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Life Is What You Make of It

God said:

There is Life, and there is Life.

Life is what you make of it. This is Life on Earth.

What you make of Life says a lot about you.

Remember that you are not to judge. You are not to weigh even your own Life. Let Me take that back and look at this from different angles. I mean, really, who can sum up Life, for Life is ongoing.

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5 Lessons on Parenting from the Animal Kingdom

by Jessie Klassen

Nature has lessons for those who listen, and for those who observe with sincerity and open hearts.

Growing up on a farm, I was afforded the opportunity of having a close relationship with animals. And over my years of living my life this way, there has been many lessons that I have been taught.

As a mother myself, I have paid special attention to the animal mothers, and the way that they parent their babies.

Here are 5 parenting lessons that I have learned from the Animal Kingdom

Lesson #1

Model the behaviour you would like to see in your child”

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday November 14, 2017

As you move toward the end of your year and look forward to the future, the question to ask is not “What should I do?” but rather, “How do I wish to express myself?”

You see, up until this point many of you had incarnations with very long to-do lists. This was why you often were looking for the guidance of what you should do next. You knew you had things on your agenda to experience and you didn’t want to miss anything.

Those times are now drawing to a close energetically. This can take some getting used to, as you reorient yourselves to the next phase and understand that the new focus is all about how you wish to be, and what you wish to experience.

As the pioneers on a rapidly shifting planet, you are more than ready for this change. You will release the fear of missing something or making mistakes because not only are you mindful, you are starting to recognize that the true value is in experience and self expression.

This is also profoundly important because this marks the shift away from martyred service to joyful service. It is about navigating by preference, playing in unprecedented energies, and co-creating and making a difference as you go, and that, Dear Ones, is exactly what your souls have been aiming for all along. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 11/13/2017

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Buddha said that the world is like a wheel. And you are clinging to the wheel, and you go on moving with the wheel, Become aware that you are repeating. Repetition is unconscious. Become aware that you have been behaving like a robot, not like a man. Become aware. Go back and watch, relive the moments and see that you have been doing the same thing again and again - the same anger, then again the repentance, the same marriage, and again the divorce, the same falling in love, and then getting fed up. If you can see and watch the repetitiveness of your life, the very understanding that you have been repeating will become a consciousness.


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Study Proves Refined Sugar Is Responsible for Remarkable Rate of Disease

by Dr. Mercola

  • Sugar has become a daily habit in the past 100 years, during which rates of obesity, Type 2 diabetes, cancer, heart disease and other chronic illnesses have skyrocketed
  • Recent research demonstrates cancer cells use sugar as their primary fuel and are functionally starved when sugar is withheld, upholding previous research by German biochemist, Otto Warburg
  • The metabolic theory of cancer holds sugar damages mitochondrial function and energy production, triggering cell mutations that are then fed by ongoing sugar consumption
  • Your healthiest choice is to avoid or eliminate refined sugar from your diet by eating whole, organic foods, and carefully reading labels of any packaged foods you buy

Refined sugar was not consumed on a daily basis until the past 100 years. Before that, it was a treat afforded only by the very rich as sugar cane was a difficult crop to grow. In the past 100 years, rates of obesity, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and numerous other chronic diseases have skyrocketed.

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3 Characteristics of a True Political Awakening

Sigmund Fraud, Staff Writer
Waking Times

History is written by the winners, or so they say, but there is an agreed upon version of our story that is taught to us in school and reinforced in everyday life by the media and government propagandists. Coasting through life haphazardly believing in this standardized version of reality is a form of consciousness, a contemporaryt way of relating to a world where the individual is consumed by the group, and truth becomes evermore out of reach.

The typical level of political awareness in our society is fairly basic, simplified and incomplete, but it serves as a functional trap for the mind and the imagination, pigeon-holing individuals into a conformist. This psychological trap preys upon two basic human traits: conservatism and progressivism. And because these traits are biologically hardwired into the human psyche, they are exploited as a fissure to create disharmony and division amongst the public.

Many people only rise to a level of political consciousness which allows them to understand their predisposition to one or the other of these traits. Awareness often ends here, with extreme devotion to one side of the publicized political spectrum.

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Ride Two Horses

God said:

Well, Beloveds, you have bet most of all your pennies in one direction when, all the while, there is another direction for you to go in – a direction that will take you to Greater Heights and Greater Depths for the Ride of Your Life. You will reach all these only so long as it takes you.

In your possession, you have one horse to pull you in your carriage and another horse for you to ride bareback. The first horse is named Earthbound. The other horse is known by many names familiar to you, one of which is Higher Awareness of Magnificent Love.

Good Deeds and Angels

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Every time one does a Good Deed, an Angel is created. This Angel Is just a gift of LOVE for the Good Deed. The very best Good Deed one can accomplish is a Good Deed being done just because the one is there. That means an Angel brought one there just for that sharing. In this, a blessing of an Amazing Angel, always there or where more Angels can be created. This Angel.

So Doing Good Deeds makes more Angels in the universe, helps others, and is a big benefit for the one accomplishing the Good Deed.

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Daily Message ~ Monday November 13, 2017

Dear Ones, the energies are always moving and changing. This means that where you felt aligned and good one day may very well not be the place where you feel aligned and good the next day. Do not let that frustrate you!

There is always an energy available that will support you on any given day. Simply asking, "Where is my balance point today?" and allowing yourself to intuitively shift into it is all that is required. Your soul always, always knows where it is. All you must do is set your intention to move into that space, and allow yourself to shift into it.

While we understand that so much shifting and changing can seem daunting at times, change can only take you to a better place that includes expansion, evolution, and a greater experience of self.

The rapidly changing energies also serve you in getting comfortable with surrender and flow, with movement with intention, and working with the natural rhythm of the universe. It is allowing you to get adept at navigating the new energies with acceptance, and embracing the supports that are always available to you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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