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The Four Key Elements of True Love, According To Thich Nhat Hanh, A Vietnamese Buddhist Monk

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free.”

– Thich Nhat Hanh

What is love? What is ‘true’ love? Can it even be defined? Today, our ideas about love are largely defined by fairytales, movies, and television shows, and its definition continues to change. But we all have certain conditions attached to our idea of what love is, or some sort of criteria drawn up for what our ‘perfect match’ would look like. The right partner is required to have certain things, be a certain way, and like certain activities — and that’s okay.

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NASA Again Accused of Covering Up UFO's Seen at International Space Station

Terence Newton, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Something strange keeps happening at the upper reaches of Earth’s atmosphere. Aboard the International Space Station, NASA hosts a live-stream, purportedly showing a continuous feed of the earth juxtaposed against the void of space. The feed is watched by people around the world, and every once in a while something interesting happens: the footage will show a moving anomaly, an unidentified flying object (UFO), and the live feed will suddenly go offline.

This has been happening for years, causing speculation that NASA is covering up a litany of evidence demonstrating the existence of UFO’s and supporting the notion that we are not alone in this universe, and not alone even on this planet.

The most recent incident involves the sighting of a glowing object moving toward the earth’s atmosphere, which is interrupted by a break in the live feed.

“Italian astronaut Paolo Nespoli shot the clip, which shows a fiery ball of light racing towards the Earth’s atmosphere.

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Daily Message ~ Monday November 20, 2017

We understand releasing can be arduous work for you, especially if the energies you are letting go of are attached to a deep, old wound that has been affecting you for a very long time. Simply being aware of that energy yet again can be distressing, which can make you shift into resistance to the process.

It can be helpful to create a positive visualization for releasing that feels light and welcoming. It might be imagining that releasing is like removing heavy, old clothing on a very hot day and feeling the relief that comes from peeling off each layer. You could imagine releasing as having heavy burdens lifted off your body, and feeling how much lighter you are and how joyful it is as each one gets removed.

You could imagine yourself in a beautiful shower or waterfall, and feeling how refreshing and wonderful it is to be cleansed, as the old density gets washed away. You could simply imagine a team of angels or your favourite masters coming to assist you, and handing off those old energies to be transmuted, healed, and transformed. Don't be afraid to get creative and come up with whatever imagery delights you!

No matter how you look at it, each release leaves you lighter and creates space for you to embody more of your own divinity. What a glorious process! You can release far more effectively and pleasantly if you can remember that it is always an indicator of your remarkable growth and evolution, and exactly what you wish to experience.

GFP Newsletter - 11/19/2017

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In India, five thousand years ago a war happened. They call it MAHABHARATA, the Great Indian War. If somebody reads about it and analyzes it deeply, it seems they again had come to invent all the weapons we have invented. They had something like the H-bomb, because the description of the destruction is so vast that it could not have been done otherwise. They destroyed the whole country; not only the whole country, the whole world. That time, that moment is history has now almost become a myth because no record exists. The destruction was so vast, so total, that all the records were lost. After that, India has not tried again to be scientific - it was such a failure. It proved to be destructive, nothing else. Now in the West, we are again reaching that culmination point.


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The Matrix of Time and How to Transcend It

RJ Spina, Contributor
Waking Times

Many people who have already begun to question the very nature of their reality will inevitably come to the persistent yet illusory experience we call time. What is time? How does it work? And why do we experience it in the way that we do?

Some are concerned that we are running out of ‘time’ both individually as well as collectively for our individual and planetary spiritual awakening. Some subscribe to the seemingly obvious notion that time is the enemy and the eventual death of all physical life. The unrelenting march of time traps us all in a downward spiral of entropy, decrepitude and eventual demise. This seems to be the current paradigm Humanity agrees to. And then there are those who simply desire to experience a better time, even for a moment, where chaos, confusion, greed, manipulation and a lack of awareness were not so pervasive.

Somewhere beyond all of this exits what truly is.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday November 19, 2017

The beauty of fully surrendering to the flow is that you know everything is unfolding in a way that is divinely perfect. It takes you out of looking for things to fix, from doubting timing, and worrying about if you are getting things right or not, into a space of complete acceptance. You can rest easy in the fact that if there is something you need to do or address, the flow will bring it into your awareness.

It is in letting go of the worry and the second guessing of yourself, that you will start to get comfortable with simply being and will experience the freedom and relief that comes from taking things one Now moment at a time. The only thing you need to focus on is if you are allowing yourself to be led and what feedback you would like to give the universe through your appreciation. Navigating in such a way is not only more supported and efficient, it is a much needed vacation for the mind. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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Your own personal day of reckoning is at hand.  The Universe is offering you the opportunity to take stock of your emotions, thoughts, actions, reactions and change what is needing to be changed.  The coming shift is so huge, so massive that homework is required before it begins. (Smiling) It is time to dig in, my darling one, to get your hands dirty and release all you feel is negative.  This is not saying that the negative will completely disappear.  It will come up from time to time but, with the digging/releasing process started, it will not matter so much.  This is your chance to change your world…do not let the opportunity pass you by! ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 11/18/2017

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Reality simply exists there in all its purity. It is up to you.

If you start fighting with it, it becomes your enemy; if you start adjusting to it, if you start accepting it, if you start flowing with it - not upstream, but wherever it leads - if you simply leave yourself to it, it becomes your friend. That is trust; that is SHRADDHA, faith.


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A Day Just for You

God said:

Give yourself a break today. Slumber late if that is to your liking. Hang around the house if this is what you would like. Cook up a storm. Or go on a picnic. Go to yard sales. Turn over and sleep again and get what is called all the rest you want. This is a day I bequeath to you as yours.

What do you want to do on this day that I give to you today? What do you want to make of it? You can make anything at all of it that you wish to make. Want to recline? Give it a whirl. This is your Day.

You may not be aware of what a good day-off can mean to you and all the other Onenesses that share this day with you. Regardless of how much a slug-a-bed you may be today, this day is in your best interest, and it is for you.


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