and all who inhabit the space. It cleanses out any residual or unwanted energies quickly and efficiently. You can use it before you move into a new home, to cleanse an area after an argument, to calm a stressful environment, and to create supportive energies for everyone who enters the space.

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Brazil is Offering its Prisoners Ayahuasca for Rehabilitation

Heather Callaghan, Guest
Waking Times

How would society change if instead of suffering, punishment and recidivism – we embraced love, healing and restoration?

Some Brazilian prisoners are getting the opportunity to embark on their own ayahuasca journeys and turn their lives around. The powerful herbal combination that produces DMT and a hallucinogenic experience is said to be cutting recidivism rates in the prison.

The ayahuasca tea made from the ayahuasca vine, Banisteriopsis caapi, and the Psychotria viridis plant both from the Amazon. The spiritual ritual is said to be an ancient practice among indigenous peoples. It has now garnered international attention for what people say after their experiences. People have reported relief from depression, PTSD, trauma and even physical conditions.

From Alternet.Org:

GFP Newsletter - 12/3/2017

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Why are people so afraid of death? Is death really a phenomenon to be afraid of?

The first thing to remember is that you don't know death. You have not known it, so how can you be afraid of something that you don't know? That's impossible. You can be afraid of something you know, but of something that is totally unknown, absolutely unknown how can you be afraid? Fear needs an object to be afraid of.

You cannot really be afraid of death, you must be afraid of something else. That something else is an unfulfilled life - you have not been able to live, you have not been able to achieve a fulfillment, you have not been able to overflow, you have not been able to celebrate.



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